"If everyone has it, nobody wants it."

I mean I think you might be because that wall of text you put up after that has zero to do with any point I just made.

It’s not about luck. Yes, drop rates mean luck will play a significant factor in whether or not you get the mount. But statistically, every mount with a <100% drop rate will (theoretically) drop with enough attempts. It’s about time investment. And for a lot of people, the mounts that are most special to them are the ones that they farmed for a very long time, and they were ecstatic when it finally dropped.

But I’ll concede that the comparison was a bit vague, so let me restate it a bit more clearly. Which feels better: Getting an A on a test that you studied really hard for? Or getting an A on a test that was basically a freebie?

100% all the way.

Less rng is a good thing

I got the hearthsteed when it was available to everyone (and everyone used it). I still use it, because I love it. In a few years, no one will use it, and new (and returning) players won’t even have it. In fashion wars, you take everything you can to have it as an option later. This mount might look perfect with your mog in 4 years. Thing hold the value you place in them.


Actually that statement is correct. We’re not talking about having a car in rl here, if everyone and their grandma has something ingame, that item just becomes fodder.

You’re totally right. I got one of those Blistermaw mounts that matches my fel mog perfectly.

Hahahaha! You made the claim every stamp collector out there thinks one way, that’s on you to back up. You can’t pose a ridiculously difficult challenge, assume the result, and claim victory…all in the same paragraph…and still take yourself seriously do you?

That’s cute. We’re gonna play the “im more worried for your mental health than you are for mine” game.

I’m tapping out. Best of luck “not judging people” in the future

Lmao!!! Pot meet kettle!!! :rofl: :joy:


I thought it was going to be like the Brewfest mounts, or the Headless Horseman’s mount. If this mount turns out to be exclusive to this one anniversary, that might actually be worse for a lot of players. Though, it may show up on the Black Market Auction House.

I thought this topic would be about yachts.

Nobody wants it because it looks awful.

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I have many different themes for each of my characters, and mounts are a part of that. My pally going for the gothic look is different from my warrior doing the same, and the mounts should fit their look for the theme.

I will say, I sometimes like to go for different class looks, like my DK trying to be a pally (or my own personal head canon that he used to be a pally). Not huge into RP, but you develop backstories after 10-17 years on your characters, lol.


it is the most egotistical mindset to ever have. I remember getting yelled at by some kid back in the day when I played Pokemon. I had pretty much every Legendary Pokemon and the second the kid saw his “Favorite” he whined that I shouldn’t have it because he was the “First” to have it. The mere existence of something that is available but won’t be forever, needs to be obtained, that’s the point of item rarity and popularity, people may like it for the looks, or because its going to be a pain to get down the road when the event is over.


i think it shouldve stayed low and become another horseman like mount.

I think it is stupid and childish. If I like something I don’t care if everyone else also has it.


Look at it this way - how many people still use the Wandering Ancient mount? Quite a few the day it was handed out to literally everyone, virtually no one now. Why? Because it’s a generic mount everyone has.

For the most part, people pick their favorite mount from among the ones that were hard to get either because it required skill, like defeating a mythic raid boss , time, like the 100 exalted rep mount, or crazy luck, like the Big Love Rocket.

There are exceptions of course, but for the most part a freebie mount handed out to literally everyone is not valued as high as literally any other.

Something given has no value --Lieutenant Jean Rasczak

Never understood valuing something not because you like it, but solely because other people don’t have it.

I’ll go work for an item or mount or whatever because I thinks they look neat. I couldn’t care less about how many other people might have it too.



What I meant was I don’t genuinely think that was your mindset. Just like (your quote) "I have it, so I don’t want others to have it” is not my mindset. They are both examples of a sort of straw man, or implying the person you are debating thinks/means something other than what they are saying.

To be clear, I am not raging about anything. I am only, and specifically, making the point that rarity lends value. Especially in digital media with no tangible value. I truly do not care how many people have this mount. If you want to go get it, great, I am happy for you.

This is a non-sequitur to me, but I tend to be dense. Either way, I miss your meaning.

I don’t think that’s it at all. It’s about the value you place on a mount because it was earned one way or another. Indeed when you meet someone else with the same hard to get mount you applaud them. It has nothing to do with not wanting anyone else to have it, it has everything to do with the effort needed acquired it.

I saw a lot when the color changed, lol. Probably again when winter lands. But no, I don’t see them much. To be fair, though… flying.