If not Tinker, then what class

For the Last titan or midnight, you tinker haters

Please tell me so I can logically shut you down and make you see reason.


I don’t care if they add Tinkers. I don’t want to play them but I have plenty of other characters already.

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This subject in general needs a mega thread

Ok, neutral stance. That’s cool

I want a necromancer class that has summons which stay up like BM hunter pets etc…abd you will never convince me that tinker is better no matter how hard you try, the only way I’d even want to play tinker is if the DPS spec uses mech suits for combat form like Druids have bear and cat etc…



Elf associated, can cover night elves and blood elves via a spellbreaker spec, fits midnight (which is about elf reunification) way better, and has been in the game since warcraft 3 like tinker.

…But Tinker for last titan!

I don’t understand this obsession. I hope they add them so people shut up about it already.


Unholy death knight …

But yes I agree on the mech suits

Player Characters are probably more likely to be “Watchers” than Wardens. I blame Blizz for naming the faction Wardens in Legion when it didn’t make any sense. Wardens are few & far between, but Watchers are plentiful.

I suggest we add MM Hunters that aren’t overnerfed.

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I could see that pre demon hunters. Nowadays why would a player not get to be one of the handpicked elite of the elite with a custom starting zone?

at least with death knights it more or less made sense–you’re part of a mass raised suicide attack, not handpicked.

Warden. Missing only a few other things but of all those missing none was more popular than the Warden class.

Wardens are strictly female nelves…

That won’t work. The transmog set is enough


Because Warden is the highest rank a Watcher can get and it doesn’t make sense to me, I suppose. I don’t know of any organizations where everyone is the boss, you know?

That hasn’t been the case for a very long time.

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I do! Every demon hunter is the leader of the illidari

Yeah, I know

And blade masters were strictly male orcs but they became warriors in WoW.

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How about none? How about we don’t add any new class?



wizard who just throws snakes at people


Sold. Snekromancers when?


I haven’t seen a single male nelf warden

Not all orc warriors are blademasters…
