If I get insulted in a key I just leave

your nose is too big


Holy crap, was literally typing that out. Well done and good taste.

Depends on what is said and who says it, but from a complete stranger? Not really. Iā€™m not going to take some one elseā€™s word about me when I donā€™t know them and they donā€™t know me. Uninformed opinions donā€™t hold any weight

Lets get this straight before I fall apartā€¦ mine or my dwarfs? :boxing_glove:

No need to get defensive, Iā€™m just trying to understand you, so Iā€™m asking you questions.

If you were playing a game of chess in person, and your opponent said to you that thing that you said would bother you in ā€œreal lifeā€, would it bother you? or would it not bother you because it happened in a game of chess?

Sounds like you saved yourself from a bad group. Good job.

We sure do, Iā€™m not wasting my time and neither should you!

Never mind. Your inability (more likely intentional) to separate real-world interactions vs videogame interactions have us at an impasse. Have a good one Skalpy.

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Iā€™m not sure what it was about my questions that led you to that conclusion.

Sorry if I bothered you, I hope you have a good day.


Quoted for truth.

I just snicker at people who insult meā€¦ Iā€™m the healer. If I donā€™t heal you, you will die. Run your mouth all you want its not my fault if my heal is just a few seconds too late.


Damn, thatā€™s cold.

Funny as hell :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:ā€¦but cold.

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Iā€™m thinking attention.

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Cold but True. Iā€™ve been healing this game since 04. I know how to heal very wellā€¦ And I know how to make it look like I was just a second too late to save you. Play nice Iā€™m your best friend. Play like a jerk and wellā€¦ hope you enjoy a repair bill.


Because I specified ā€œin video gamesā€ over and over and over. I conceded that real-life would be differentā€¦then you are questioning me about being insulted by someone in a real life chess match. ā€¦which is real life.

I dont want to keep running in circles with you if it seems like you are intentionally ignoring what I am saying, is all.

It wasnt a bother Skalpsā€¦ just becoming a waste of both of our time trying to see what neither of us is going to see. :grinning:

Okay? Do you want a gold star?

Those are rookie numbers.


Generally speaking, I only bail on keys or anything else if the other folks are toxic. Thatā€™s where I draw the line.


How do you do that?

ā€œI was just about to heal you!ā€ ?

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