If leaving is so bad in heroics right now,

how bad is it going to be when m+ launches tomorrow?

i know that the problem of the moment is a desirable trinket, but i guess we will find out…


It won’t be an issue in M0 really. There are good reasons to stick around. If you’re not in full crafted 590/593 renown gear/589 upgraded gear, everything that drops is a potential upgrade.

More valor stones, more crests. Most people also usually do world tours aswell.


Probably kind of bad for a few days. At least in 0s. I imagine there is going to be a lot of people pushing as high as they can early, so that’s going to leave 0s with slimmer pickings after just the first several waves.

Then after that, as people that reached above their means fall back down to earth, and others find their ceilings, while the top % does their thing…it’s all going to go back to the normal median.

So the “leaver problem” will mostly return to queued content, while it reignites a bit in M+. We can’t forget that people cried about leavers in M+ all through DF. It wasn’t that much of a problem and I pugged a KSM hat trick (tank, dps, healer) + KSH on heals in S4.

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MO Launches Tomorrow. Not M+.
It wont be as bad, because there is a daily lockout. You cannot chain run M0 for an item. After your full run, you cant run the dungeon again for the day. The chances are that you will need loot from all the bosses on this first week. So you will do full runs.

Additionally you cant que for it, so more than likely you will form a group to run several M0 that day.

It may still be an issue, but the person leaving will be worse off than just finishing the run.


Arent mythic drops aafter the last boss?

Heroics will be nearly dead tomorrow. All those people crying about people leaving their groups will wish they had the active pool of players even doing heroics instead of waiting for 20 mins to get into one. lol


So dungeons are going back to the way they’ve anyways been?

The forum babies are going to cry about long queues, meanwhile everyone else that does Heroics to relax/ is their endgame content isn’t going to care.

It’s the norm the moment a season gets going.


I still have alts that I might do some randoms on just to step down from mythics and chill. I think many do.

As I said up above, you know as well as I do that M+ is going to turn into the same forum fairy tales as it was last expac.

People like me are going to be pugging out the same old goals while the forums talk about how terrible the pug scene is and how many keys are bricked by leavers.

TIP : Get your full runs in before the weekend, as by then all of us M+ runners will have cleared them for 4 days and will then be targeting certain drops.

Prop 0 bad bc most people will be doing M0 with guild/community/friends

Yes. Then the forum people will find something new to throw a temper tantrum about.

It’ll be Mythic scaling next. Or probably some mechanic in the raid.

can’t wait for the one person dies and someone leaves to waste a key moment. Great system :upside_down_face:

Only in M+. M0 bosses drop their loot like normal / heroic dungeons.


Quitting PvE and playing PvP will make you happier. I promise.


Question is : once I get my trinket. Would I stick the next week.

That is what we need to wait and see in 2 weeks.

Pretty sure the shadows priest is leaving and not sitting the whole dungeon if she has all the gear and is just farming the trinket.

You and me both know this is happening.

We just have to wait and see who tests blizzard on this exploit and how blizzard addresses this.

People are leaving dungeons because they’re not getting the items they want from early bosses. Won’t be a problem in M+ because you get loot at the end. It might be an issue in M0s though.

I really don’t get why this is suddenly such a contagion. It’s always been a problem, but seriously, I’ve never seen it so bad.

Blizzard might really have to start putting loot on end of dungeon chests for all dungeons.

People won’t leave M0s bro, nobody is gonna spend that much time finding a group, flying to the dungeon, killing one boss and leaving just to be locked until the next day.

Why would they not leave.

If in 7 days I have all the items but not that one single item.

Why would I stay if it does not drop in two weeks.

Do you understand my point here ?

If I farmed starting tomorrow till next Monday. I got everything but 1 pc.

next Tuesday and I instantly que and the boss does not drop the trinket.

Tell me why I should stay.

This won’t be a problem is mythic+, it probably will be less of an issues in mythic 0 due to a daily lockout on boss kills.