If i chose the wrong covenant?

sadly i choose something that is not the best, what should i do? do i have 2 weeks of quests to change covenant? and what with all the anima and the soulbinds already invested in? what happen to that?


i thought we could just change any time, If we havent done any of the quests yet can we change right away?

They are not account wide, if you pick one and leave for another but then also leave that 2nd one then there is a 2 week grind to get back on good standing with the one you left.

Best not to pick a covenant at this early stage in the expansion.

I will return on catch up or later before i select one.

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Yup you will have to wait . There was a tutorial and a BIG Warning message when you picked the covenant . Be glad the choice is n’t permanent like a real RPG :rofl:

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I’m just curious how big difference having the “right” covenant is vs having the “wrong”. I guess it really boils down to the class/spec and what content you are doing. Either way if the difference is noticeable then something is obviously very wrong.

i don’t want to grind all the stuff of the covenant again!!! is a waist of time to grind everything again, plus the 2 weeks =(

When you say ‘not the best’ can you quantify that? What content are you doing? Unless you are a mythic raider or pushing high keys, there really isn’t a ‘best’. The throughput difference is negligible.

Most covenants are rather close to eachother in performance. Choose the one that feels best to you, not the one that is another 2% overall dps. As long as you aren’t pushing CE, or stupidly high keys, it’s not a problem to choose one that isn’t as strong as another.

At least going by Icy Veins the Covenants are all very close in terms of performance, with even the “weakest” covenants being BiS for certain specific content areas. Honestly the morale impact of picking a Covenant you don’t like for the sake of being BiS would likely worsen your performance more than the Covenant choice itself.

As a Sub rogue, having my WeakAuras pop up a picture of Jesus when I use Flagellation (Venthyr) is worth more to my performance than going Night Fae for theoretical BiS.


You pretty much have to if you want to do most stuff, a lot of the content is gated behind choosing a covenant.


I already changed my covenant and catching up to the 1st was incredibly easy. I suggest you change right now as renown level is capped at 3 for this week so you can catch back up now. Best do it now before you’re left behind

ok, shouldnt say bad, got Kyrian, a AOE circle in the floor and would like to get Venthyr for PVP, but didn’t know that we also needed to empower the covenant as well, so if i am putting all the anima into a covenant, and later on i move to another?

same with conduits? do we have now to do ALL the quests and reps etc???

I put 1.5k anima into the night fae and got renown 3 with them before switching to Venthyr. Any anima you put into the covenant you’re leaving is lost, but right now that’s fine because like I said, renown is capped, so you’re not really losing much. Within a day I’ve already caught back up and have the things I want with the Venthyr.

Also I kept all my conduits.


Lol no. Why would i hinder myself for not picking one

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then, how do i change? covenant?

Go back to where you originally picked your covenant and talk to the representative of the one you want to switch to. In my case this was General Draven.

It’ll ask you if you’re ready to betray your covenant for them, just to make sure you’re ready to switch and all that. You can still go back to the covenant you betray if you ever change your mind, but you’ll have to do some quests for them I think, so they’ll trust you again.


super thanks!!!

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I mean just not pick one yet, give it some time to let it all sink in. Why do they want me and what do they have that I want.

well now i have another question, what happen if i select one covenant, unlock everything, go to another one, unlock all the stuff and then go back to covenant 1, are all the stuff going to be unlock since i already did it? or would be back from scratch all over again?

Currently I am in Unholy spec DK (lvl 60) and on the quest Torghast, Tower of the Damned and keep dying to Warden of Souls and the adds that are casting Harm Soul.

I don’t think I will be able to select one yet anyway cause I need to pass still complete the story quests.