If I get insulted in a key I just leave

Generous timers might be the understatement of the century, at least for a few of them. Ran a BRH yesterday, the entire run up to the second boss was an utter clown fiesta, and all it cost us was our 2 chest, lol.

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It was those damn archers, wasn’t it? Hate those guys so much… :unamused:

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Honestly, no. We controlled the archers really well…at the expense of letting half the knife dances go off full channel. Oops.

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and this is exactly why we need to have some form of “key abandonment” policy for key leavers

Tbh getting anyone in the pugged 12-18 range (at least when I was doing them) to tell you when they want lust is like pulling teeth

Usually one of three responses

or “wym you dont know when to lust” rarely.

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I don’t sign up because I don’t want to be insulted.

Check and mate.

If I call you a nerd, I promise it’s in a loving manner. Donchu be mad.

So let me get this straight you are such a cupcake that if 1 person is mean to you you’re willing to screw over others who didnt even say anything?

That makes you a trash heals.

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I asked on my Hunter the other day and the tank said “you have it, you decide”.

Is that code for “I dont know” ?

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I’m a terrible healer and I will hold it until I see some trash get accidentally pulled that I think we’re gonna wipe on. Then I pop it for zoom heals through the wreck. I get yelled at a lot for that, but whatever. 0 cares. Gonna get yelled at either way for letting group die or popping hero when I feel it’s most necessary.

Moral of story. People yell a lot. :woman_shrugging:


Screw over? It’s one key. Personal enjoyment trumps “the group” 100% of the time, unless you’re playing professionally.

Or you could be an adult and just ignore them? How on earth does some random dude insulting you effect you?

Personally i dont give anyone in my groups crap, things happen. However ive also had someone leave randomly and been forced to carry the key 4 man.

If you start something, then finish it. Im also of the mind that key leavers should get a 1 hour debuff preventing keys. Its asinine you can leave without a punishment.

Chapultepec - I applaud you!

Part of being an adult is taking your life into your own hands. This can be as simple as admitting “Hey, I’m not having fun, so I will stop engaging with this activity for now” instead of feeling an obligation to a bunch of strangers you may never see again.

Likewise, and fwiw I think toxicity is quite rare in WoW, but if it happens, leave if you’re not having fun. There is no reason to finish a dungeon if you’d be happier doing something else.

But this? is a wild take.

not letting people disrespect and degrade you is the adult thing to do. you are not entitled to harass someone else and use them as your personal punching bag, whether you’re in a group or not.

Why do you care what someone who has literally zero impact on your life says?

I really dont understand how people have become so soft…

Yep. 1st one to leave should get the 1 hour. Then everyone else can disband with no time penalty. Leavers dont get loot either.

And if kicked you dont get loot, but also the group doesnt get it either.

Im sure there are half a dozen sensible rules which could be brought in with zero downside and only upside. Except people who leave groups regularly would of course be upset.

Would be really good if deserter debuffs were recorded so you could see a count.

well why you care about a key with strangers? it literally has zero impact on your life.

That’s not even the same thing but ok lol…

Because a time investment doesn’t effect your life, sure…

The dichotomy of this arguement is really always quite interesting.

Letting people walk all over you and use you like a doormat/disrespect you is also soft.
Not being able to take an insult or harsh joke = thin skinned and soft.

It’s like there’s a million ways to cut the cake when it comes to what’s perceived as being soft, depending on where you’re observing it from. :thinking: