If leaving is so bad in heroics right now,

Yeah but that goes back to the origins of wow.

your best dps gets all the gear they need, why would they raid anymore?

your tank is fully geared out as prio and you beat progression, why would they show up after that?

The solution is all loot drops at the end of the run. That’s it. You DC partway through the run? too bad

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M+ doesn’t launch tomorrow.
And people leaving in Heroics is because their loot didn’t drop. That is a non-issue on M+.

It was changed to once a day lock out but it still means you can’t really spam farm a drop as well.

Or just reminded everyone what a meeting stone looks like :rofl:

I don’t mind this. As I am always till the end.

This will most likely be the option if we run into toxicity.

Kennie I’ve been looking for you all day. I have a question.

When they release the DF sets, are people able to buy sets for other classes even if they didn’t get 1800 on that class but got 1800 in that season.

No, which had me confused as to why they’d even bother. (subject to change)

The elite arsenals made sense and are really good, though.

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Blizzard simply needs to either make all loot drop at the end, or stop putting BIS items on early bosses.

It has ALWAYS felt wrong that some early boss drops the best item, in any raid or anything. I remember hunters begging for a mythic raid because their BIS weapon was like on the first trivial boss that pugs could do. it’s awful.

They could also institute a “token bonus” to offset the time between kills.

modeling the trinket in question, I could do the entire place in 8 minutes. But the 1st boss that drops the trinket in 1 minute.

for a 5% chance and no penalty for leaving, it’s obvious that people will prefer to do that one boss 8 times over doing it 1 time in every 8 minutes.

so they could go to a “buff” system that increases your drop chances per consecutive boss kill. IE, full clears.

Basically they need to make it so the fastest way to get the trinket is not farming just that boss but doing the entire dungeon. There are multiple ways of doing that. imagine a currency (yuck) that gained+1 bonus each consecutive boss kill. so someone speed running 8 got 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1=8 but someone doing a full clear got 1+3+5=9

I mean the “bonus roll” system was this, and much better. Make full clears give you 8 bonus rolls and ta da, full clear = faster than requeue spam.

Or, I dunno, when someone deserts a dungeon they should get deserter debuff? It’s pretty silly

Reminds me of farming for the Eye trinket in Karazhan North. I got it after they nerfed it three times, just like the lego ring in Legion. PvE is fun though.

Thank you foxman :+1:

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They can do that for LFD stuff but it opens up the chance for some bad behavior in mythic 0. As you could kick someone before the final boss and invite friends who need something or someone who is willing to pass loot to you.

They already know what to do, just won’t do it. They like you crawling towards your goal. Look at the new Trade items that give three choices of what to learn. They could do that with loot. But they wont.

@OP I had several dungeons where the tank left after the first boss yesterday and it’s toxic. Literally ruined my queue session.

M+ loot is locked to a chest at the end of the dungeon, if you drop group after the first boss you get nothing but wasted time.
Heroic and M0 both have loot on the bosses, but Heroic is infinitely spammable throughout a single day while M0 has a daily lockout, so you can drop group after the boss you want but you’ll be waiting until reset the next day to do it again. At that point you might as well knock out the rest for upgrade fodder and potential lesser upgrades.

Also if you run dungeons, you’re already not playing the game right.

yeah I am a firm believer that M0 should be queueable with a well designed set of filter options, with no “invites” allowed. There is zero reason m0 isn’t queueable if the filters mimic what people decide currently when inviting. You can’t do it with the current system. So it won’t happen because it would require them investing in a non-dogwater interface.

The friction to entry and “prepping people for groveling” in their horrid group finder tool as setup to M+ is so misguided it’s hilarious if it wasn’t so annoying.

the only other solution would be a more sane mythic raid-ish setup where you get a personal dungeon lockout so even if you’re kicked you don’t “lose out” on the progress.

They could also offer a “finish run in progress” bonus for people where they don’t get gear loot but maybe runes or something useful.

The only other solution I’m seeing is token driven per kill in a dungeon or something. Otherwise “getting kicked before getting reward” is always the problem in any dungeon, which is why their votekick system is awful and I refuse to join any raid or group where I’m not in charge.

“Desire trinket”

During pre season like just stop. Why grind for something so weak when the actual season will bump the item level and be worth grinding for. Like I don’t get this stupid mentality that people have.

Because there is nothing else to do, this is a progression game, it’s part of the progression.

It’s pretty self explanatory.

It is a well known phenomenon that people are their genuine selves in their cars. They feel protected and insulated and able to flee if need be.

You are just seeing how many sociopaths there are in the world. Every nice person is not really nice.

Also, I don’t know if you are a gold farmer. If you want the item I got that dropped, you are paying AH cost for it.

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Why not just read my whole comment instead of taking my own words out of context.