"If everyone has it, nobody wants it."

So you can like what you like for your reasons but if people like something different for different reasons there’s something wrong with them? Think you need to check yourself on that one


People like rare drop rates so much, all store purchases should have the same percentage of “Oops, better luck next time!” as well.

Yep; the Corehound was guaranteed but the weapon enchantment mog was a rare drop.


What they are saying is basically: People that want only ultra rare/unique things (strictly for bragging rights) are mentally flawed. The “look what I have and you don’t possess” mentality is laughable and shows the true mentality (or more likely the lack of) in those people.


I have two pretty rare mounts. Swift zg tiger and the mechanical scorp from mythic Garrosh.

I really only get on them to flex. I don’t ride them around because I don’t really enjoy them as much.

My rogue’s favourite mount since tbc has always been the fast gyro copter mount which is still available to anyone who cares to level engineering.

So, I guess it doesn’t really matter to me how many people have it. A celebratory event should probably have 100% drop mounts or achievement mounts that everyone can get, though. 1% drops just make people grumpy while they mindlessly log through their alt stables.

I hear this one looks like dog crap anyway.


Yea thanks for the recap but I’m in no way confused about what was said. It’s actually yall that seem to think your reasons are better than other people’s reasons that have the “issue”.

Nope because mine comes from a place of genuine like of an item, those who only like it because it’s rare are coming from a pretty unhealthy/toxic mindset mixed up of jealousy/greed/pride. Those are never healthy and they should probably examine why something needs to be held over others to be enjoyable for them.


Don’t give Blizzard any ideas. Instead of $25 for a mount, it will be $25 for a loot box with a chance for a mount…


Rarity has always been something human beings have sought out. In ancient times purple dye was rare because it was difficult to make and only the wealthy could afford it, so it became a sign of royalty and prestige. You can carry that forward into just about everything with the same criteria: rare = wanted. Its true in history and real life and its true in games.

Human attitudes are difficult to change and not everybody wants them to. Sometimes its comforting or pleasing to possess what few others have. Whatever the psychology of it, it is what it is.


Comprehension is clearly not your strength. You are indeed confused or you’d have posted “I see what you mean now”. Yes, people that don’t want anyone else to have what they have, are mentally unstable (most likely on multiple levels). I’m not saying everyone should have the same crap (because socialism is absolutely stupid and never works).

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I think they got it best with the death wing mount- guaranteed, do some content, not too hard, but doable by anyone.

This year’s way just fine though, considering its not a great looking mount.

Some will complain after the event. You’ll see.

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There are people that want to feel special for sure. I could care less. I just want the thing

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Lol. It’s a ridiculous mindset :rofl:


the dark phoenix mount is incredible. but nobody uses it because it’s trivial.
same with the class charger.

They are right just look at store mounts, they look amazing yet i hardly see people on them ir any mount that is just given to you like the legion class mounts.

Yes I’m sure you mr random forum guy loves their new cat mount but the reality is you are the minority.

It’s an insanely ugly mount with the lowest resolution I think I’ve seen since playing Classic so who cares? Literally nobody will use it after the week is over anyway.

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I don’t like dragonhawk mounts at all, I just got it to add to my collection lol


Anniversary mounts have never been a rare drop if I remember correctly, it should be a celebration of playing the game and a reward. Farming a 1% droprate on 15 characters is not a reward. People already do that enough.


Personally, I could care less if others have the rare items I have. It is meaningless.


There are plenty of rare mounts in the game that people can feel all high and mighty for having if they want to. A boring dragonhawk reskin is not cool enough to care that everyone else will have it. I would rather not have yet another holiday mount that is annoyingly difficult to get.