"If everyone has it, nobody wants it."

He’s rassafrassin kids making me mute threads left and right because I don’t know how to stop necroing

This is 100% true. It is for me, at least.

The topic has reached the top of /wow and people do agree.

The tank challenge in general needs a serious nerf just to bring it in line with some of the other challenges.

I wouldn’t mind seeing all mage tower fights nerfed a bit. They are unique rewards (bear form) and lets be honest the top 1% of players already have enough unique things to make them feel special.

Better yet though is introducing similar rewards that challenge players differently. Things like loremaster and insane in the membrane were things that challenged players by requiring dedication and not skill. Granting a different version of the werebear for doing something similar would be a great alternative.

More like, “I paid $14.99 and gave my time to this game. Give me what I feel that I’m owed.” If DoorDash didn’t give me my fries because I didn’t “try” hard enough, I wouldn’t order DoorDash anymore. When people pay money, they expect a positive experience.

Not even a little bit. There is no value in rare diseases, for example, outside the opportunity for medical science to research them.

I got bad news for you, bud. It has always been just pixels and always will be.

Cash is Fiat currency. It’s faith-based. It has no actual value. The assumed value of money is arbitrary and related only to other manufactured systems around the world which exist only to prop up fiat currency in other countries.


“If everyone has it, nobody wants it.”

So I guess nobody wants a car or a house then by that saying.

It’s more applicable to the brand of car. For example, some of the people who own Ferraris only seek out that brand because it’s rare and exclusive due to its premium pricing.


All of this.

When people say they like having stuff that others don’t have, what they’re really saying is they find joy in people not having stuff.

Honestly, that’s worrisome.


Eh the achievements are there for a reason like I got my mage tower appearance when it was still hard prior to the last patch, but I don’t judge folks who smashed the mt right before legion ended when everyone over geared it.

I wouldn’t give a flip if they allowed players to smash the mt again for the same pixels.

Getting upset about game cosmetics is really such a bad waste of your life.

…just saw this again on a content creator’s twitter:

Today I learned that “my cool stuff doesn’t become less cool to me if other people can also get it” is a hot take

I guess this is still topical. Are there people out there who are still upset that their cool stuff isn’t exclusive anymore or that others have access to it? I thought people were past that…

Nope, as someone who cleared it on Outlaw. I couldn’t give a damn if someone was able to get the appearance today.

I worry about my enjoyment, not the enjoyment of others.

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I should add that I’m referencing the forum outrage currently for releasing the “rare” TCG mount as a reward for watching Twitch streamers during the lead up to DragonFlight’s release.

I never wanted a car or a house and somehow own both anyway.

Holy Necro and Necro again Batman.

If it looks nice and fits the theme I’m going for with a character then it doesn’t matter to me in the slightest how common it is, I want it and will use it if I can get it.

I for one do not care one bit about what someone else has that I may already have. It is no way effects me what they got or how they got it…I simply do not care.

For me these are pixels on a computer screen, they have absolutely zero meaning or any kind of value at all besides I thought it looked cool. If someone else gets an item I had a little easier then good on them, they can enjoy it now as well. I do not have an ego to stroke.


Good marketing respects general human psychology.

Successful marketing takes advantage of it, so long as the approach is never painted in a negative light.

Generating artificial rarity is advantageous for creating engagement.

Speaking of respect

Only 2 days to collect the fomo feldrake

Yup. I do not understand the mentality of it needs to be “rare” to be “special”. Or the ppl that need to boast to other humans about their crap.

I like what I like rather it’s popular or not.