If leaving is so bad in heroics right now,

I actually don’t think it’s going to be that bad. They have a lockout and everything is still a potential upgrade for most people.

Now what you don’t want to do is fall behind. As others have stated, if you don’t farm them now then it IS likely to be a problem once M+ is open as people will just try and skip over.

I have no idea what you mean by this.

  • You asked why people would not just drop group in a M0.
  • I explained that people who don’t like leavers will put these people on ignore, thus increasing that persons wait time in M+ or higher content. Admittedly this is the weakest of the arguments from my viewpoint which is why I list it last.

I’m not sure what adding has to do with anything. Do you mean that if you leave and brick someones daily lockout (not that it would be bricked but it will now take time to relist find someone to replace and go out and resummon) that they will want to add you as a friend? That would be a ludicrous expectation to have. But that doesn’t make sense as you are asking how it helps which seems to mean you are now asking something completely different than:

This whole expansion so far heroic before today were a solid 3 or 4 mins for a dps. I don’t know about today since I haven’t logged in. Not a single time of me spamming heroics for bis did I wait 15 min. on a dps queue, not even in the middle of the night.

WHo is surprised here ?

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Who cares though? If you can’t handle playing with pugs then play with guildies or friends.

Solo players like me.

I cannot handle playing with pugs. I have my right to flood the forum with my tears. Dont like use the report option & ignore option.

the right people and show blizzard the mess so they put some rules in place.

This is what a logical player would suggest.

Then don’t play with them. Play solo endgame content.

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DOnt tell me how to live my life.

Then stay angry at pugs, I guess?

Just played a heroic, and, the loot that dropped for me wasn’t tradable.


We can show the mix up we are in and hope we get some fixes.

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Won’t matter next week since M+ will be out and you’ll be farming that for any trinkets you need. (and obviously M+ loot drops at the end so leaving after the first boss is pointless).

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i ran more than 1500 m+ dungeons in DF. almost all of them were pug groups. I got 7 different toons to 2k+ rating along the way. - tanks, healers, dps. I can “handle” running with pugs.

the point is that there is no way to know whether or not a pug is going to abide by the ingame social contract that if you start an invited run with someone that you finish it with them. with the caveat of some extraordinary circumstance. - super bad group, tank having no idea what they are doing, spouse/kid aggro, etc.

if you join an invited group, and ditch it as soon as things don’t go the way you think is perfect, then you are a crappy player who deserves a leave debuff so that others know not to invite you to their group.

you can then still leave all you like. you have a consequence. if you can’t handle the consequence of a 15-30 minute leaver debuff, then a) don’t join pugs, or b) don’t leave.

That’s not saying but but okay.

You are the one who has consequences for playing with pugs, if you can’t handle them then don’t play with them. This is how it’s been since forever.

if you can’t handle a leaver debuff, don’t leave. the game has had such debuffs forever.

I can handle it, especially now since I won’t have a need or desire to touch a heroic until next expansion. The people screaming for the penalty are the ones who have to deal with it now, you guys are finding this out the rough way in LFR right now.

im guessing that your memory is long enough to know that this is not an issue originating in TWW. Ara-kara just emphasized the issue.

with m+ launching tomorrow, you will see it more if you are in the pug world at all. the level of patience that many people have in this game right now is crazy low.

wait, you think people will catch a deserter debuff in key groups?

no, of course they won’t. calm down. you didn’t catch me in something.

the “it” I referred to is leavers.

the whole point of this thread was my presumption was that given the willingness to ditch groups in heroics was going to carry over when m+ launched.