I think for human females it’s how they seem to almost totter back and forth as they run, plus their shoulders seem to move oddly, and clip a lot in plate. I agree with others and their run seems very robotic.
As for Kul Tirans, I’ve only played females, but I was leery of their running animations at first. I’m almost 104, so I think at this point I’ve gotten used to them, and find them bearable. I’m also a shaman so I don’t run around as a human as much as other classes do. I do really love their casting and attacking animations, though I dislike their dance. Hope that helps clarify.
You give a lore based reason you think they should be pallys, I give you the lore reason that your reasoning doesn’t work and your response is lore doesn’t matter…
I’m saying if it has been decided by Blizz that any specific race can wield the light and be a Priest, it only makes sense they should also be able to be a Paladin.
I would be a kt paladin, and it make sense for alliance to have more paladin choices because it was an alliance class, vice versa with shamans on horde
Well, ya’ll could have asked for Paladin instead of Mage. But hey, it doesn’t matter than Jaina had to go off-island to even find a mage to teach her. She’s iconic, so Kul Tirans must have mages!
Wielding the Light as a Priest is massively different to being a Paladin. And lore wise KT Priests don’t wield the light. The only reason player KTs do is because of game play reasons. They can’t restrict two specs of a class for a race because of lore.
It’s the same with Undead Priests. It’s extremely rare for Forsaken to be Holy, holy energy physically hurts them. But they can’t just say Undead Priest players are locked out of Holy and Disc because of lore.
Honestly, I thinking about this, if Kul’Tirans could select the normal human body-type but keep their voices, racials and heritage armor, it would be amazing as f*!
I had a similar thought, though not to do with KTs but just thinking about if you could choose Gilnean voiceclips for a regular human model as a customization option for human.
A priest just uses holy power, the same way a mage uses arcane power or a warlock uses fel. A pally infuses their entire being with holy power and channels it through their body.
I mean, it would fit particularly Kul’Tirans because of that sweet heritage armor + The fact that they are called Kul’Tiran humans, but we are not playing Kul’Tirans as a whole, but a very specific group of genetic variation due to Drust ancestry.
If I’m remembering right, 8 of the Horde races can be shaman versus 5 on Alliance with the addition of the two newest allied races. Adding paladin to Kul Tirans wouldn’t harm the parity any, since paladins were originally Alliance only. With Kul Tiran paladins there’d actually be better parity, as both factions would have a difference of 3: 8 and 5 for shamans, and 6 and 3 for paladins.
No it doesn’t. Because they were exposed to the light does not mean they took up its worship. The same can be said of Gilneans. They don’t have pallys either. Sure, who knows a handful of Kul’Tirans might have taken it up during the second and third wars, but the nation as a whole culturally didn’t so there is no paladin order or association with the Silver Hand or Church of the Light on Kul’tiras. Lots of soldiers get exposed to different faiths in war time. Doesn’t mean it’s common for them to bring them home and convert their fellow countrymen to the point the faith becomes widespread.
Actually, most were warriors, a few were priests.
Like I said, priests just use the light they don’t infuse themselves with it. To them it’s just a source of power, this is how disc can exist so priests can wield both the light and the shadow. Paladins are a whole different level. They give themselves entirely to the light. They become the light’s avatar and channel its raw power through them.
Think of it like the difference between warlocks and demon hunters. Locks just use the fel and demons. Demon hunters literally take a demon and bind it to their souls so they can become one with the fel.
Priests use the light, pallys become one with it.
The parity between horde shaman and ally paladins hasn’t had any bearing on anything since BC. The two classes have nothing to do with each other anymore.