Guys I’m super worried about the upcomgin MM changes for PVP. For Reference I am a main MM hunter, I do primarily solo shuffle. I reach around 2.3 on all 3 specs each season but I conider MM my main because of the playstyle

I know 11.1 brings us a few minor qol play styles… Like being able to stun healers behind pillars out of los and following that up with situational knocks or slows. We have some pretty decent cd reduction we can apply to our main stun. Also our main pet stun and pet sac can no longer be countered by roots etc. I press pet sca, my healer gets out of root beams instantly no ifs ands or butts.

There is never a chance that I cant set up my own trap with stun now. It’s 100%, and then again 100% with the binding shot changes. Not to mention taking bursting shot that does the double burst and slo giving me a really nice breathing room.

We also have a cool talent that will allow us to run around with aspect of the cheeta casting sniper shots on the move into your face and what not wheneer we want. Oh and the fact mortal wounds is tied directly to that sniper shot that lands in your face… No more useless fluffy behind a pillar dudifully applying ms to a target that needs exactly zero of it.

Oh and that explosive shot triggering of a landed aimed shot followed by an instant kill shot proc yeah that’s going to be burst people are NOT expecting but all of that doesn’t matter and you’ll soon see why.

I’ve been following Syegfryed and he is sayng these nerfs to the hunter class will destroy mm game in any respectable content. We lose the ability to sic pets on somsone who is on a flag for exampe, instead we may have to harass from stealth the chop them down.

We lose the ability to send a pet after a healer or rogue who is trying to get out of combat assuming they ahavn’et already used one of their many other abilities to get out of combat but you never know. And nevermind you cant drink in shuffle anyway. But Overall removing pets is a HUGE NERF to MM PVP and you guys should do everything you can to make sure these never goes through exactly as written unless you want every hunter game filled with MM hunters and their explosive shots that trigger off the aimed shot, cause it to explode and apply MS and 2 stacks of kill shot in one singe global while stunning you healer around the corner. How are we ever going to get a kill with such attrocious tools??

MM Is dead. Not worth plaing in PVP in 11.1. I will now let Syegfryed post some of the more grievous and heinous nerfs that will prevent MM hunter from ever being a top contender in rated pvp ever again.

GUYS what are we going to do??? Is my only hope reroll?


So you made a new thread just trying to mock me? are you 12?

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Mock? I’m concerned You have stated you are a high rated pvp player and you see these as serious issues.

You are a petty clown and proven yourself here, imagine creating a new thread in the arena part of the forum because of it.

Im actually very amused, imagine that i triggered you so hard you need to do this :rofl:

Of course it was triggering, I was believing the posts you’ve made about it and if they are true it is very concerning that MM will be completely unaplayable in 11.1 pvp… But are you saying that this isn’t true?

They really are dumbing down the game.


I didn’t read any of your other posts or threads, so idk the history, but to me this reads more like a new player not understanding the changes but being concerned. Definitely hyperbolic, but doesn’t come across as trolling? Is there context I’m missing??

The context is that he got mad/triggered and with out previous discussion about the change in hunter MM, and apparently started to pick some random comments directed to other people and putting here, without context trying to make an exaggerated and “ironic” response in an attempt to mock me like he is 12.

If you want to check the ptr forum, there is being a few threads/comments about the MM “rework” and how is playing, spoilers, isnt that great and arguably worse than in live and isnt even talking about the miss of the pet, who is also very bad in some scenarios

TLDR me the mm changes please

Ya, losing a pet (specifically for base sitting) is definitely inconvenient, but basically everything else seems like massive QoL buffs.

TL:DR: It is slower, clunkier and is dealing less damage than in live.

Sure, tis ptr, so a lot of bugs, maybe undertuned. But its going to be rough in this fast pacing meta, with lots of movement to play MM as it is.

pets attacking behind pillars, triggering enemy traps, there is lot of value a second “character” can have… but even taking that aside, like i said, spec is playing slower and clunkier, procs are too low, you often have to cast steady shot to recover energy, no wailing arrow as well.

double tap is going to be nerfed to the ground, so if they dont make a “rework” on the rework i think its going to be worse than live, ironically, nothing to do with the pet.

So for PVP, if that’s actually what it is, it seems a downgrade but also mechanically easier for people to play.

But I’ve only been seeing MM PVEers saying its getting better? Maybe copers.

Seems like is mechanically more complicated, so you have to keep track on different procs and buffs to do a big dam aimed shot(lower damage than live still), the same mechanic i despise on arms with mortal strike.

But being more “difficult” does give PVErs a sense of they are better than other specs like bm, cause they play the “hard class”

Wouldn’t really say that’s more complicated. Just means you need to know your spec, which in theory if it’s proc & buff related makes MM actually play how it functionally should with requiring setup rather than a PVE non stop burst spec.


It feels way better on ptr then live, instead of focus being the main hold back its piano specing really huge aimeds with a heap of procs and it feels so good to get it off. PvP might stuggle but bgs itll be quite fun because there will be a relatively high skillcap for doing damage and surviving.


complicated was more to say its more of a nuisance, to wait and stack all the buff for the big dam, not that it harder, pretty sure you will be able to track easy with some weakauras

Problem is too much of a setup, when you need to keep pressure dealing damage, when you need to stay still casting, and your main skill besides having a long cast still ha a CD.

Doesnt look or feel good to me, neither to some other pvpers i talk to, so, who knows, maybe we all wrong and it will be a killing machine waiting to be nerfed

The huge arcane shot spec doesnt really use that much aimed shot stuff though. There will def be some really fun explosive shot/precise shot (kill shot) interactions that could def tap a person from 100-0 with a good lunar storm hit.

In pve the lunar storm exploded explosive shot feels SOOOO DAM GOOD as a archer spec and the intim that has no line of sight requirement is insane, i was trapping people around the pillar.

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That’s not really a fair comparison of the changes.

Mm is losing its pet, but has most of the pet utility baked into the class baseline. It also gets SEVERAL QOL changes. Aimed shot applies mortal strike and has a proc and a cd that allows it to be cast while moving. Trueshot gives double tap which is just a better wailing arrow. Precise shots uses ALL buffs at once so you dont need to worry about overcapping damage, you have explosive shot up more frequently and way better cleave.

All the changes are extremely popular as far as I’ve heard from everyone in my guild that plays hunter.

Wailing arrow is turned into double tap which is just better. The pet attacking behind a pillar was really only relevant for keeping combat to stop drinks, which your eagle still does, and wdym procs are too slow? You always had to cast steady shot to recover focus if you were playing properly?

I think there needs to be numbers tuning, but part of that is the tier set changing and some talents shifting around, but it does FEEL way better from what ive heard.

getting 2.5-3 mil kill shots out of a tier setted explosive doing 1.4mil with a deathblow in pvp just feels amazing.

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Spec being slower and clunkier, needing stay more time still to cast doesnt seem like " a lot" of QOL

aimed shot applying Deep wounds, fine i guess, lets see if the uptime will make for the pet autoaplying, or if you can apply behind a pillar.

And it will be nerfed to the ground before going live

Not as much as it is in the ptr

I recommend downloading ptr and giving a try, if you want, it feels awful to me :tipping_hand_man:t5: