"If everyone has it, nobody wants it."

I like cookies, I don’t stop liking cookies just because someone else also has cookies.

I want a PS5, I don’t stop wanting one just because they finally become buyable again. (please sony, I just want to play ratchet and clank)

the notion that something is worse just because it’s more widely available is silly.


Anybody here want to take a guess why bitcoin has value?

If you could suddenly mine it as fast as you wanted…what would it be worth?

It’s a one time event, like the corehound a few years ago. We eventually got a new one with blacksmithing, but I think for one time events where the content is a one time only deal, they should be 100% and then unavailable after the window of the event closes.

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Whenever someone with an ego lords something “exclusive” I just think they’re lame haha


Hey dude look i got this 0.000000000000000000001 % drop rate mount isnt this cool !
Umm this doesnt look very cool to me sorry .
You are just jealous that i have the insanely low drop mount .
Okay tell me honestly do you like the look of this mount ?
It doesnt matter if i like it or not what matters its lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllow drop
:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


You should know by now that some rare or difficult to get mounts usually get a recolor and a way too easy drop by next xpac.

narcissistic personality is the only thing that can explain this kind of behaviour. People that want a sense of exclusivity


I have no idea how people dont understand this lol .

That’s like saying " I have ordered Pizza and you guys want it but can’t have it " :yum:

The opposite is also true, if almost nobody has it, no one wants it because they forget it exists.

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I like the doomhawk. I wanted it regardless of if everyone else could have it as well as me.

If they’re going to have a limited-time event mount, it needs to be guaranteed in some way. Either high droprate (like this one), achievement (like the obsidian worldbreaker) or perhaps a vendor cost that isn’t outrageous. It would feel incredibly bad to get unlucky on a 1% droprate even if you did multiple kills every day for the entire event.


I think “If everyone has it, nobody wants it” is the mentality people have then they are being snowflakes.

I like mounts based on their own merit: design, quality, and appearance. It has nothing to do if someone else has the mount or not.


Not everyone has the N’zoth mythic mount and I think it looks ugly af. Wouldn’t care to farm it if it was 100% drop now.

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Yikes. Maybe work on that?

There is help if you’re willing to admit that mindset is a problem.

And it does, in fact, inhibit your enjoyment of a game you pay to play, so it’s pathological. Someone can help you see your way through this and learn how to appreciate things on their own merits and not because you have adapted to the trauma of struggle in such a way that you now assign emotional value to digital objects that remind you of the time you and your friends struggled together. You can learn how to remember nostalgic moments no matter which mount you are riding. You have unlimited potential.

I believe in you, and I wish you the best.

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If everyone had a 3970x ( a $3000 processor) I :thinking: yeah I’m pretty sure I’d still want one :laughing:

Matchless is a synonym for rare. And unique is a synonym of matchless.

Everyone gets it. if that makes some people mad, Eh.

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If it’s a cool mount, it’s a cool mount. For instance, netherwing dragons are not super rare but they are still worth using.

This game in particular is pretty much the worst for that, and always has been. In the eyes of some players, their self worth is defined by having something that other people don’t have.