"If everyone has it, nobody wants it."

If you don’t want something because others have it, you never wanted it in the first place.


I’d be thankful for RL scandal’s and bad press.

Because if Blizzard had their way you’d never get that mount.


idk people say and think silly things all the time :stuck_out_tongue:

I still love the protodrakes, even though most people have them at this point. One of my fav mounts is the Infinite Time Reaver, and I’ve seen that around lots as well.


I could personally care less about manufactured scarcity. For instance, I had the class mount on a character before the nerf when it was a huge pain. Maybe I flexed it a little but of course no one actually cared. Then they made it easier and that just means my alts will have their class mounts too, so no loss there.

Either way once I got Lord of the Corpseflies I switched from my “more rare” class mount to that. Because I like flying around on a giant bluebottle fly. Doesn’t matter if 1/4th of the game, could be literally everyone in that covenant has it. I like it and what I like matters more than whether I can flex a freakin’ mount. I still use the fey dragon on about half my characters despite it being an old store mount because I still haven’t found much more compelling than a chameleon dragon, especially when I’m playing elves. It just fits.

Side Note: I got the class mount on this character and I don’t really dig it at all, fanciest of horses or not. Might just use that corpsefly some more even though I’m kyrian, because hey, I like what I like.


It depends, some events should provide the things 100%, like love is in the air, hallow’s end those drops only incentivize the alt army meta on which a player creates and level up 50+ characters just to have more attempts, the good unique rewards should be accesible to any kind of player with 1 or multiple characters but limited to your skill , like gladiator, challenge mode, KSM…etc

if they could keep the content evergreen like the new version of mage tower, the new players will have content to do and the mounts provided by content that has a skill barrier will be rare, the whole idea of rare mounts behind a lottery rng is just toxic.


This is totally understandable because I feel this exact same way about the Wildseed Cradle mount, it’s super easy to get and most people have it but it’s still one of my personal favorites. :blush: :blush: :blush:


it’s more that if it’s easy to get I don’t want it. mounts that require effort to collect are dope.


That’s definitely understandable!! It’s an adorable mount

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Should have always been 100%
Gift for loyal customers


I personally don’t care how many people have a mount. If I like it, I try to get it and put it on my favorites. I don’t need to feel special about it.


When does this happen? I killed him on 4 characters after reset today, got junk and gold.

Leave it to a blood elf to be into a Palanquin analog :stuck_out_tongue:

I kid. I would totally be down for a mount I can sleep on while it takes me places.

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I think the drop chance should have been around 20% or so. Not because of rarity— it’s just an anniversary boss, not a challenge mode— but because it makes it more fun and exciting when you do get it.


This would totally be a mount that I support having, same with the carriage mounts in Revendreth. :yum: :yum: :yum:

It’s ok to do a thing and get a thing. Even at 20% someone out there would have had a really bad time as RNG kicked them in the face. Not one single person should ever have a bad time at a limited time event.


I feel like a carriage mount would be hilariously bulky and unwieldy.

I support this notion, right up until I picture five of them sitting around a mailbox.

I am now veto’ing this notion. And may the gods have mercy on your soul.

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Every anniversary reward has been giving away instantly for free in the past. Why change it now? Everyone should get it


See you leave it at 20%. But you award an achievement(…may already do so, heck if I know yet).

Then after the event you mail everyone with the achievement and without the mount, the mount anyways. Best of all worlds.

I’m fine with rare mount drops for raids and even regular overworld. But for holidays and anniversaries, they should always be 100% drop. It should be about people having fun getting something fun and festive for showing their support. For starters, there wouldn’t BE an anniversary without the players. And holidays are pretty much unilaterally about GIVING to others. While some of you may compete to win your Christmas presents out of your defeated parents cold, unconscious hands it is not how the majority of us do holidays.


IIRC, the corehound was given to you if you killed ragnor during the event (100% drop as long as you stayed alive and didn’t die).