If Kul'Tirans could be paladins they would be a lot more popular

Ok, i didn’t see that while i was making the other reply. Sorry.

For me, Height would need to be toned down to a not super Human level unless they are going to tie them to Vrykul directly somehow in lore (maybe they have and i am unaware of it).

I think the model changes in MMO are much closer to what they should actually be, if for nothing else than simply put an adventurer by definition who is running around all day in combat is not a super fat dude with no muscle tone (i actually think this model is this way so that the Horde can get Ogres in the future without too much work to a model to make it happen but Blizzard said well we gotta do something for the Alliance first to pretend like it matters…hence fat people, that is just my conspiracy theory though i have no proof).

First and foremost with the model the male and female need bulked up shoulders with a much more V shape to them so that they identify as people that are in shape, the physique of an adventurer is one of muscle, not blubber.

Second and this goes with the first, the rotund belly has to go. It is one thing to have some heft around the 6 pack, it is another for someone to literally be unable to see their private parts or reach them to use the bathroom but somehow they are supposed to cut swaths of death through their enemies. Completely ridiculous.

Third, their facials need to be hardened up. Some of the problem with the model for both sexes is they have that silky smoothness of a fat face where the skin has been stretched. Where as again someone that wields swords all day (even if they drink beer all night) would have the musculature in the face to match that…on both sexes.

Fourth the chests need to have their physique tightened up to match new shoulders and a slimmer stomach.

Lastly for the female model the legs need a rework, the upper mass of the muscles has no musculature at all and you get no sense that this person has done anything other than sit down for the entirety of their life. This leads to the ridiculous hip to shoulder ratio (even though there is no butt on the females for some reason…can’t woman be woman) that would be fine again for someone that is sitting down all day but not for an adventurer who is basically exercising constantly.

Hopefully this is the type of feedback you are looking for.

I do find the idea of playing a fat paladin amusing, but I still wouldn’t really play a kul tiran.


nothing can help them

even their druid forms are terrible