This information was taken from a dear forum poster from the PTR forums Nearo
The lore is ultimately what Blizzard decides it to be, and to date they have not spoken once about there being any Kul’Tirans who followed the Light or undertook training with the Silver Hand. They might of worked heavily with Lordaeron in the Second and Third War, but that does not make them any more a Paladin using nation than Alterac, or Gilneas.
I don’t suppose this meets your criteria for Light worshippers in Kul Tiras.
Or this one, a (dead) priestess wielding a staff which just happens to be commonly used by Priests of the Holy Light because the head of the staff is the actual sigil of the Church of the Holy Light.
Here’s a sample of that same sigil on Turalyon’s statue in the Valley of Heroes, adorning the libram in his hand:
Same sigil - this time at the graveyard in Stormwind.
There’s other NPC’s in Drustvar who praise the Light in questing… and of course Kul Tiran Human priests will actually be playable. Again, the only difference between Priests and Paladins is that Paladins receive Martial training while Priests do not. Turalyon was a priest before he received Martial training, and thus became a Paladin. It’s the same religion.
Also a note from me there is a handful of Kul TIrans with the title of Clerics which were the very first paladins.
I find no difference between Clerics and Paladins besides garb.