If I dont have a pet how do I do solo as a MM

Huh? What dead zone? Dead zone, as the term was originally used, hasn’t even been halfway a thing since the first part of Cataclysm.

Blizzard: In a redesign of the Retribution Paladin spec, we are going to remove all heals of all types and turn Divine Storm into a 3 second channel. As a thematic choice, all Retribution Paladins will have a non-interactive halo of light that follows them around and randomly causes their next ability to be a critical strike.

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It’s not just m+, there are guys like me who have run without a pet even solo for years. I just personally feel it fits the marksman playstyle… An adventurer with a bow and lots of tools to make it work.

But I really hope Blizzard hears your concerns and comes up with something. And I wish people in this thread would listen as well. It doesn’t hurt me or m+ players if Blizzard comes up with a way we can use other pets, even if it’s just in solo content like quests and delves.

And thats the beauty of MM, compared to the other two, the choice to go solo or to go with pet.

Now both options are out of question, since its only the dumb bird as fake pet.

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I remember when melee Survival had little interaction with their pets when first introduced. Blizzard could have built a version of Survival that was petless if they had just kept with that.

Blizzard had to force pets into Survival’s rotation to give them a purpose.

when was that? you built mongoose bite charges with pet basic attacks and flanking strike was one of your most important abilities you had to use on cooldown. tons of artifact traits were about the pet too

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Having “choice” over this kind of gameplay decision doesn’t work in practice. Sounds very beautiful and would be great if it did, but it doesn’t.

When you have a single talent point that significantly alters your gameplay, it’s a design nightmare and blizzard have never gotten it right. Gladiator stance warrior, demon form warlock, etc. Same with lone wolf. Looks like you have a choice, but in reality one playstyle is always compromised.

To an everyday player it might sound like an easy thing to do and balance, and having a choice wouldn’t change much, but the game is balanced around high-end content. For doing daily quests or random bgs or heroic dungeons everything feels “viable”.

They are never ever giving you a choice between the “fake pet” and the “real pet”. They have already themed all the abilities after the eagle and even changed the Intimidation icon for MM. They won’t let you “spot” enemies with a rodent or that pink elephant.

Get over the fallacy of choice


It worked in practice for TEN YEARS

it did for ten whole years

It was working fine for ten years, you want to do m+ and raid, you get lone wolf, you do anything else, you use the pet.

All of those three are totally different, you are comparing a steel can, a potato and a table.

Gladiator stance was removed because it was just too good and disrupt the role of the tank, prot warriors would quee as tank but go for dps, no there was a difference in fantasy here. Demon form was removed because they wanted to give to Demon hunters again, removing the pet from MM is just because they are lazy.

ah yes, “you plebs dont know how these things work, WE, THE ELITE, know best~~”

The thing is mate, both options don’t need to be balanced, people are fine with Lone wolf being superior in high end content of M+ and raiding, no one is rly advocating for then to be the same.

In fact, it already is, people were just complaining because it is a hassle to do summon the pet, lust and dismiss, so fix THIS issue, by making lone wolf work like grimoire of sacrifice, done.

So, then it doesn’t rly need to be removed, because its not affecting anything in m+

Besides, PVP rated uses the PET top 5 from shuffle, blitzz, 3x and x2 all uses pet with the exception of two people. Thats 18 of the high ranking players using pet. One of then was using on blitzz, which it means that he probably switched for a specific BG(people often pick lone wolf on the orbs BG due to more burst potential and the pet not having to walk the stairs) and the other was in x2, where burst sometimes is needed.

I want the option of “real pet” or “no damn pet at all” like we use to have for ten years.

I dont give a flying crap about it, they can rename and change icons EASILY.

you are the only one using fallacy though?

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Well lets move this back to the topic of the soloist. That’s the thread title. Right now, a 600 ilvl a MM can solo a tier 8 delve easily enough. Misdirection, mend pet, and Brans potions do the trick.

Without the pet, are the tools sufficient for an average player right at the gear threshold?

