If Mage tower is back, would make someone not happy?

The players who’s already have the mage tower Challenge reward(and others) don’t want those Challenge back, because it would break their “special”. Would anyone think like this ?

Someone said it’s FOMO tactic, but I don’t think it help blz make more money, it only make the new player more jealous


Yes absolutely. The fact that they are not available anymore is the only thing that make those skin special. Visually, some of them aren’t even that great.

It’s cool to have things that shows that we were there and did that at that specific time. Instead of ruining what makes MT skins special, people should ask for new challenges so they too have a chance to get something cool.


Make new challenges with new appearances or different recolours


Leave old things alone


Nothing can be better than flame warglaives

ya probly u no how many elitsit play this game look on mystic grop THAT MANY and it fomo ya but i say on u they gotta NO DO mage tower , as it gonna be a lie if they DO IT ! u want then to LIE to player ?


I got 36/36 missing every second week, maintaining a job, stayed sociable, and maintained a family life. Functionally, I was playing maybe 6 hours every two weeks. If I managed it, so could anyone else with an active subscription.


This is new and original.

Then you’ll have to bring back Elite PvP sets, Naxxramas, etc. etc. etc.



Some actually would be unhappy. Because they did spent a lot of time and effort trying to finish those before the deadline. And bringing it back cheapens the process of earning it back then.

It’s not just the MT. Every expansion has had temporary things. Mounts, mogs, titles, legendaries, events, etc. Things that are special trophies and never seen again, which Blizz gave plenty of warning about. If they make an exception for the MT then it won’t be long till they get petitioned to revive all of that too. And that’s not the reason Blizz made them limited time.

The MT stuff is cool, but if you’re a new player or just didn’t participate then they have to accept they missed out on it. That’s how the cookie crumbles. :cookie:


I would be mad just because blizzard never did another fun solo challenge with good cosmetic rewards. Baffles be how incompetent they are for never doing another one. They really thought that Choreghast was a fun replacement?


This is a punishment for you guys not playing Legion you monsters. Best expansion.


I wouldn’t be upset about it if it came back. I got the feral and havoc appearances. However, I will always regret not getting my vengeance glaives.

I also did CM Gold in WoD and got all those weapon appearances. I missed out on the MoP CM t-mogs and I regret that as well.

It is what it is. No matter what choice Blizzard makes, people will be upset, one way or the other.

Instead of bringing back the old ones, I think they should just make new CM’s every expansion, with new unique appearances. It would probably be the safest compromise.


nah some people don’t want it back, because once we open the door, when will it stop, what about cm mop sets, wod sets, pvp sets, etc

i would have like to be a war hero in ww2 againts germans but hey i was not born that day, its unfair, what should i do

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If they bring them back people will also ask for MoP challenge mode sets and WoD challenge mode weapons. Also items like Atiesh and Bennediction. I think some stuff needs to have its value.

You should ask for a new mage tower with NEW class specific rewards.


I would change my name to “Unhappy”


Poor arcane mages, venge DHs and…basically all hunters.

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100% this. Everyone begging and pleading for scraps of old expansions when they should be asking for new challenges and new cosmetics.

If you were playing at all during the last year of Legion, there is no reason you wouldnt have these skins. And if you skipped Legion, or didnt start playing until after, thems the breaks.

Despite what many think, exclusive rewards for challenging content is a good thing.



I’m lowkey jealous I missed out on that expansion.


The mm and surv are pretty neat imo. But the bm one was hideous. Every skin was tbh.

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Because there is no going backwards.
It is done. It is over. It is not coming back. Blizzard stated that it was a LIMITED TIMED thing.

You want the Mage Tower so badly, then wait for Legion Classic.

You want a mage tower 2.0, I can get behind that request. There would only be new coloration rewards, NO original ones.

There is a bunch of other stuff that was limited as well. It is NOT a new concept in this game, it isn’t even a new concept to MMOs.

Truth be told, it is only a small amount of them that people even want back anyway, most of them look like crap. The Hidden weapon, and Balance of power skins were seriously better looking for quite a few specs.