If I get insulted in a key I just leave

Yeah you should just let the disrespect flow through you, because it’s a game and you haven’t seen those people’s faces. Wait wut?

I dgaf, disrespect is disrespect and you get absolutely nothing from me if you come at me with disrespect. I don’t care what you think I did or what right you think you have, the conversation is 100% over at that point. I’m going away and not coming back. Ever. Finish the crap yourself, the game could ban me for a day or even a week for dipping and I’d still do it 110% of the time.

I’m going to leave if you’re abusing me. I honestly don’t care at that point if the game forces me to unsub over it, I’m still going to leave.

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Being able to walk away from situations you don’t want to deal with is also part of being an adult.

If Blizzard won’t moderate behavior, it’s up to the players.

If someone bails after being insulted, most players are going to rightfully blame the guy who was unable to control themselves for 20 minutes.

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Im not saying they aren’t in the wrong, they are. Its why i just dont give ppl crap in a video game ment for fun.

However neither will i leave because someone said something rude etc. Maybe thats just me.
I couldn’t care any less what someone says at all, even less when its basically just a bunch of pixels talking.

On the flip side the key holder could have been the nicest person and spent alot of time on it for it to be ruined because of a leaver which could ruin hours of their effort.

The ignore button exists for a reason. Then again i refuse to use my high keys with pugs specifically because of leavers, not flamers.

Wish there was an addon telling me how many keys ppl leave so i could avoid inviting them.

This would also be a really tantalizing facet of game play. Mostly because I see dps constantly drop group tons if I’m not fast enough to heal them through surviving standing in bad. Sometimes they glutton eat mechanics 3 or 4 times in a row to the point they’re just a rolling death ball. Not saying that I don’t at least try to get them through an accident or two - but after the second barely get outta death because I’m wasting all my mana on them situation, I let fate take over.

Or was it ruined by folks with poor attitudes who can’t be nice? Or at least be silent if they can’t be nice.

I play DPS. I insult for popping lust on trash during Tyrannical.

Yea thats fair haha. If they stand in bad theres not much you can do.

Ive also had a tank leave for literally zero reason. He overpulled by 1 pack we died and he left.

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Na it was ruined by the leaver.

ONE person out of the other 4 was mean so you screw over the people who weren’t in the wrong.

Ok OP.
Hope you feel better :blush:

If someone in my key was a jerk to another person and that person left, I’d be frustrated with the jerk. No one needs to sit and just take that behavior.

No you dont deserve that, which is what the ignore button is for.

Not rocket science homie.

You know from the title I definitely thought I would disagree because I thought this was going to be about a bad player wiping to mechanics but this is actually totally reasonable.

I was doing a key and a dps shaman was cursing me for not healing the tank more—FYI no one has died or come close. He went on for 5+ minutes it was nuts and weird too. I said one word more and I’m out. BTW no one in teh group spoke out against him so poof I went. Point is it takes one loud mouth to kill a key


Fair enough re: ignore. But I still wouldn’t fault the person for leaving. :woman_shrugging: To each their own.

Honestly in a situation like this its really a lose lose.

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Look. Dog bonks sometimes can’t be helped. However, I’m also unloading power infusion on my DPS every 2 minutes so… I think it’s fairly made up for.

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There is zero reason for this. Tbh the game and community as a whole would be better off if players like you quit.

Mistakes happen, be an adult and inform them of the mistake without being a giant bag of d’s.


While I dislike that attitude because sometimes it’s better to just laugh at name callers and move on for the sake of the dungeon – it’s also really dumb to be insulting to tanks or healers specifically because we get nearly instant invites. Insults in general are bad of course and decent players should avoid that sort of behaviour. End of the day, the question is: was the insult worth it?


Why are you so defensive? Are you toxic to others and want a pass

Clearly you didn’t read a single thing i posted rofl. But yea sure.

Not like literally 2 posts above i call out a guy for being toxic…


Or you mean how you can ruin someones time investment by leaving, and getting a pass? Especially when it wasn’t that person who was toxic.

Or, as a example, a tank who over pulls causing a wipe and then he leaves. Thats just as toxic, but he gets a pass… yea that makes sense…