If Kul'Tirans could be paladins they would be a lot more popular

I don’t think the Valarjar consider themselves to be paladins. Why would Skyhold be the warrior class hall?

If you tell me Skyhold doesn’t look paladiny as hell, I won’t believe you!

I see a bunch of people here are wishing to be Kul’Tiran without taking in the whole package.

Looks to be like y’all ain’t true Kul’Tiran’s. We worship the sea land lubbers, go prance around with yer light elsewhere.


Yeah, how dare we have an unrealistic race in this game among wolf men that are bipedal, giant refrigerators with face tentacles that are a lovely shade of aqua, elves with ears that could very well take many an eye out, tiny technological masters of the cosmos, and small tanks of men / women that have the alcohol tolerance of a god. The others are much more realistic. Goodness. Way to go Blizz.


They wouldn’t make any less sense than Dark Iron Paladins. I say go ahead and give it to them.

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wowhead dressing room does not treat this race kindly imo.

What I use before the journey begins lo. Maghar…looked good trying lots of things. SO I have one of them leveling. Ztroll same thing. And the new elves back at bfa start (I started late legion) who are done now. And a lightforged.

By that logic then goblin, forsaken, orcs, night borne and the high mountain should be. On the alliance side, you add vf, gnomes, night elf, and panda. It really opens a can of worms. I say yes. But i could be wrong.

Yay for taking things out of context. Here i can play that game.

Yay Void Elves. Oh wait, that wasn’t what you were talking about in the original text. /shocked

I didn’t take anything out of context, lol. You said this:

It still boils down to them somehow being unrealistic in comparison to a bunch of races who are also completely unrealistic on a faction filled with people with knife-ears, face tentacles, tiny mechanics, and small tanks fueled by beer. Or did you mean something else by this statement?

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Oh man i hope we get a vrykul option one day.

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the reason there’s not more kt is because you have to do everything in the world to unlock them, the unlock scenario is tedious, and people who did loremaster on horde (hello there) and have the achievement for it already but would have to redo it seems pointless just to unlock a race. i will have my kt eventually oh yes. but i will get flight first. imo kt is one of the very best, if not the complete best, allied race so far. i had to watch a movie for zanda. but legit have to do everything in the world to unlock kt. takes the wind out of my sails bit. sigh.

So it’s just an assumption?

Very, very doubtful. Paladin class or no, playing a fat human only appeals to an extremely niche group.

That very weird. I had them lock like months before on my alliance toon. Doing the part to unlock took like 2 hours because of all flying. Otherwise, it was really not hard. Still wondering what dungeons. I have done one here and that for a story. So what dungeons? Not toward you but in general.

In the same vein that tidesages are all priests, shamans, and mages they also have tideguards that wear plate armor and wield similar magic.

Seeing as water is their version of the light that means tideguards are paladins. It also further reinforces to blizzard they need to make racial glyphs for certain classes such as paladin to give their spells an effect to better represent what they are in the lore. Tauren would have a more fiery look to their spells, blood elves a more blood tinged version.

Alliance paladins are universally the same in concept. Kul tiran and night elf paladins however could have unique spell effects.

By not making them KT human paladin, Blizzard once again miss a great potential and blatantly show their horde favoritism. This injustice must end and the KT must be allowed to take their rightful place as the devout followers of the Light.

I mean, I wouldn’t call it Horde favoritism, but I do think they did miss a great potential.

They had a choice between mages or paladins and public demand led to them going with mage it had nothing to do with horde favoritism lol

PLus several dungeons keeps casuals away.

Some like me don’t exactly jump for joy at dungeon runs.

BFA horde…Z trolls were right there for basically pathfinder 1 anyway. Why I have them, no dungeons.

Mag’har…not too bad a run of like 3? bosses to beat down. Some classes/specs have it easier here but not all in all a bad time.

I have nightborne but its 2 dungeons needs for the story run were done with a 120 DH with BFA level gear. Havoc DH just caused, well, havoc in the dungeons solo on normal and done.


Most people don’t want to be a fat paladin.