It Has Started

Did Ara-Kara +0 with 2 friends and 2 pugs. Sacbrood didn’t drop for them and they bailed.


They should move it to the last boss.


Mwahahahaha, definitely looking forward to seeing the complain posts trickle in on the frontpage here this week - mainly for the entertainment value

Will also be keeping an eye on wowhead comments section


I wish blizz could ninja hotfix it to never drop for them or anyone in their groups if they leave like that. And they would never even know lol. Poetic justice :joy:

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It’s only going to get worse as time goes on as people collect all the gear they need except for 1 or 2 items. If this is the new meta people will just leave on whatever boss doesn’t drop their item, it will be worse for mythic because you can’t just re-queue for a new party member.


It’s actually kind of mind-boggling that a multi-billion company overlooked/missed something so obvious, something so “duh!” like this… all those “smart” people, all those professionals they employ, etc and apparently NOBODY foresaw that putting a BiS item on the first boss is a bad idea?? :rofl:


Do it with 4 friends

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Aren’t the trinkets from the raid the best trinkets though?

Naw the egg is lit for a lot


And was i wrong >?

The funny part is that instead of just fixing the mistake they permanently changed the functionality of deserter debuffs. Because they double down on stupid. Every. Single. Time.


it’s not the new meta, m+ is next week, I agree it blows for right now, didn’t think people would bail on a daily lockout but it is what it is.

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better idea. have them flag that account to be ineligable for mythics for a week. doubling with each leave.

Honestly, M0 should probably just do the “chest at the end” method for loot.


No. Have them use a bit of foresight for incredibly easily predictable problems like this and stop deliberately designing the circumstances that cause it.

Stop asking to punish other players for Blizzard’s stupid design choices.


Its wild how many frothing at the mouth nerds are for this trinket. Joined a grouo and they said it was reserved at the start if the dungeon. I won the trinket and vendored it. Its hilarious to me.


That’s hilarious to me.

I just don’t see much of a valid reason to be torn up and run to the forums to vent simply because people are done playing with you. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s like kids at the playground running to their parents to make the others let them join their game. lmao

Except these are 50 year old kids.

It was a good time. Seems like more and more people are trying to play like they are some world first player.

its because those kids that did that, were never told no… and are now “adults”…

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Why not, they’re already punishing raid fill ins with deserter debuffs.

Gate your customers behind so many debuffs they can’t even play.

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