I could see how swarm events, random zekvir, and 65m hp bosses that hit like trucks and are immune to control/stun abilities might overwhelm the average petless turret. You also have to contend with the way Bran seems to target trapped enemies.

A MM hunter really doesn’t have the mobility and or survival tools of my other DPS chars. A 3 second Aimed Shot really plants your feet too.

I’m just saying, I can understand the concern….

Only that it didn’t work for 10 years, because it never worked in the first place. If it worked, they wouldn’t be changing it. It was a “true” choice only for players doing trivial content

Lone wolf has been a focal point of complaints forever because in high-end PVE you never use the pet, except when you need to give bloodlust and then you must call it, bloodlust, dismiss it etc… so it becomes a chore. And in high-end PVP you are severely compromised without a pet because you lack RoS/MS/etc. so it becomes mandatory if you want to push.

@Teriva - they are making that bran NPC work as a tank in 11.1

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Just to be clear, most pvp players do not want to use the pet. It’s just required because we need to be able to break roots otherwise we’re dead… It also brings mortal wounds… Just no other choice. These players are for the most part thrilled they don’t have to bring a pet and will still have access to the utility. We’ve been forced to bring an undead raptor or rodent for… I guess almost a decade. We’re tired of looking at those pets.


Hmm, missed that one. That is interesting.

I think some people might be misinterpreting (I was too initially) the Bran-Tank change. Bran will be a tank. In other words, he will tank all the mobs. He will take damage just like a tank. Now the player has to heal him (which Hunters cannot)

They made the change so that healers have a viable way to clear dungeons. It won’t help hunters doing delves at all.

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If it wasnt working, why they waited TEN YEARS???

Don’t bs me, it was perfectly fine until m+ start complaining about it

SO? int what they wanted? they want to use the pet? lets remove lone wolf then!

Yeah, and they can fix that by making bloodlust baked into the pet or lone wolf like grimoire of sacrifice

There it goes your fix without removing anything.

Yeah, so removing would drastically hurt PVP performance as we need then, now you are seeing why its a bad idea to remove it


It also brings slow, it also help to spin flag, is also help to keep enemies in combat, it alo hep to make sure the enemy dont cap, it help when you are sapped, removing it is killing one of our big tools.

Great, make the chances but give the option to still summon the pet for those who still think it is useful.

and why is that exactly? fear work on then just the same, they are just immune to other hunt scare beast, and are susceptible to paladin BS

Good think they are giving the option to change pet specs, but oh well, MM get rekt and cant enjoy it because M+ players

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Undead is immune to poly, hex, hibernate and scare beast, so you want to use it vs shaman and druids for sure… Hunters rarely take scare beast as you know so less of a threat there. Undead for everything except ret pally and priests… Ret will stun it with wake of ashes in their normal rotation, priests can shackle it.

I more or less agree with the rest of your post. We need more options.

That’s like, so damn rare mate, shamans and mages are using that precious spell on a lame hunter pet and not on the healer or a dps to secure a kill? cant see happening.

In fact, it might be even better to not use an undead pet to bait those so your healer is fine.

"The street in my village has been broken for the last 10 years. It didn’t bother the villagers until some rich people moved to the neighborhood and started complaining. Finally, the mayor said they’re fixing it January 2025.

But if it wasn’t broken, why did the mayor wait for TEN YEARS??? Therefore, it must not have been broken in the first place"

Believe it or not, development time is a resource which is prioritized based on who’s complaining, for better or worse.

Lmao, thats some reaching, you might hit the moon with that leap

bub, the rich people have being in charge of the “Neighborhood” and the “street” not for 10 years, but 20.

It was not broken, it was fine, the issue that people mentioned always, time and time again is because of lust.

So if you want actually make a comparison here, the rich people - who lived there always - decided they would break down the entire street, make a pool and decide that people need to use their boats to cross, cause this was always a “pool street”, and is now a thematic part of the neighborhood.

They would not make a bridge though, if you don’t like boats or don’t know how to use it you can either die swimming or take another way, that will make you lose your job

GREAT design.