If leaving is so bad in heroics right now,

But it’s not weak, it’s BIS by a huge margin

by your logic nobody should ever get any gear because they’ll just replace it later.

Guarantee there will be people fully saturated in M0 / heroic gear by the end of this week. “Why bother when mythic is coming up later”

Me personally? I wouldn’t leave because I enjoy playing the game. But then there’s stuff to disenchant or cloth to loot and of course crests and stones. But even without the stuff, I’d still just stay to slay.

Why get something before the real season start and when you will grind again and get that extra item level bump for advantage for power. It’s like why waste time on something when you know that yourself that the real thing won’t start until it starts.

People with this mindset of grinding for gear during preseason and trying to get ahead when you won’t because when season 1 starts the gear that the content drops is higher in item level that will be ahead of the preseason gear.

Remember when legendary recipes dropped from dungeons during Shadowlands?

De Other Side was a notorious one people would kill first boss and leave.

I don’t remember exactly but they did try to implement a “fix” for it back then too

yeah it’s well known how happy, calm, and well adjusted pvp players are :slight_smile:

do you not know how trinkets work? Or M0 lockouts? Or M+?

People have run that boss for that trinket 50+ times without getting it.

You’re not suddenly going to get it because it’s M0 or M1 or whatever.

Your argument is “why bother when something stronger is later.”

So you’re essentially asking “why play the game now?”

And it’s not a waste of time. It’s progression chase, as already explained to you.

I have 1 more chase item. I’m going to run the dungeon on loop tonight when I get in. it yields maybe 0.24% upgrade. I probably won’t get it. But if I do, yay progress.

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Heroic gear during preseason is weaker than say season 1 heroic gear when it’s gonna be higher in Item level and which by definition it’s better and somehow you think that it’s not when preseason won’t benefit mythic 0 because it’s weaker in item level compared to season 1 heroics dungeon items.

If you dont need anything from the dungeon, why would you run it again on M0 when M+ will be out. Then you dont get anything unless you finish the run.

If they have what they want from the dungeon, there is no reason to join a group for it.

Right now yes. In heroic dungeons, that we que for.

Will there be some of this in M0? Probably. But, it will be significantly less. And again, M0 is for a week, then M+ comes out. Once M+ hits, then you have to finish the run.

I am all for all loot from the dungeons being put in a chest at the end. Just makes things easier.

The thing that will piss off a lot of people, I did that instance the other night with a group of guildmates/friends that needed it and in about 10 runs we had farmed the four we were looking for :slight_smile: The dungeon is actually very quick over all and we needed the valor currency, so we would just finish it out and then redo it.

because everyone else came into the dungeon and helped you have a chance for the thing you want. it would be the least amount of common courtesy in a game played with other people to continue the run to help other people get what they were looking for.

We both know this won’t work.

So basically we are relying on player attitude. We know how that ship will sail.

It’s M0 tomorrow, not M+, but when M+ does launch, this current type of leaving will be a complete non-issue, as you only get loot after the dungeon is complete.

As for M0, there will be more things in that worth getting than there currently are in heroics.

i was actually just referring to the general willingness of people to leave at the drop of a hat. while <m10 has not actual timer for depletion of the key, not timing it does reduce the rewards. i am foreshadowing the leavers who think they aren’t going to get the full rewards and just ditch.

Leaving in heroics isn’t a problem, the slot is filled imediately.

M0s are on a lockout, which kills leaving behavior.

Arakara first boss spam is a very isolated problem that has no carryover at all into M0 and M+.

M+ isn’t even launching tomorrow.

Casuals who think hardcore players are out to get them, like some kind of boogeyman are pretty cringe.

Crests will be the goal so likely only dum dum s leave so likely a lot lower.

Because in 7 days you can farm M+ where the track and ilvl are higher and leaving isn’t an issue.

Right now the chances of having all other loot you need from a M0 dungeon with the exception of a single item from an early boss is extremely low. Even if this does happen you are going to want to be stockpiling flightstones and crests to hit the seasonal cap.

If you do leave though its not a big deal as your spot will be filled by someone else who doesn’t need an early boss kill but is targeting something from a later boss, and people who don’t like this type of behavior will add you to their ignore list. That is one less healer or tank (or both depending on if you are dps) that will ever take you into a M+ group.

Doing this now and then probably won’t effect your wait times much but I often wonder if the people who complain about long wait times in M+ are people that through various behaviors have earned an ignore on a lot of peoples lists.

Explain please. How does this help. I may want to add aswell.


ten char

We’re still in the beginning of the expansion. Plenty of casuals and new players out there. Most likely they will wait the same amount of time and be happier without the selfish players leaving and screwing the other 4 players over, but keep telling yourself what you need to hear to feel better for having done so. Heroic wait times were 15 minutes, same as they are now, towards the end of DF season 4 not including pre-patch. It’s not going to make a difference, and if you really needed that Sacbrood to complete a M0 then you aren’t getting very far.

I’ll only be doing mythic+ for trinkets as the rest is a waste of time compared to gearing with tier 8 bountiful delves so we will see if it’s even worth sticking around for the entire dungeon when there’s no incentive.