"If everyone has it, nobody wants it."

Making it 100% is fine. There are so many mounts in WoW that people will ride the mount for a short time and move onto the next shiny thing and only the few diehards will ride it.

For example if you look at the Spider that is able to be purchased VERY FEW people actually ride that mount on a regular basis and it is available to all but only so many people have the gold to get it and only 3% of the population has it. So it’s a very rare mount that is 100% available to everyone (i love it and use it for one of my toons) yet no one uses it.

I personally don’t care about how “exclusive” it is, if i want it i will do what’s necessary to get it even though everyone else may have it. Exclusivity doesn’t really matter as far as i can see if you pay attention to what people actually do as opposed what they say.

SKY CAKE doesn’t TASTE GOOD unless OTHER PEOPLE don’t get Sky Cake!


Seriously though, I couldn’t possibly care even a little bit what everyone else gets. How does that affect me? I have a ton of “rare” mounts that I never use. I just want more numbers to work up to the achievements.


Not as toxic as “I’m greedy so I deserve to have what anybody else has.”

See, I can misrepresent other people’s mindsets too.

Rarity lends value. Especially when it’s otherwise just pixels. When everybody gets a blue ribbon, what is a blue ribbon worth?

I really don’t care if other people have it and enjoy it. It does, however, devalue the pixels to me. It is like inflation in a way. The more cash out there, the less it’s worth.


Thank you, its always good to see respect from The Other Side. I am a Prime. During fights I frequently turn into a truck, or most often a mechanostrider.

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From the oxford dictionary…

“being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else”

Cmon dude, this is child’s play.

More like pointing out the irony of you saying really stupid things while calling other people stupid outright.

You mean like I should have posted a disclaimer before stating my OPINION that they should check themselves? I mean y’know, since everything else I said was stated plainly in their post that I responded to and was just a reiteration… Funny how opinions only go one way for you. I guess you’ll respect my right to also state an opinion if one day you agree with me…:man_shrugging:

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Well to be honest, I’m not really too much of a fan of the Dragonhawks.
As far as the Illidari Dragonhawk, I do agree that as an Anniversary event it should have been and now is a 100% drop rate. As it being one associated with the anniversary event,I agree with it being hotfixed.

You know me so well? They do not. When someone has a better idea/opinion than me I usually will say so.

A lot of us gravitate towards ppl of the same mindset usually though…no?

It’s worth to me whatever I want it to be worth.

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This whole “its less fun if others have it” is just ego, a fragile one at that, you want mentally stroked. Just admit it already.


While that is correct, my point is still valid. There are certain variables in the one of three. A color, minor difference, etc. that still make the one of three unique. By all means, please go on with your shinning example of Dunning Krueger syndrome.

I never called anyone stupid. I asked them to display their intelligence (posting out of logic rather than emotion). Again, your comprehension fails you and you “look” stupid.

It’s okay. How many mounts are there? 500? Not everybody will ride the same mount. It might just be popular now. Then people will move on. The ones who like it will keep riding it.



I don’t care what people obtain or want in this game.

the Sylvanas Discount doomhawk.

They Key word in your subject is “want”. Money isn’t the evil of all things. It is Greed.

Unfortunately for us in the U.S. one of our core “Values” (if you believe or not is true) is Commercialism. Idiots always want what the Jones’s have, always want that shiny bauble, etc. it is in our Primate DNA, and we are not too far off from a family of Macaque’s in that respect.

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It’s just tryhard gamers on govt dime trying to preserve the little value they have in life left.

I agree there are those that abuse the system. But they learned it from the System itself.

don’t hate everyone on the Govt Dime. many (roughly 10% of the population) needs that support. Intelligence has a bell curve like all other things, there are the top 10% who are ungodly Intelligent compared to the majority, and unfortunately there are the bottom 10% that need the support from Humanity.

Hence why added the extra parts. I am not disparaging everyone in that situation. Just the pathetic ones that would suffer an existential crisis if wow shut down tomorrow.

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I can only go by what you say since I don’t know you at all. If that’s the case then why would you presume that because I said, in simplest terms, that I disagreed with their opinion, that I wasn’t also expressing an opinion.

So I’m confused why you would attack my opinion solely based on the fact that I expressed one, while defending that person’s right to express an opinion. Bit hypocritical but as we established I don’t know you, so maybe that’s how you roll

Yes, but some of us can remain objective while doing it

Im not quite sure what’s stumping you about the “unlike anything else” part

Your passive agressive nonsense isn’t fooling anyone

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