If I get insulted in a key I just leave

I leave if there’s a gnome. For safety.


Id say OP is after either Validation or Attention.

So many people on here make threads just to see how many “likes” they get.

I mean my god… How sad is your life when it takes others opinions the give your life meaning

Your average Ragnaros/Quel’thalas player, which is why no one likes them, judging from OP’s name.


Hey now, I have alts on those servers and enjoy my visits there. Its where I go when I get tired of what people say in Trade. People on those servers type in Trade of course - but since I have no idea what they are saying its still a welcome change :wink:

I’m leaving the whole game and reevaluating things if I even find myself feeling"insulted" for anything that happens in it. :smile:

Oookay? Pop off, I suppose.

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You don’t feel insulted when people insult you?

In a video game ? :smile: No. WTH they going to say? You stink at DPS!!

“Oh NO! …anyways.”

In real life, sure.

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Or you behave like an adult and repeat the insult in the chat, just with a “your mother” right before.


A lot of the same things one might say in real life, I suppose.

if someone insults my gray parse in LFR im leaving

Nothing said in the confines of playing a video game would move the needle in any way. If you are getting insulted by something “Ihealsyou the Priest” says in a dungeon , then you need to take a break.

no, the person insulting needs to take a break and go touch grass

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One doesnt exclude the other.

i rarely put up with outright insults, regardless of the role im playing. life is waay to short to play with completed @ssholes.

but the lust thing should have been decided before the pull timer went off. most pugs do first and last boss. if you wanted something different, the time for communication was at the beginning.

and with that communication, you might have gotten your insult even before starting and you could have saved time and aggravation all around.


But you acknowledge that there are things said in real life that would bother you.

So what if someone said that thing in the game, wouldn’t bother you at all?

No, nameless, faceless people throwing insults in a videogame have no meaning. 99.9% is never happening in real life.

If I’m on a job site and someone pops off, “You do XYZ like a braindamaged chimpanzee! LOLZ” Then yeah, we are going to have a talk. But you know that is never going to happen.


So it only bothers you if you’re within physical proximity of the insulter?

How nice for you, that is a great attitude to have, I love it. Go with it man just go with it.

Proximity has nothing to do with it. One is a stupid GAME… the other is REAL LIFE. Try to separate the two. You are letting them bleed together and they are nothing in the realm of the same thing.

I get it… for you nameless pixel stranger are hurting your feelings. They dont hurt mine.