If not Tinker, then what class

I am fine with a tech class, but the name has to be something better than Tinker. I hate that name.

Another class I would like is a dual wield ranged class. Could work as part of the previously mentioned tech class.

Another-other class I would like to see would be some kind of “spellblade” mage/rogue hybrid.

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You couldn’t fathom folks disagreeing with you, and explained it with logic, references, and even outright links explaining it to you … so you made another thread now wanting folks to showcase examples of classes so you can illogically disagree with people and shut 'em down?

I may have made a few too many assumptions there but judging by your last thread… that seems like a logical deduction to make. But I’m game, sure. Here you go, an example of how you begin designing a new class:


I feel that there is something missing, that exists somewhere between warrior, rogue and hunter that doesnt exactly fit any of the currwnt classes.

Let’s say a Fighter class.

A Leather wearing class that can go full ranged with bow and arrow or guns, but doesn’t use pets, another spec would wield two one handed weapons, but straight combat unlike rogues, and a third spec wielding a 2 handed weapon, but focused on technique over raw strength, it could even be a tank spec based around parrying and deflecting moves.

Theme and flavor is what matters first…

Everything else comes after. And might not necessarily need to fill empty holes. I mean we have 4 leather classes…

Something like that? A Shieldbreaker from Darkest Dungeon?

Good thing I fulfilled all of those things in that case. Both focusing on a theme and flavour, providing actual examples, even going down the historical route if one really wanted to be nerdy, and I filled empty design holes. All whilst avoiding making it a leather class.

Mind you, this is the actual starting point before you adapt it to make sense to the world you are designing it for. There are more ways of designing stuff but your starting point has to be somewhere and not just some nebulous concept that you have no idea what you are talking about. This is one of the best ways to designing everything from a new innovative spoon to how J.R.R. Tolkien did his worldbuilding for Middle Earth.

So a shirtless warrior hunter hybrid? The action star class?

That’s just warrior man… Just mog appropriately

A sword and board fighter, not tank, would be fun.

Like I said, is something close, but not exactly there.

I just think it would be neat.

A true necromancer class would be fun I think.

And though some laugh at it … a Bard. If done right a bard could be a wonderful hybrid class.

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Sure. Add some more distinctive flavours to it and you got something going for it. Heck make the “Shield of C’thun” reference into an offensively styled one and you got something going there.

Could be more defensively oriented, could be more offensively oriented. It is a starting point, even though I do suspect one would likely have a lot of people wanting a character with a shield to be able to tank. But it is doable.

Take the concept and make it split into three different styles: an offensive build with no shield, a skirmisher build with a shield but meant to be a more offensive than defensive character, and then a defensive stance meant to be a tank of some kind. Although I do think it’d probably be better for a skirmisher to focus a bit more on a ranged style just for the sake of trying to make it make sense gameplay-wise.

Garbage collector class. We need a class to haul away all the garbage.

Necromancer be done with a new hero spec or glyphs for locks.

Bard is the only other thing I support besides tinker, but tinker has priority since there more more behind it than Bards

I dunno exactly how to work it. I have just seen alot of requests over the years for a fighter type with a mainhand and a shield that isn’t a Prot Warrior. Though that does run the problem of making it more than just a more different flavor of Warrior.

So a diet warrior over a still missing mechanist Archetype?

For Mythic, since it is “elf” themed, it should be either Spellbreaker or Battlemage.

That’s not what I am saying. I (and others) like the idea of a sword/shield dps, but I know executing it would be a challenge when Warrior already exists. But like said earlier I would rather have a tech class (not called Tinker) or spellblade class (mage/rogue hybrid).

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I’m in the “any class is a bonus, but no class is urgently required” camp.

They can take as much time as they want working on balancing and making the current classes enjoyable to play before adding another.


Bard. Someone has to sing the tales of our adventures.

But only of they make it that Guitar Hero version from years ago.


A Bard would be cool, if they make it the next support class.


I am still sticking with Tinker being the new class.

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