"If everyone has it, nobody wants it."

I saw this comment in the Tanaris general chat today in reference to the 100% mount drop.

What does everyone think of this? Should they have kept the drop chance low for rarity’s sake? Was the allure of the mount the “limited time” aspect of it or was it the uniqueness, in that not everyone was going to have it? Or, did Blizzard do the right thing and make the drop chance 100%?

Edit (Jan 2022): Since Mage Tower has been quite topical in recent days, using Guardian Druid as an example:

  • Should the Guardian Druid encounter be nerfed such that everyone can get the appearance, or should it retain its difficulty?
  • To the players who have already earned it - does the appearance feel less meaningful and valuable if the majority of people have it? Or, do you not care what other people have?

I liked my frog in BfA.

It became a lot less fun when everyone was riding around on their poverty froggos with Shadowlands. :expressionless:

I feel there absolute is a bonus to desirability for things you have that others don’t. It’s not the be all end all of things, but I think saying it plays a part is accurate.


I like something because in my opinion it looks cool. Everyone could have it or no one for all I care. Rarity does not equal cool to me. People like that have something seriously lacking in their lives…


I am taking the free thing!


It’s not true. Everyone wanted the core hound. I don’t remember anyone complaining about that drop rate. Just ignore it.

If I want something it’s because I think it’s dope. Don’t care if everyone else has it.


What mount are we talking about


I want things because I want things.

I don’t care if other people have the same things I want. If other people put in the work for it, they deserve it.
If other people only want things because other people can’t have the things, then those people are sad, and need to find healthier forms of motivation.


I think the “I have it, so I don’t want others to have it” mindset is toxic af.

Maybe unpopular, but it’s pixels, and people get bent out of shape over it.

I collect things. I don’t give two turds if another person has the thing or not. I want it for MY collection.


There are plenty of mounts and transmogs I have that I like which basically anybody can go get with little to no effort.

I can understand the desire to have something that is rare and see why people like it. I also have things that are rare that I like.

but not everything needs to be a 1% drop rate.


I’d say making it a guaranteed drop is the better call. I get that it can be nice to have something that’s rare but on the other hand its not like its some super-hard challenge mode reward that they just decided to mail everyone.


I only use the flameward hippogryph, and the vendor yak occasionally. Most of my other mounts have been obtained accidentally.

This one:


Good change. It is an anniversary mount not an exclusive mount. T


I don’t want what you have. I simply want you not to have.


I only use certain mounts and I don’t really care how rare or how not rare they actually are because I like them personally, personal enjoyment is key here.


That’s one ugly mount.

I mentioned I like having things others don’t(…mind you I don’t think they shouldn’t be able to get them). I also mentioned it wasn’t the sum total of things, like…I love my kitty mount. Even if tons have it and it was a silly shop item. Things can be pretty neat despite everyone having them.

This mount is not falling into that category. I don’t think me being the only person with it would be enough to warrant riding it.


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I don’t really judge one way or another. But, I can respect you for admitting you like having things that others don’t.

I just saw the conversation on general chat along with someone mentioning how excited they were to get the mount. And then, when they were told it was now a 100% drop, they immediately mentioned how empty they felt.

It’s an anniversary event. An opportunity to thank their players. It should have always been 100% drop rate.

I could understand the “zomg rarity” argument if we were talking about something like Invincible but not this.


i came to say something like this but you did it for me lol

Ty. Now to just be able to get it done :joy: