"If everyone has it, nobody wants it."

Scarcity generally does improve value in WoW. There’s a reason why the Black Qiraji Battle Tank still has incredible value to this day, almost two decades later.

For some things yes, but for a celebration event no.

EVeryone that plays the game is entitled to rewards. Gatekeeping and fostering in-game elitism is ruining the foundation of Positive Game play. I for one enjoy rewards. What I don’t appreciate are elitists that continue to believe that low drop chances is some pious declaration of skill or talent.


This makes sense. But what’s your take on something like the Guardian Druid bear reskin from Mage Tower? Is that something you’d prefer to be more easily accessible or would you prefer the current difficulty of the challenge to be retained?

The reason I ask is because this has less to do with drop chances and RNG so I’m curious what your take is.

Same. I don’t understand those that farm a stupid looking rare mount. I almost never farm a mount. I figure the mount will drop at some point, so no rush.

“When everyone’s super, no one is”
rarity always is a sort of thing that make things more desireable, since most mounts and apperances really end up just as collection items that gather dust I feel like having some sort of rarity to them is really nice, because the people who want them will keep trying for it and those who dont, just wont have it and theres no loss.
My first thought to rarity is Invinicble, its cool for 2 reasons, one because its Arthas’ horse, two because its so rare, even today the only people who have it are those who have grinded for it, and so when you ride it you get to feel really special since no one else is riding it.

Though i can say sometimes it is fun for everyone to ride the same mount, like the Tree of ancients, or whatever that tree mount that everyone got, I’ve had some epic battlegrounds where everyone charged forward on an army of trees!

There is no prestige in getting a random drop mount, nobody but you thinks it’s some badge of honor, you got lucky, that’s all.

If you want to feel good about getting a mount, go get the Ranked pvp ones or the mythic ones, WITHOUT being carried, then you can be proud and sit in the capital city and flex.

This isn’t vanilla anymore, with severs being connected and lfg being a thing, anyone that doesn’t know you personally won’t take notice to your shiny toys, you are just another NPC to them. Get something because you like it, not because you think it will make you look cool to all the other NPCs out there.

I have all friendly nameplates turned off, to me in game, you quite literally are just another NPC.

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Not much of a mount hunter myself. I have the two rare mounts I really wanted in this game. After seven, or 8 years I finally got the Headless horseman mount, and Invincible after running ICC hundreds of times on multiple characters lol. The other rares I just happen to have I wasn’t even actively farming, or going out of my to try, and get. Rivendares charger dropped while I was just dungeon spam leveling.

Doesn’t bother me who else has the mounts, gear etc that I have. And never has. Believe a lot of it has to do with the have, and have not mentality. In the eyes of some players, their self worth is defined by having something that other people don’t have. It’s not enough to be a skilled player. It’s not enough to have the best gear. They’re only happy if most of the world doesn’t have gear, mounts, etc nearly as good as they have. They’re only happy if most of the players don’t get to even see the content that they see.

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Pretty much everyone I’ve ever come across in-game has TLPD. You’d think it’s rare but no. Appears to be as common as dirt. I don’t have it though. I still want it. :expressionless:

Cap it at 2 years. Win via long long grind or luck. But realistically if you put in two years that mount should be 100%yours.

Status comes from respect for the luck or the grind.

The difficulty is fine but the event needs to stay permanently available for the players.

The fundamental problem is that World of Warcraft does not support this foundation. You need to have many characters and transmog-sets to have an use for all these flavor-based mounts. If you wish to maintain these characters, you need to be a no-lifer because you cannot share most advancements you do and you cannot get fast enough catch up gear either.

It’s absolutely true when you look at the bigger picture.
Yes, there’s exceptions, but generally people want to be a bit different.

How often do you truly see people riding the Tree mount?
It’s popular when it comes out. But then people get tired off it.

Ashes of Alar? Invinclbe? Onyxia? Yeah, I see them, but their reputation is more appealing than actually riding it.

I have never, ever wanted something less just because “everyone has it”. If I want something in game, it’s because I personally think it looks cool, or I have a use for it, or I just want to check off the ticky box cause that’s how I like to play at times.


It was like seeing someone riding the white raptor. It was a cool thing to see from time to time, or back in the day someone with Thunderfury or Sulfuras.

First become last and last become first.
Rares are commonly used, while common is rarely used. Therefore, both tend to have a rare phase.

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Your comment had a lot of support. But as I look at the forums today, it does seem like a lot of players would still prefer rare / exclusive mounts and rewards that become unobtainable after some time or are extremely difficult to obtain.

It’s interesting to me because there does seem to be two very clear groups of players where one group is indifferent to what others have while the other group is very sensitive to what others have and don’t have.

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Bit of both, I think.

Yeah. I think so too. The gladiator mount exclusivity thread made me think of this topic again.

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You never see Wonderwing because the noise it makes as it’s flying is like nails on a chalkboard. Not because it’s common. Same reason you don’t see the motorcycles very often.

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i use an addon to block annoying wow sounds.