If Kul'Tirans could be paladins they would be a lot more popular

I know that in a general sense, paladins don’t really fit their lore, but nonetheless, they are the closest race to a Vrykul the Alliance will likely get and hell, who wouldn’t want to be a Vrykul Holy warrior like many of the Valajar?


I mean *Zandalari warlock


That too, you literally fight one in Kings’ Rest. =v


I think you overestimate the potential popularity of Kul’tiran paladins. I doubt it would increase the KT’s playerbase much at all.

Alliance allready has plenty of good races for pallys. The only reason you see a lot of Zandalari pallys is because the horde race selection was so limited.


Also glorious golden dinos.


Hippo must be there charger.
i demand this.


I really wish they could be paladins. I can’t stand female human running animation for some reason; no idea how I leveled my lock in vanilla. I’ve tried leveling a female human paladin recently but only made it to 26. I really want a human paladin, but just can’t seem to level one.

I love my Kul Tiran, and think they look great in plate, and I love their animations. Their racial paladin mount would likely be a horse, but I could see them putting it in gorgeous golden barding. I hope they add paladin to Kul Tirans; Zandalari trolls can be like 10 classes, so I’d love to play more as a Kul Tiran.

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It makes no sense KT’s can be Priests but not Paladins.

As far as Zandalari Warlocks, do not forget they were slated to be, until so many complained about not being able to be Paladin’s, so Blizzard gave Horde what they wanted as always. They got Zandalari Paladins, but lost Warlocks.

Not to dissuade you from your opinion, but the human female sword n’ board combat stance is one of the most immersive and realistic ones in the game I think. It’s probably their big draw for me, honestly.

Same dude, I considered changing this character to female because of that, unfortunately, like Kerani, their running animation is way too “robotic” for me.

I think I’ve become “numb” to the run animations, but it is a bit mechanical from my recollection. The weapon scaling on human females is a bit silly, too. One handed short swords scale-up to claymores.

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Lore wise they are shadow priests, not holy priests.

How can you hate female humans run animation and love the bowlegged female KTs run animation? Thats the one thing that bugs me most about both KTs sexes is the bowlegged way they run. A woman with thighs that thick should not be able to move and never have them touch…


Almost no one. KT aren’t popular because they are completely unrealistic “hardy” fat people that for some reason grew to 9-10 ft tall and are just another flavor of Human…whether or not they could be Paladins is a negligible reason they don’t get played. They don’t get played because people don’t fantasize about playing fat people no matter how tall they might be.


Not saying that they would become vastly played because of paladin, but I am saying it would have an increase in their popularity, Paladin are one of the most popular classes, specially alliance side.

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They’d be more popular if they didn’t look like garbage. That’s what the majority of players look for when choosing a race.


I don’t understand people’s fascination with the pally class. Ret is mediocre to play, Prot is passable but still too CD heavy and Holy has been unplayabe for years.

Oh, for me is class fantasy, I mean, why be a simple warrior when you can be a warrior that their mere presence inspire allies to fight harder, they provide divine protection for their allies, blind their enemies and so on and so forth.

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Lore does not work as an excuse since KT’s can play as all three Priest specs.

Paladin, to me, is about utility in every spec that allows the player to do more than just what the base role entails: pally tank can do slight off-heal/damage mitigation for others, Ret can throw out respectable heals with word of glory, and holy can add decent damage with avenging crusader. And - for the RPer in me - the class embodies a very well-defined fantasy.

Also, the class mechanics, to me, embody the essence of hybridization, in my humble opinion. (I’ve not played Druid since Wrath, but I’m sure with the affinity concepts they’re hybridized like it’s going-outta-style, so no offense my Emerald Dreamers.)

Kul tiran paladins do make sense