If Mage tower is back, would make someone not happy?

I got 31/36. As much as I’d love to get the healer ones I just can’t heal, I could learn but it’s not fun for me and so far I can’t grasp how to do.

Saying that it was always a time limited thing as we the cm armor sets and cm weapons. Leave it be. Create a new time limited thing and I’ll try for those but don’t bring back old time limited things

Wait for Legion Classic.


I wouldnt care at all if people were able to get the skins that i got at the time. Personally, i dont care for things to become unobtainable. This is a digital product. Scarcity is manufactured. Its not like a real item that may have had a limited run, and the manufacturers stopped making it, and then it became popular. If something has value only for its scarcity, then id argue it doesnt have much value at all. If items have intrinsic value then let people work for them and use them as they see fit. If someone only uses a rare skin because its rare, then i find that sad. By the end of Legion they were all super easy to get anyway. All it displays is that you played at that time. And that isnt all that special if that is tour metric for value

I totally agree. I feel like a lot of arguments come from having what others dont, and not necessarily having what they want themselves


For the love of pete, can I get a filter that removes any mention of Mage Tower from General? So sick of seeing these copy-paste arguments every damn day. Pandaria challenge mode is gone, WoD challenge mode is gone and BFA challenge mode is gone.

Mage Tower is gone. Get over it. Lobby Blizzard for new, shiny challenge rewards


You have a filter. Thats what the subject of the thread is for.

Also cool with this.

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That’s not a filter, that’s a title. It says “If Mage tower is back, would make someone not happy?”. I want to be able to filter any and every thread that mentions “Mage” and “Tower” in General Discussion so that my thread list doesn’t look like Patch 7.2 circa 2017.

These threads are almost always a copy paste of each other:

  • Poster wants Mage Tower appearances to return.
  • Group A say no.
  • Group B argue that everyone should get it.
  • Group A argue it was time sensitive/a challenge.
  • Group B argue that scarcity =/= rarity.
  • Both groups produce circular arguments mostly revolving around who has a bigger sense of entitlement and that the other group should stop getting worked up over pixels.
  • Group C sits back and laughs while munching popcorn (cheers Melantin, I forgot them)

Copy. Paste.

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You forgot my group: the group that doesn’t give a damn either way.

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A lot of people do, but I tend to be of the mindset that I have never seen a new person love a game more because of an exclusive and you need them for dev cost.

I think Mage tower in TW would be fun, and if not that just put them up for badges.

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I wonder why.

You are incorrect because this is one of the most celebrated features of FF14.

Constantly discarding content is a waste of resources and encourages a player base centered on exclusion.


It could be brought back as a seasonal thing like mythic+ and rated PvP. With each season having it’s own rewards.

Exactly. Instead of having the only relevant content be made from scratch every expansion, just tweak the enormous amount of “dead” content


FF14 does not waste resources making old things relevant again. Yes they never invalidated them but they also never revalidate them. Blizzard has removed it and at this point those resources should be spent on current content and hopefully not removing the things they make going forward.

So we agree that invalidating them is a mistake and should be addressed, and the best way to show commitment is to fix the mistakes of the past :slight_smile:


I didn’t get them. I got over it. It’s okay not to get everything in the game!


I have things that many other players don’t have. I don’t give a damn if they bring them back and others get them. I just want everyone (and especially myself) to have fun.


Wrong. History is to be learned from, not changed. They should not do anything with old content at this point, however going forward they should try not to remove content from the game.


This is a game, not human history, and past mistakes should be changed, like how Void Elves all have the High Elf options essentially now :slight_smile: