If i chose the wrong covenant?

If you didn’t pick night fae you chose the wrong one!

Just kidding :upside_down_face:

I think decision making is an important element in every rpg. Def be careful when you decide something and make sure it’s your choice alone - not someone else’s influence or direction. It’s your player fantasy don’t forget that.

Also I think they have a system where you can re pick and then the catch up won’t make it feel like you’re screwed so that’s good news.

Everybody losing their minds needa listen to what this guy said. People freaking out because of getting semi locked into covenants and worrying about the theoretical BiS.

Pick what you enjoy the most, You will almost always perform better playing something you find engaging, yielding better results.

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They are not account wide, if you pick one and leave for another but then also leave that 2nd one then there is a 2 week grind to get back on good standing with the one you left.

Best not to pick a covenant at this early stage in the expansion this expansion

Fixed that for you.

The only way to choose the wrong covenant is to not follow your heart and pick something for gameplay reasons instead of theme.

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Here’s the thing about “right” and “wrong” covenant choices:

For the VAST majority of the player base (probably about… 80-90+ percent) the level of content being done will not be affected to a meaningful degree where that extra, slight bit of difference is going to be noticeable.

It’s not justa matter of having the “proper” tools, but also knowing when, where and how to use them best

Here are the people where covenant choice (from a numbers standpoint) ACTAULLY will matter:

  • Players that are in the “world first” level of raiding
  • Players that do/are getting CE
  • Players that clear (timer or not) high mythic keys, like, 10+ levels beyond what the cap is for weekly reward.
  • World class Arena/RBG players
  • People that are like 2200-2300+ in Arena/Rbgs

i would argue that even for CE it isn’t THAT important, it will certainly help (so it does matter to some extent) but any competent group should still be able to get it even without every single person being min-maxed. just might take a couple extra weeks. (and if a couple extra weeks makes the difference between getting it or not, then they aren’t taking it that seriously in the first place)

So what happen with all the grind dobe in one covenant, let’s say I am in covenant one, I grind unlock all the stuff finish getting all the conduits, the Portals and all the anima spend there. I go to covenant 2 do the same thing,. And now if I want to go back to covenant 1? Do I keep all the stuff I did? Or will reset everything that I need to start from scratch?

If you switch to another covenant you start from square one. However, if you switch back to the original covenant you continue from where you left off.

I would’ve preferred if they had made it permanent. It would be blowing up so much faster.

BTW, name one “real” RPG that forces you to make a decision based on character power that is undetermined or unclear at the moment of decision making.

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Please read my reply on another thread on similar comments:


He is wrong in that regard. Please read my post here:


That just looks like crying because something will always be superior to something else.

You are asking for everybody to have the same toolkit and offensive abilities.

You are screwed. :woman_shrugging:

Hope you weren’t attached to that character, it’s time for you to reroll!

If performance is not a key issue, then pick the realm you feel most at home in. Your toon will be questing and adventuring all day. What kind of venue do you want her to come home to?

My DK had completed just completed the story and defeated the maw boss but now I just can’t decide. I want to go to each zone and still use the ones they gave me while questing there. I want to be a blue fox, I want have the crimson aoe if I decide the farm mobs for cloth. I want to be able to goto Bastion and that Unholy place again and use theirs too.

What will I miss out on if I never decide to pick one? Local tell me that I will be gimping my character? How so when I still get what I want each time I visit those zones?

We don’t need to pick one when we can still use all 4 by not picking one!

That really just reinforces what I said about stating what content you are doing when asking for a ‘best’ opinion. For a lot of folks it doesn’t matter. If you want to multi spec, mythic raid, m+, then yes I can see asking but you still can’t get a decent answer without including information on your preferred content and/or play style.

Also, if you don’t pick one you cannot progress the story.

You mean the last two in Bastion; Wings of Freedom and The Spear of the Kalliope?

Ardenweald feels aesthetically pleasing to be there but I won’t pick that one yet.

No, I mean when you get to the point where you are told to pick a covenant if you don’t you cannot go further in the story.

Oh yes this very much so. Grrr My DK and now the only thing to do is a few more side quests along with cooking.
I had just reached 200 Shadowlands cooking