"If everyone has it, nobody wants it."

“Some people like green” is not factually wrong you clown.

Stop embarrassing yourself.

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But thats not what you said.

You stated that every single tier was the same, the only difference being a recolor.

That was factually wrong.

At this point I can’t continue on. I feel like I am making fun of a middle school drop out.

Have a great day.

When I was a teenager I used to use the rarest titles, mounts and cosmetic looks.

Now that I’m an adult I use what looks good to me and fits my headcanon for that character.

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"What’s also funny about this topic (if I haven’t said it already) is that Blizzard now breaks tier difficulty down by recolors of the same sets of gear.

So LFR is (sic) green, normal is blue, Heroic is yellow, and Mythic is red.

Ok but … what if green is your favorite color??"

You realize everyone, including you, can just scroll up and see you that YOU ARE WRONG.


The first two replies being polar opposites is great.

With the “who cares” absolutely destroying the “muh rarity” one in likes is just delicious.


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That’s what I base my mounts off of. If it looks awesome I get it, if it doesn’t I don’t bother with it.

I don’t care if people have the same mount or transmog as me. What matters is that it looks good and can be used with (in the mounts case.) my current outfit.

I think generally it’s overblown. Most of the removed stuff in this game (legion artifact appearences for example) aren’t that great looking. However I believe there are some outliers. The SL gladiators mounts come to mind. Their attention to detail is way above any other mounts in the game now. They deserve to be special, and seeing every fresh 60 with it would be lame in my opinion.

But yeah, 99% of the time that mentality is not warranted.

Likes aren’t 100% accurate since they aren’t limited to one per account but they still give you a general idea how everyone’s feeling, for sure.

I agree it’s a good sign, though~

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Why are the devs of any game invested in trying to prevent people from expressing themselves?

I think, in all aspects, there’s an innate fear of homogeneity. In classes it equals stagnation and boring design. In xmog it means your options are limited.

Not saying I agree with that, just … that SEEMS to be the mindset.

But I think even if “everyone” started wearing black, I think plenty of people would wear something different just to NOT wear black.

Some people like black, and some people like black… until EVERYONE is wearing it, and then they have to be a new kind of different.

I just don’t think the devs trust people to ever make that move past “everyone is wearing black.” I think what you’re asking is “so what?” But … I don’t have an answer to that. :slight_smile:

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If a lot of people have it and I don’t think it looks amazing I won’t use it. But I like the worldbreaker mount and a lot of people got that so not always true for sure, at least for me. Myth Busted!

Yeah, that’s where I came to in my thought process.

I feel like devs who fear everyone looking the same don’t understand how human psychology works. Everyone wants to stand out somehow. This can be demonstrated in real life at the intersection of Goth and Punk.

Who is the edgiest goth at the goth club? Probably the one wearing the pink feather boa, because he stands out. Being edgy is all about standing out. It isn’t about blood and spikes - Orgrimmar proves that. Blood and Spikes everywhere, but the city doesn’t feel edgy at all because those things are normalized there.

What feels edgy in Orgrimmar is a Blood Elf Socialite with leper gnome servants, because every orc they pass has a glare for them.

The appeal of the Black Knight archetype is in its edginess. Normalize it, and it feels like Squire’s Colors.

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I grew up as a punk, and at some point I was looking around and all my friends had the standard “punk uniform.” It was then I started wearing really formal clothes, ties, etc. Everyone called me a sellout and poser, etc… except not only did I feel I was doing the most punk thing possible, but it allowed me to be included into other social circles I might not have been invited in my “punk uniform” … and I was able to REALLY CAUSE TROUBLE. >)

So yeah… I totally get that. :slight_smile:

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Sadly this theme of “if everyone has it …” is inconsistent. Remember the Kanrethad fight (Warlock green fire quest"? Yeah, some of us beat the fight early long before the Devs changed the mechanics to make it doable.

Then when the next expac came out they let you overpower it. Oh and if you left MoP before the next expac, you didnt get the achievement (Black harvest) which not much to me but my friends were pretty irked.
I literally turned down 5 million & higher gold offers to play other player’s toons . My answer "if everyone had it then it wouldn’t be special.

Turns out, it wasnt special Anyone can do it now. If only consistency existed. I do agree with regardless of this wishy washy approach to challenges etc.

I have noticed in my own mental state, some transmogs i cant tell if they look cool or not because something inside me knows they arent rare, are maybe old, or etc…

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Don’t worry as you are not the only one. There seems to be a lot of players who judge mounts / xmogs based on rarity, obtainability and age in the game.

I get that people like to feel special. Everyone has their own reasons for feeling that way. But before starting this thread, I just never understood how widespread this mindset really was.

If a mount is ugly, swoops, rolls, is huge and obnoxious, I don’t care how rare it is. I won’t use it.

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Well, interestingly this is probably going to resolve itself.

The DF talents will make guardian much more powerful in MT than they were in SL because you now get to retain your Borrowed Powers as baseline.

All in all it’s going to be a much easier encounter I would think.

This. I have many exclusive things. Pretty much every AotC mount, all of the Legion mage tower skins, MoP legendary cloak, etc etc etc… and I could not care less if Blizzard kept them all in the game and made them all just as easy to get now as they were back then. Or even easier! I don’t care! Let people have it. The rarity of an item does not matter to me. What matters to me is does it look cool to me? If yes, then I’ll use its appearance when the whim takes me. I mean heck, half the time I’m using one of the default base forms of Skull of the Manari transmog because it suits my transmog better than any of its rare skins. Now is one of those times in fact.

The ONLY condition I have is: Do not put anything on the store. If it was earnable through on game activities it should remain earnable through in game activities. I don’t care if they make it as easy as just earning a little Anima and get it off a vendor, just do not put it in the cash store. Rarity be damned I just don’t want Blizzard milking these things for cash.