If Mage tower is back, would make someone not happy?

They’re adding back legion time walking and lots of people really like that. :confused:

Just talking about old stuff in general. The entire time walking thing is tied to it.

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How is that changing history? Every time an expansion has been over for 3 years they add a ‘timewalking’ version of that expansion, just like we got a WoD timewalking event two years ago. This is considered evolution and adding to the game, not subtracting. This is what people want.

The main difference with this vs say MT is how the challenge was designed. For timewalking they scale you down and when a bug or two is pointed out they fix it but otherwise the dungeon is untouched. MT was designed around using your artifact skills and the abilities as they were in 2017 and 2018. It is not as simple as scaling you down to level 45 and saying go get it. It would take considerable effort on their part which is effort better spent on new content.

Actually it’s a Blizzard issue that much of their game is designed to make new players feel bad. New players don’t have the years invested that veteran players do. Finding out that all the best stuff is unavailable and the players who are telling them this are blaming them for not subscribing before they ever heard of the game, or even before they were born actually is not an incentive to continue to subscribe. It doesn’t make them want to be like you.

This is one of the problems with society today, where an armchair beerdrinker watches the olympics and declares the second fastest runner in the world to be a “loser”.

No. You didn’t fail every class in school because you weren’t the best student in your class.

If it makes you feel good to make other players feel bad, you are a clear illustration of what’s wrong with the community.


Oh well, maybe they’ll do it maybe they won’t.

But they need to do something. Some of the servers I play on are dead. And it seems most of the folks still playing are having their subscriptions subsidized by tokens.

I’m for them adding more content to the game and if they can recolor old stuff do that.

Yep. They said “limited time challenge mode.” Going back on that is crappy. I don’t have the Mists CM sets, but I would never ask for those back, because I enjoy limited rewards.

You want reskins of them from something else, like they did in Legion for the Mists sets? Fine.

But people need to stop asking for stuff to come back that was clearly advertised not to come back. That’s not how you treat people and I’d probably quit over it, even though it would give me a chance to get appearances I don’t have.


Haven’t they done that with the BMAH. I don’t think MT should come back, I just want recolors, however they’ve put limited stuff on the BMAH before.

Additionally, hate to say it, but threatening to quit doesn’t hold the same weight it used to. Their earning reports have shown a decline in users over the years yet they’re still making more money because they’re remaining customers pay more.

I think it’d take a horrible event like the state of shadowlands to cause them to change things like we’re seeing in 9.1.5.

But I don’t think them adding in recolors would shake the boat so much for a mass exodus from the game.


Damn son, I just gave my opinion on the matter. No reason to get personal, I must have touched a nerve. But like you said…


What challenge mode appearance is on the BMAH?

I didn’t threaten anything.


You said limited time challenge mode. So I replied with they have put other limited time stuff, which was advertised as limited time, onto the BMAH as others have pointed out. Someone suggested the Core Hound mount which was awarded for the 10th anniversary.

You said you’d probably quit if they implemented some of the suggested changes from others I thought?

Yes. Limited time challenge mode is challenge mode appearances. I don’t know of any of those on the BMAH.

It’s simply a thought based off how I might feel if they did it. A musing on my opinion. I wasn’t threatening anything.

All right. I’ll concede. It’s getting way too difficult to juggle these like two or three MT threads.

I think it’d be cool to do recolors. Don’t care too much if they do or don’t. I’ve exhausted all of my points I wished to make.

So to sum it up. Recolors would be cool. They’ve done recolors before for other stuff. If not, that’s fine. I’ll still be here playing.

I think so too. The druids would stop being angry then. >.>

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I’m not sure why people keep saying mage tower was prestigious, at the end of the day it was a “I had lfr or normal gear during antorus and outscaled nighthold content” level of prestige. Some of the challenges required some learning granted but alot of them were super free. The brothers had a burn strat for most classes that skipped the entire difficult part of the fight, the worm one was always easy but went beyond easy after the “one shot” mechanic was outscaled by basic player stam, same goes for the valkyr one which was made easier by damage and not getting one shot by mechanics, the oculus one took practice but was significantly easier at the end, the imp one was a pure “can I kill a wave of imps before the next one spawned” dps check which was easily accomplished in antorus lfr gear, tank challege was rough because gravity mechanics but it was basically free mog for vengeance dh, healer challenge was rough but it was incredibly telegraphed and predictable so the hardest parts could be done consistently with a prepared healing cooldown cycle.

Its like being uppity about the brawlers guild past pandaria, if there was a will there was a way at the time and it was fun, but it wasn’t some unattainable thing only the elites of warcraft could get.

Bringing the Mage Tower Challenge back isn’t just wrong, it trivializes what players had to go through to do it when it was released. We are talking months of questing, faction rep grinds and equipment development just to gain access to the tower itself. Then you had to get wasted by the tower boss of your class many times just to defeat it. So what people are saying when they say they want the mage tower back is just to be handed the skin rewards in a trivial way. That is all that the argument is - they want the skins from the boss challenge without having to invest a year or more in the character development required to get it when it was originally released.


I cleared it on most classes, I legit would not care at all.

If anything, it would be great. I didn’t get the demo or druid artifacts at the time, so I’d get another go in case I ever want to dust off the druid, or better yet, a sick look for when I am forced to not use a staff.

I still think if you did CM successfully in MoP that you should be able to buy all the sets.

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I managed to get all 36 unlocked, but I wouldn’t mind if others got the appearances too. The appearances that usually get the most attention are the Druid skins. I was whispered about how the Feral Skin looked awesome. It’s still unfortunate that I have to tell them it is no longer attainable.

From the discussions here, it seems the only thing that is most agreed upon for both sides is to work on new content with a re-colour of the models or something like that. This could be an idea for Timewalking dungeon rewards. The vendor could maybe have a red version of the “arctic kitty” appearance for Feral? Or would green be better?

It would be interesting to see the old Mage Tower Challenges again, but I have to concede for it to be impossible to replicate the difficulty. The borrowed / tier gear systems change every expansion. FF14 does kind of redo old content, but they don’t have tier sets or unique trinket effects to throw off the balance that much.


Personally I feel like limited time mogs are a loss for everyone in the sense that alot of great art is rarer than it could be which makes the game less visually appealing than it could be.

Would prefer if all old mogs were available in some way after an xpac or two.

Take elite PvP sets for example. 1.8k isn’t a crazy high bar which means that alot of the people left out are the people that just weren’t playing a particular armor class or playing the game at all during a particular season and limits mog options.

Why not just let them buy the elite sets after the xpac is over the way people can farm old raids.

Mage Tower is another one where alot of art that isn’t normally provided, like the bear form, is excluded from players that definitely could have earned it but just don’t have the opportunity because they weren’t playing or weren’t playing druid during legion.

Seems to me the game would be richer visually if all the old mogs were obtainable after an xpac. At least opening them up during timewalking in some fashion would be nice.

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Wish granted!

Torghast has been added to the game

All “unique” skins are variations on mawsworn with a rare and special GOLDEN shoulder mog.

*monkey paw closes one finger

Oh they should definitely bring it back so players like you can experience that content again. It still remains one of the better type of content they released in the past 10 years or so.

What they should remove are the skins since they were tied to artifacts and balanced based on artifacts.

They’d have to put resources into balancing it again for SL.

That’s become part of the problem. There’s so much throwaway content. They need some things to stick around. Rarity is fine. But honestly they have so much in the collections tab these days, that a lot of that yields so little prestige. Some of the most highly regarded stuff is still the earliest things earnable in game.

Change the rewards if they have to, but keep content around for more than a patch or expac.

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