"If everyone has it, nobody wants it."

My enjoyment of something isn’t determined by it’s rarity. I still use the Celestial Steed mount on characters (I match mounts with mogs). If the aesthetic is appealing to me, I’ll enjoy it regardless of if everyone has it or not. Sadly the Illidari Doomhawk mount isnt exactly stellar looking, but I suppose certain Maw themed transmogs would look good with it.


Yes. Because they made it 100%, I participated in the event.

I don’t have time for dumb casino games. Just give me what I paid and worked for.


So you were objective with what you originally said in this thread?

Im at the dark portal and I don’t see any fel Reaper world boss.

I think it’s the odd special snowflake sort of person who makes statements like the quotes in your topic. The person who needs to feel special or unique.

I don’t believe that captures the general audience of this sort of game. Maybe it was once upon a time. I can recall the good ol’ days when you’d see someone in a tier set back in the early 2000s and go “wow, that looks cool. They must be really good at the game!” but that’s not even something that exists in Classic anymore.

I’m sure there’s a good-sized demographic of people who feel that way still, that their own personal value comes at the expense of others. Their egos get inflated when they can peacock to strangers. But I wager that’s a dying breed.

Especially in a game like this where everything is phased and nobody has any sort of community reputation anymore. Why would anyone care about impressing temporary CRZ transients in modern WoW? Especially with something that isn’t so much earned as it is just luck of the draw.

“Look at this RNG mount I got from a holiday event” really doesn’t have the same weight as “check out this weapon I got from a challenging game mode.”

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A load of tauren poopy. Because otherwise, old raids, secrets that get you cosmetics and pets and so on, wouldn’t exist now wouldn’t it? :slight_smile:

Why? you still have your frog.

That “Bonus” is subjective and has nothing to do with the quality of the item itself. :confused:

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It’s outside the Caverns of Time in Tanaris. There is a portal to the Caverns of Time in Orgrimmar.

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Exclusivity has value.

Probably one of the coolest bird mounts in game. Pretty sure it’s unique with no recolors. But you never see it because everyone has one.


Thanks, I just found this out from the other thread. I’m so gullible.

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There’s also hundreds of mounts in the game. Maybe it’s not as cool as you think.

You know what I see a lot of? Store mounts. Especially that cat mount. Or sky golems because of their functionality. Neither are exclusive.

I don’t see very many people riding on the Kor’kron Juggernaut or the MOP Phoenixes. I never ride any of my AOTC mounts. Couldn’t even tell you the last time I saw one.

So maybe you’re discussing correlation more than causation. No matter how rare this holiday event mount was, I guarantee you’d see very few people ride it because it’s not an attractive mount to begin with.

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I have this mount and I don’t think exclusivity has any value. I use this on my goblin hunter.

It’s the developer’s job to provide us with cool and interesting content, not to cater to our psychological ailments.

Allowing your love for something to be affected by its commonality is a version of allowing others to dictate your happiness. If you like it, it doesn’t matter who else has it or likes it. You like it, so use it. Simple as that.

I hardly ever use my Swift Spectral Tiger because the model is so old. It can be exclusive all it wants, but it needs an update if I’m going to ride it.

Be yourself. None of your mounts have actual value. Their value is subjective and sentimental in nature. YOU define how you assign that value, and it doesn’t have to have anything to do with anyone else. Your criteria can be pure aesthetics or maybe you choose mounts to fit a theme. Respect your own sensibilities. Do not allow the illusion of scarcity (IN A DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT) poison you against having fun.


Kind of a shame they gave in, but, not really a hill to die on one way or the other.

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The amount of fun you’re having is effected by what items other people have in a video game?


I feel this is a good point and hard to argue against since it’s a real world phenomenon.

In my opinion, I think the distinction to make is time investment. Low drop rate mounts are considerably more valuable because the time that you put in to get them was exponentially more than the one that had a guaranteed drop.

Does it really feel good to get an A on a test if the instructor curved everyone’s grade to an A?

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From my POV this turned this from an event I would have never participated in to one I will tomorrow when I can log in. So I can only see this as a positive.

Will there be people who stop participating because everyone can get it now? Maybe. But I doubt they’re many in number.

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Went ahead, and got it earlier, then just added it to the list of mounts I have, and will never use :laughing:

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Its one of the most common mounts. People need to get over themselves.
Sure working towards it is nice but for me there is nothing enjoyable farming for potential years to get A ITEM.

That is more relief than fun.

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I almost do not want to get it - not because everyone get’s it but bc they :poop: on the anniversary, imo.

That’s weird energy. I paid a buttload of gold for my frog in BfA, and I don’t care who else has one. My frog is the mount of choice for my Troll Shaman.

That is a toxic mindset. I hope you evolve past that.


I think there will be a lot less of an incentive to run the boss repeatedly on alts, unless people are really intent on grinding out TW badges (I may do this and buy some heirloom upgrades, if that is still possible with TWs), or if someone has a specific xmog they’re aiming for.

Again, not a huge deal in the end. I kinda disagree with the change, but I’m not gonna rail against it.