I usually don’t like these threads because folks are just saying “Add X!” and then gets upset when folks point out that things doesn’t work quite so well, but I figured… why not think of how one would design a class so… here’s my methodology:
- Start with a basis of what they do, what “holes” are they filling.
- Decide on what roles they need to fulfill.
- Think of things that could fit the role.
Starting off with armour type, it is going to be Mail as they are heavily under represented. Which also establishes that they have to be an agility or Intellect user as a base, and it is going to be an agility user with a…
- Melee tanking specialization using a shield.
- Melee dps specialization that primarily wants to use a polearm, a 2H Mace, or a 2H axe.
- A ranged dps specialization using bows, guns, and crossbows.
The tanking specialization is largely so it doesn’t become a DPS only specialization, and to stick to a pure physical theme since we want them to make use of under utilized weapons (2H Maces, Axes, Polearms) as well as a ranged physical specialization (same reason).
The most natural class to compare them to would be Shamans so we want to make them distinctively different from there, meaning that they are a physical class for a similar reason why warriors are a physical class. But one that relies on mail rather than plate as well as agility so they are going to be more “agile” in their theming.
A good frame of reference here might be something like the Shieldbreaker from Darkest Dungeon, or a Roman Gladiator (would nets be too much on the nose?). So we are looking at a mercenary styled class that is distinctively different from Rogues as they are more armoured, they aren’t a full blown hunter so we can say “no pets” (maybe traps - can we throw nets, should they be a net-slinging ranged class in their ranged specialization, so… medium ranged at 20-25?)
So that’s as far as I have gotten. So it might be an “exiled”-stereotype, a sand-nomad of sorts, one that is survival oriented but not nature loving, more nature exploiting for the usefulness of animals?
Could Obsessive Skinner or Grim Flayer from MTG serve as a good basis?
If we go down that route, how about if we were to face the Twilight Hammer clan again and they have recruited some new … “odd-folks” that were easily persuaded to serve as a frontliner or mid-ranged skirmisher? Could potentially theme them around Old Gods but not as a spellcaster?
It is at least enough of a character where concept art would be damn neat to see if one could make something with it. At least I think so. Maybe it’d be a good starting point at least.
If one were to continue with the Old Gods angle, it would solve the issue of potentially being too similar of a “physical shaman.” Where they could opt for “Unnatural Strength” as a thematic way to be a physical enemy, or “Uncannily Agile” when they act the role of a ranged skirmisher.
The frontline physical component might need to be worked on a bit since most of those are plate users, if we consider other concept art from other games like Hearthstone of Shield of C’Thun or whatever they were called. But it might be an idea that makes them distinctive from Shamans but still have a specific role in a class lineup.