"If everyone has it, nobody wants it."

You know that argument goes both ways.

Because I see a lot more threads about people not having fun because they don’t have something that other people do than the reverse.

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Depends on how you obtain it, if you ask me. Some things are prestigious because they are difficult/complicated to get, like the lucid nightmare mount, or cutting edge mounts. Having something just be on a low drop rate isn’t necessarily the same thing as rare to me.

Glad mounts, obtained by the very best PvP players in the world are cool to see. They’re rare and you have to earn them. Limited time mounts/gear that weren’t hard to obtain even when they were available aren’t really checking all of the boxes.

I think for a limited time, never coming back anniversary mount, it’s a stupid take.





Baseball cards, stamps, pokemon, MTG cards. Any sort of collecting or collection game.

It’s all about the rares, no one cares about the commons.

ITT: Basic truths I learned watching Pawn Stars.


I see your invincible and raise you Galleon’s Mushan Beast

videogame pixels.

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Yeah exactly.
Every shaman had their shaman mount but we ended up taking a screen shot with a few back in legion.

I feel happy inside seeing others have a mount I worked to get too.

I can’t relate to others that feel something against people having something they do.


Sums it up to me.

Needing to be a special cartoon in a cartoon game :clown_face:

Invincible is my favorite/best mount (in my opinionnnnnnnn). I wish everyone could get it. It’s been out for years and years. Let ppl have some fun in a damn video game.


I’ve made many friends and play with many friends still in this game over the years, if it suddenly went away, I’d feel like a part of myself was suddenly excised without warning

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Exactly, there should be other ways that lets people work towards then just straight out .001 % , rng, and having multiple alts. That’s like the antithesis of fun.


What I said was opinionated. My objectivity was in that I never sought to prevent that person from having or expressing their opinion. You, on the other hand, didn’t take issue with the substance of what I said, expressing a difference of opinion as I had. You took issue with the fact that I dared say anything at all, as if people can express opinions but no one is allowed to have an opinion about their opinion. Mockingly trying to make your point by bringing up your disclaimer comment. So I’m just pointing out the fact that you seem to be ok with people expressing themselves when you agree with them, but counter opinions are

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In an era of NFTs, that is becoming a bit of an out-of-touch boomer response. There’s nothing wrong with assigning value, and scarcity, to a digital item.

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It feels so dishonest to see people frame this whole situation as some not wanting others to have things and painting them as toxic, as if that’s the main intent of people arguing against a 100% drop chance mount.

There’s undeniable novelty to standing out, it has nothing to do with making sure others don’t have the things you have.

The most compelling argument for me though, is the fact that we pay $15 dollars a month for this game, every second we spend playing the game is money that we’re spending to do so. So technically, each mount has some form of monetary value attached to it proportional to the time you put in to get it. For me, that’s what makes a lot of the raid mounts so special: Me and my guild put tons of time progressing on the raid and that AOTC mount is a representation of our success. It’s just not the same for a mount that’s guaranteed, ironically it makes me want it less.

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Yeah Invisible :wink: , the horseman mount, and the thundering serpent worm from mop are about the only mounts i use. Honestly don’t care who else has them. Doesn’t mean I use them less, because someone else got them. Oh, and Grand Expidition Yak. Tbh that is the most important mount. Transmog npc ya know lol.

Absolutely and those kind of collectors don’t make the same statements that people who want rare mounts in WoW seem to make. As an example, lets make up a scenario here with a stamp collector who has a stamp that only 10 in the world were made.
I have rarely or never heard someone like that state “I am so excited to have this stamp purely because no one else does”
They instead say things like “This is really rare and cool, only 10 were made in the world and I was lucky enough to get one”.
They love stamps, they appreciate collecting them and they love that they got a rare slice of the pie. Their joy doesn’t come from depriving others the stamp, it merely comes from their overall love of stamps and that they got a rare one.

On the other hand, people have specifically said they like a mount/pet/mog because no ones else can get it. That doesn’t make them like the item, it makes them like making other people jealous. You can call it what you like but that isn’t a healthy or “normal” mindset.

I’m not judging them, quite the opposite. I think they need help more than anything. It actually makes me sad that a person feels they need to have something no one else can, it probably illustrates a serious deficit in their real life.


Mmm yes and no. If a mount fits my theme, I don’t care if everyone else in azeroth has it.

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i only liked the small drop chance because it was small “content” for me.
granted it was just cycling some alts, but I even restored one and was leveling one!

I’m not bothered by the least at the 100% drop rate, all g.

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Cool story. You do you dude.

You speak the absolute truth, and it almost makes the game not worth playing at this point.

Valuing something because its rare is a character flaw, but the obsessive need to have everything is not a character flaw. Welcome to the WoW forums. :upside_down_face: