If Kul'Tirans could be paladins they would be a lot more popular

You are trying to relate the fact that the humans on KT are just 50% taller even though they interact and mate with every other human on the planet, just because…that is what i meant by unrealistic. That is not how species that reproduce work. But hey in your world it would have been fine if they just put tentacles on them or knife ears or horns and just called them humans…hell by your standards everyone is a human. GG

Yay everyone we are all playing humans according to Shadina. There are no standards because it’s fantasy. You are the green eyed mana addict pointy eared Human.

Yay for childs point about nothing.

Oi, you’re misunderstanding my point. You’re complaining about realism in a video game where a moon goddess and a stag mated and successfully produced offspring. Blizz follows the rule of cool, nothing has to be realistic so long as it falls in line with the universe’s lore. Kul Tiran humans that are playable have hints of Drust blood in them, and are taller than average humans with a monster hunting / sea faring background. It’s not that big’a deal.

Oh am i? Did i pull something out of context? Because as you already pointed out for my post…YOU wrote:

You don’t get to have it both ways. There is either standards for things or their aren’t. You pick, then we can talk about it green eyed pointy eared mana addict Human.

Edit: LOL:

LOL, yea because KT are so cool, nothing says cool like fat people running around. And as far as:

They retcon crap all the time, nothing has to follow lore that they can’t change later.

I wasn’t saying there’s standards. I was saying that there are many other examples of things very unrealistic as well. And that a KT human falls in line with those things because it’s WoW. Same deal with orcs, and corpses walking around, along with cow people.

Also, you should probably chill a bit. Video game forum. You’re clearly getting a bit too invested. The entire point to my satirical / joke comment toward you in the first place (it was sarcasm, I was being silly) is that Kul Tirans aren’t a problem. Realism in video games has never been spot on. Never will be. I wasn’t saying other races are humans. I was saying they’re simply more unrealistic. Which, in my mind, makes them neat.

You are right, you weren’t saying there were standards. We are all playing humans, welcome to the party. Fantasy according to Shadina…where nothing needs to be realistic in any sort of way because there are fantasy elements, we can pull sudden growth hormone out of our hats for people on one island because standards have no meaning between humans…fantasy YAY!

Who isn’t chill? You trying to imply that i am not chill because i break apart your thought process that nothing should matter in a video game and nothing in a fantasy setting should have standards DOES NOT mean i am mad or upset in any way shape or form. You would know this if you even realized it has taken me the better part of a day to bother to reply to you. You thinking otherwise is you reading into what i wrote with your own filter. I don’t know you, probably never will, i am just replying to your thoughts on this forum.

No you were trying to imply that somehow my logic was flawed because for you it is ok to not have a game be informed in any way by realism even if that game directly reflects a medieval setting from dark ages Europe that is formed around the base mythologies of history across OUR irl world.

I simply called out your bs for not having any standards green eyed human.

It’s not meant to be, that doesn’t mean you get to toss out everything that makes the game work because THAT ruins immersion, especially in an RPG.

Oh why am i bothering, at this point you are trolling.

Good luck trolling green eyed mana addict human. Let us know when story/lore and form should ever have a connection and it is not just a free for all in WoW or any other game, you know…when standards actually matter. Good luck playing the humans that look like cows and moose.

Dude. Gonna be straight. It’s four in the morning, and I’m too tired to troll even if I wanted to. My point was what I said it was, and if you wish to keyboard warrior at four in the morning way too hard, you go right ahead.

Here. Let’s go back to your original point. You say Kul Tirans are around nine or ten feet. Can you provide some type of link with such information to support the unrealistic height? I’ll actually humor you instead of satire. Thus, I ask for an actual link with information pertaining to numbers and such.

You said this:

This says otherwise: https://wow.gamepedia.com/Height

It’s also worth noting that in game models aren’t scaled properly. Some are bigger than they should be. Some are smaller. For example, Zandalari height is shown here at 8’4" for males, but in other sources of material, they’re said to be much taller, around the 10’ mark, hence the controversy in the beginning when their models had popped up on the PTR and Blizz had to answer a Q&A question about it directly.

Given such, we can logically conclude that Kul Tirans are (at the minimum - aka, for the sake of a base height) around 7’9", significantly shorter than 9, or 10 feet. It’s also much more realistic that an average sized human of 5’11" (the average height for humans in our world, since you want realism) could have some kind of association with someone of that size. If a woman of 5’5" can be with someone who is 6’7" (we’ve all seen those relationships), then someone 5’11", 6’, could easily be with someone 7’3"-7’9".

It’s 1am here. We all don’t live where you are.

Nope, no link. Btw, nice link you provided so let’s use that.

Let’s use these numbers, this might be true if we weren’t calling them a RACE. Which we are. All KT’s males are by your own link 7 ft. 9 inches tall. In game they are as tall as a Draenei (apparently taller thanks to your link). Unfortunately for realism since their entire race is that tall we aren’t talking about our world where that is a less than .1% anomaly, that is THE STANDARD for their race. Completely…unrealistic.

Furthermore using your link, they are over 30% TALLER than the humans around them that they have interacted with for the entirety of existence…also completely unrealistic. They don’t work. They certainly aren’t “hardy” and almost no one plays them so fortunately for me i don’t have to look at them very often.

Realism would say some people are shorter, and some people are taller. Saying someone is an average height of something doesn’t mean in the RP IC sense that they’d be that actual height. A 7’3" Kul Tiran female, for example, within an RP setting could very well be 6’6", or 6’7". Similarly, males could be shorter.

However, you made a claim saying they’re 9’ - 10’. Where did you get the number from?

I think they would be more playable if they didn’t look so silly.

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I think Paladin should be an option.

But I won’t play one until they have an option where they don’t have a gut.

Model edits on MMO had actually made them much more ‘Vrykul’ themed, and they were a big hit. Proper facial restructuring with a little bit less in the gut, but enough to still sell the sea-faring adventurer. A lot of people were curious as to why Blizz didn’t run with the edits.

Yes it would. I didn’t say we needed absolute realism. I said you can’t have a “race” that interacts with another “race” of the same species (human) and have just one set of islanders ALL BE ~30-35% Taller. Sure you could point to Tongans or Hawaiians and say there is your example (of course the disparity is NOWHERE near what the game is) but that wouldn’t be an island full of people that interacted with “mainlanders” over time.

It was a guesstimate based on the models comparison to one of the few KT’s i have seen standing next to one of my LF Draenei. And to be honest is unimportant to the conversation.

And here is my point about KT’s right below your post.

Hence why almost no one plays them. Now ask yourself, WHY do you think this person said this.

Respectfully, I disagree. I would much rather a credible source. Not a guess based on someone who may or may not know how to guess something such as height or take into account such important metrics such as proper model scaling.

Because they do look silly. Especially the women. But to look silly doesn’t have much to do with realism. Walking refrigerators with face tentacles also look a bit silly, but they’re much more buff and have rich lore involving the cosmos. Thus, people like them. Also, the women are viewed as strong and voluptuous.

Nobody’s contesting whether or not the models could use help. Every AR could use help. But I still personally believe using “realism” in a video game where space Satan stabbed the planet, and tentacles writhe beneath the earth of Azeroth ready to consume us all is somehow a good one.

Rather than vomit buzz words that have no meaning, why not offer proper critiques? Here, I’ll get you started. How would you fix the model? What changes / edits would you propose? Provide specifics. Genuinely curious.

LOL, first you argue that realism doesn’t matter, then you want to argue that you would rather a “credible source” because i was 1 ft and a few inches off by taking a guess. 7ft. 9 inches vs. 9 ft.

Sorry Green eyed mana addict human that i didn’t pull out the exact statistics from a quick visual for this discussion even though YOU are the one who doesn’t care about any sort of standard in the game as long as Blizzard follows the “rule of cool” ROFL. I mean after all you were only using sarcasm right? You are still chill right?

Get a grip, take a stance and try to stick to it. Don’t backpeddle and then try to come at me from a different angle with circular logic.

If you want to get stuck on my guestimate vs your website and somehow that is important to the conversation of how unrealistic it is to have a “race” of poeple on an island that is in complete contact with all other humans but somehow is 30-35% taller…because. Well that’s your standards for you.

That is your problem, you are ONLY seeing what you want to see.

Unrealistic is not a buzzword. As i said earlier, it is breaking the immersion, not just because they are silly, but for some people…wait for it, they are unrealistic.

See there are more opinions than just yours. Regardless of the blah blah blah buzzword garbage you want to try to pin on me.

I am asking you to provide feedback which is useful. You are coming after me because we had a disagreement. Will you, or will you not provide feedback to try and make the game a better place?

Kul Tirans are too fat to be light…


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I don’t play them simply because their quest requirements are too long. The amount of absurd quests you have to go through to rescue Jaina from execution is what is keeping me from obtaining them in the first place. Personally I’m not interested in doing this quest chain, its boring and tedious from my perspective, so I probably won’t get Kul Tirans until much later or not at all. I’m currently on Quest 12 of 25 and don’t really want to continue any further.

It is a little odd I’m doing stuff for her and yet she still imprisoned somewhere…

I have given you feedback. What more feedback do you need that i have not provided, i have stated everything from my point of view.

Let me ask it a different way since you are trying something completely different other than trying to stand on a pedestal and make me look bad. Since you want feedback (supposedly) you ask me questions and i will answer them.

But if you try to imply that i am wrong for an opinion or anything else. That is not you asking for feedback, that is you trying to be a right fighter.

So go, ask your questions so i can provide feedback.

I did.

This is what I’d like answered. Don’t be vague. Sure, I get it, you’d slim them down and make them shorter. What else?

This, too. I pretty much had to play the main storyline to unlock Zandalari.
Kul Tirans? Not so much. Apparently I haven’t even completed half of Stormsong Valley!