If I don't do rated I'm only able to get max 200 gear

If they reduce PvP Gear below top-level PvE gear, PvE gear will become BiS for PvP again, and that is infinitely worse than not being able to take a 2200 player in a random.

Because randoms are fun time killers, and if I have high end gear so be it. It’s a power difference, yeah, but how often are you really running into 5man premades of 226 players in randoms?

But randoms aren’t important, at all. They’re there to kill time, and farm honor.

Look, a PvE geared Blood DK with no rating also giving imput on a PvP topic. Wow.

This is what I’ve been saying, just grab a partner and farm to 1600. Until, what, 1200? you can’t -lose- rating, so it’s a 400 rating push, with a bunch of viable class comps.

Daily, not 226 but 215+ and its not fun!

I want to be able to queue LFR infinitely, with no boss locks, and no gear locks. I want the bosses to also drop Mythic quality gear. I should be allowed to be competitive with mythic dps in raids, because it’s not fair that there’s an iLvL cap on gear accessible to me.

Low rated bgs are pretty easy to join and do. Just a slightly more coordinated game.

I also play horde, and I queue, basically, all day. Like 12+ hours because I’m home from work and I’m making the best of it. I hit, MAYBE one of these a day. Maybe. s it frustrating as hell when it happens? Yeah, absolutely, but that’s been a part of the grind since vanilla. a

Not a relevant argument, LFR is a dungeon of people fighting AI dragons, Player vs Player is not and should be based on skill, not who had the better friend list or guild to get higher ilvl gear!

Every night Deathwing server I face multiple premades from Sargeras.

You should be doing rateds, as Arms you can find a group fairly easy as a TC, or even just dps, and arenas are extremely easy as Arms, you’re basically S+ tier in every comp. You could push 1600 in a few days.

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Big true.

My alt is an arms, only like 205 or so ilvl, and its 1000x easier to find groups on him than my hunter even tho hes got alot more gear. Warriors are good AF right now.

Actually I want all gear to be more closely bunched including the various raiding tiers . Too much power gap is no good .


That’s just ridiculous. There should always be a sizable, and notable benefit for focusing on a specific type of end-game. Casual Joe should NOT be as geared, or as competitive.

He could but maybe he doesn’t want to do rated? I mean all of your posts are “you should” and “random bgs are not important”. That’s a YOU thing lol.

Everyone is entitled to do the content they like and just because they don’t enjoy rated doesn’t mean they should “gear lose”. There should be a power variance but it shouldn’t be insurmountable or completely devoid of a challenge for the rated, “higher skilled lol” toon :slight_smile:


What’s ridiculous is that you want to win via gear versus outplays, and even have a challenge because of “other” content that you did.

Endgame in WoW has virtually always been a focused game, if you want to play casually, play casually. As the season progresses, rated players drift away from randoms because, in this particular season, you need honor to upgrade gear. Once they’re better gear capped, they’re less likely to queue randoms, because they don’t need to.

A fully geared, rated player should not feel challenged by a relatively fresh 60 with 197 gear. What is the point of spending the time grinding the rating, grinding the honor, and getting well geared then? Should a Mythic raider, fully kitted, be competing for DPS with a heroic dungeon/normal raid geared player?

If you are looking for a casual game that you can log on once a week and queue up for an evenly matched PvP experiences, then this is not the game for you to play.
You will not find that experience anywhere in this game.
Maybe it was like this in a previous expansion, but it is not like that in Shadow Lands.

“Getting back to our RPG roots” was a major goal for the Shadow Lands expansion. RPG roots are gear, character progression, playing a role and growing stronger in it.

You don’t have to like it, and you don’t have to play it, but that is the game.

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I take it you don’t queue up for a lot of “random, casual” BGs lately then perhaps because you too skilled as there are a lot of full geared rated players stomping fresh 60s with 197 gear or whatever. Also in this expansion, if you didn’t know, farming honor is a thing for rated players, FYI :slight_smile:

And he compares PVE to PVP which is a different ball game. Yikes.

With the exception of parts of legion, and almost all of BFA, PvP has always been the better PvP geared player wins, barring huge skill differences, or class imbalances. It’s -supposed- to have that feel. If me and my comp played every week, conq capped, etc, and got to 2400 rating, and late in the season a fresh 60 buys a carry to 2400 for a mount or title, but doesn’t have the gear, I shouldn’t feel “challenged” by them.

Weird competitive opinion but whatever you say :slight_smile:

Look at my profile, I’ve queued nothing but randoms for the last few days, it’s hell on earth. That’s how the grind is supposed to be. And grinding honor is only a thing early in the season, it will drop off later because there will be no need to grind it.

PvE and PvP are different ballgames, but both are end-game content. There is a skill involved in PvE as well, and a meta, and BiS gear. If I only want to play PvE casually, I accept that I am not going to get that BiS gear, that I will, most likely, have LFR gear, and maybe, some normal/heroic pieces, but I won’t have mythic gear.

My “imput” isn’t based on what this character has done and unless you have a second account, my point stands.