"If everyone has it, nobody wants it."

For an anniversary mount? Absolutely not. Each anniversary only comes once and I think that anyone who logs in should be able to get the full rewards, guaranteed. It is a commemorative item.


It’s an anniversary mount, everyone should have it


Maybe some of us need to be special somewhere, maybe in real life I’m 500 pounds, bald, toothless with a peg-leg and wandering eye, but not not in WoW (until they add those customizations)

That is not an apt comparison to random drops as it’s more akin to ‘do you feel more special because you got lucky and dice rolled well and you got a shiny thing’ it’s not a thing of skill but ‘you got lucky’ for legacy things

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Videogame =/= overpriced pseudo art garbage.

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So you are generalizing all collectors of everything outside of wow as having one mindset, while generalizing all people who value rarity in wow with another mindset, and then drawing conclusions based on these unbelievably sweeping generalizations, going so far as to call them mentally broken, and you think they’re the ones with the problem?

You really do see it all in this game…

The fact that I think you genuinely believe you aren’t is what bothers me the most

Enjoying things that are uncommon is basic human psychology, as is the opposite be it overly common models of cars, cookie-cutter housing tracts, and so on.

Most people don’t want rare items/mounts simply because most others don’t have them. It’s usually a mix of motivations that vary by context.

Read my comment in another post im telling exactly what you Op are talking about. Some people call me troll but thats the way it is. People stopped using this mount when it became 100% drop chance.

Whatever you need to write to feel better about yourself. I’d rather talk to a wall at this point.

I have a couple of friends I highly respect and we sometimes disagree and I sometimes take a step back and go, “Yeah, I like your idea/opinion better.” I still stand by what I said and also that we tend to gravitate towards ppl of similar mindsets.

None of this matters in the long run. In a 100 years no one is going to remember me or you or this game. Let ppl have some silly cartoon pixels.


That’s a pretty toxic mindset too. If someone is greedy and just wants what others have because they have it, that’s definitely unhealthy. I’m not sure why one has to be more toxic than the other, but they’re both bad mindsets to have.

I don’t really understand what you mean by this. Are you saying your last statement isn’t really how you feel, or were you referencing my opinion?

No one is asking for a blue ribbon. If people want to rage out over pixels because someone else also has the pixels, that’s a different issue aside from blue ribbons.

It’s a video game and shouldn’t be equated to real life in any way. It costs a lot more than $15 per month to live. :stuck_out_tongue:

And people stop using a special mount two days after. Stop caring what others think.

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It’s a pretty ugly mount.

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Not true, sometimes I use a new mount for 3 days.

My demon hunter will love it as he struggles to reintegrate with the blood elf population.

Maybe this will help him to bridge the gap?


I use mine for 3.5 days but that’s not the point! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Some people see increased value in something if others can’t have it. Those people are petty.

I work for things so I can enjoy it… not so other’s can’t have it. Although in this case it’s a pretty crappy mount that was never special in the first place.


I’m on the other end of the spectrum, but same sentiment. I only ever rarely target specific mounts, and it’s only because I like the mount, so I don’t care who else has it either.

Show me a stamp collector who says it excites him or her that his stamp collection is depriving another person of having it. Can’t? Didn’t think so.

On the flip side did you want me to show you the plethora of comments of WoW rare items where people have complained that they don’t ever want blizzard to make XYZ available again because that’s the ONLY reason it is cool to them? We will be here for days while I link every comment.

Your inability to recognise that it is indeed an unhealthy mindset concerns me far more.


LoL - the only pandaria mount I dont have must be the worlds ugliest mount that I would never use in a million years. but I still camp it when that assult is up. You know the one, not Ha Li, but that other one.

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I can remember grinding for the better part of a year to get the Frostsabre from Winterspring and the whole process got nerfed until it was super easy to obtain. Didn’t hurt my feelings.