"If everyone has it, nobody wants it."

People have their reasons for thinking the way they do. It’s not different than some people wanting Ferraris because it’s uncommon and out of most people’s price range.

I don’t necessarily agree with it but calling them mentally unstable is dumb. Show some class.

Another one with a lack of comprehension. I’m not sure how to make it any more clear to minds like yours. How about this: since you mentioned Ferrari’s. How about one person in the world wants to buy every single Ferrari. They want them just so no one else can have one. You both desire and have the funds to buy a Ferrari 360 Modena. The other person doesn’t want you to have it because they won’t. That is mentally unstable.

You want me to show class? How about you show some modicum of intelligence.

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Cool!!! I have a chance to get it now. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

For a limited time event this should be the standard drop rate. It’s not like you can farm the 17th anniversary year after year.

Oh come on! I already killed him! He knocked me over a few feet and stunned me like 3 times! Now I gotta go kill him again for a mount everyone has??



It’s more of a mixed reaction for me, on the one hand its a nice free mount to have. On the other hand though I guess it does invalidate the payers that got it before the changes that were done.

Yet to me it shouldn’t matter, similar to all of the holiday mounts, given there are “pristiege” mounts that do exist in the form of saddles, KSM, and every other raid on mythic, and then the last raid of the expansion on heroic and mythic. With the heroic variant being the true FOMO mount given you can’t get them once the tier is over with as you can’t obtain AOTC anymore.

I find it to be acceptable to make the holiday mounts 100%, leave the raid mounts, PvP mounts, and M+ mounts as they are currently. So the prestige hunters can still feel special about owning something that a small fraction of the player base owns. Yet in reality really doesn’t matter given it only matters to the players in game. So there is no point to get up in arms over it honestly.

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There’s so many mounts at this point I don’t care who has what or what I get. Lol

Should be low if the chance to obtain it is yearly.

If it was a True 17th Anniversary gift (one year only), it should have been a quest reward. Not from a single “World Boss” kill.

And the quest would be to go kill this troublemaking WB.

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If multiple people in the thread don’t understand what you mean, maybe it’s you who lacks communication skills? And, maybe as you are so quick to point out, it’s a lack of intelligence issue.

Your Ferrari example doesn’t even make sense and isn’t remotely close to my illustration. I’m not going to waste words with you.

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And earlier I went straight from him to sha of anger and the horde toon next to me had the mount and I /bowed but maybe it was after the hotfix and I shoulda /kicksandinface or something. Maybe I shouldint log in till tomorrow so nobody rubs it in that I dont have mount yet. Thats what I get for taking 6 hour nap.

Which is why you must be a charter member of Amazon Soapbox Prime. Early adopter, respect. It’s good to see their immediate delivery system is being piloted with such grand results!!

However, I do suggest raising the budget for the reinforced version so your philosophical opinion’s do not degrade into, ‘it is why it is…’ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

People value things for their rarity all the time. It’s literally what drives the collectibles market and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Ok because people that judge other people they don’t know on what’s in their head, which they couldn’t possibly know, and go off half cocked acting like they’re better than other people and calling others mentally ill surely don’t have a special chapter all about them in the DSM…:roll_eyes::clown_face:

This wouldn’t be “rare” then, it would be “unique”. Not synonyms.

Take your own advice and hush now, adults are talking.


The main problem is that kind of people that think “rarity” based on a low drop % is toxic for the game, this only promotes collectors to have more alts and more alts for attempts while new players and other players with 1 character don´t have a chance.

We need rarity because the content is a challenge like gladiatior, challenge mode, mage tower…etc not because the drop is so bad that it will take you years even with a lot of alts.


Oh no! Not that! Anything but that!

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I think that things have value if it required skill or some sort of expertise/mastery to get it. This is why PvP Mounts are the rarest in game.

If it only required RNG then it’s not special, and the people who want it to be kept special just want it to be that way because they think they somehow beat the odds by getting the item (e.g. making 50 alts to farm a boss), but you literally did nothing special compared to everyone else other than just waste more time lol.



Ex 1: One of three = unique

Lol. Projecting your own insecurities? I’m most likely older than you.


I am pretty sure this is the right answer.

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I never cared about exclusivity in mounts.

I just collect them and use the ones I like.


Well said. Couldn’t have said it better. You can’t give your opinion on the forums these days though it seems without lame comments like dis:

Do we all need to start giving disclaimers when we post anything? Something like: This is my opinion. I know it is not a fact. But, it is how I feel. It could change in the future but for now this is it folks.

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I only like mounts that are actually difficult to obtain, not just rare. Which is why the Shackled Ur’zul has been my favorite mount since i got it.