"If everyone has it, nobody wants it."

In one of the random ‘bring back the Mage Tower’ threads, I made the comment that I was in possession of many ‘off limits’ items to players now a days, and that I was completely open to those being available to everyone.

That position hasn’t changed.

Having a low drop chance on a mount that is only available for a specific period, is a dumb decision, but looking at the company’s decisions over the last year, it’s not really surprising they’d pull some shenanigans like this.


Since Mage Tower has been quite topical in recent days, using Guardian Druid as an example:

  • Should the Guardian Druid encounter be nerfed such that everyone can get the appearance, or should it retain its difficulty?
  • To the players who have already earned it - does the appearance feel less meaningful and valuable if the majority of people have it? Or, do you not care what other people have?

Retain its difficulty. It’s extremely doable, the people that really wanted it have gotten it. It’s a grind that’s all.

It’s called a “Challenge mode” for a reason, not a “easy mode”.


There’s tons of stuff that I have that I wouldn’t care at all if others got them. For example, zergling pet, mop cloak, a fabulous head of hair.

I got the guardian skin and I would like to see it be nerfed to be FAR more accessible. As it stands, it’s tuned to be about a 21 key (Keystone Hero achiev has a 5% completion rate while the towering success for any ONE MT Challenge is sub 4%) . Ideally I think it should match the legion % which is 30%.

Here is the % completed for legion

And here for the current MT

Grats on your Guardian skin.

Keep in mind, Legion had the benefit of out-gearing the challenge in the later patches. That won’t happen here. It would have to be quite the nerf to make it more accessible.

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“If everyone has it, nobody wants it.”

does’nt sound right. the more correct answer for that illidari mount from the event back in november is: ‘everybody has it, but nobody asked for it in this colour’.

Take the stance that, like legion, the tower became easier in time. So retune-ing the challenge to reflect more of a late legion which most players were wanting rather than a early legion would reflect exactly what happened in legion. Maybe let player armor scale up to ilvl 75 to reflect another tier of gear rather than 50.

I’d say by far the more important aspect of any item/mount/cosmetic is what it signifies, not just its appearance. It is important for people to be able to walk around in a cool piece of armor/mount that shows what they have achieved in the game and not everybody has. Yes, it’s not as important as things in real life, but it’s nice to have things to strive for in game and see others have rare items, want to get it yourself, go for it, and eventually get it and feel satisfied with the game experience.

Nobody rides that big green tree mount that they gave out to everyone because when you ride it, you show everyone that you can ride a mount that is mailed to you and every player has. Nobody wants to signify that


There’s an element of desirability as a result of rarity, but that feeling is almost completely eclipsed by whether or not I like the look.

Ultimately, I don’t care who else has it as long as I like it.


Also I would point out that many players have transmog sets that, while not hard to get, become very desirable if it looks good. Further, there is such a wide arrange of cosmetics that one simply isn’t able to display all of their ‘flexes’ at once. Sure, seeing something like a black AQ bug and a scarab lord title is kinda neat cause it’s rare but that doesn’t make it all that desirable since it’s an ugly very old mount that looks like something out of SNES’ Star Fox

I rather think that almost nobody rides that big tree mount because it doesn’t look that good. But that might be just me.

If it looks good and I like it, I’ll use it. I couldn’t care less how many others have it or how they got it. It doesn’t affect me in the least.

I think it’s unfortunate that it DOES affect some other folks enough that they feel they need to raise issues about it.

It’s just pixels. We don’t even really own them; if the game were to close they would all vanish into the void.


I never see anyone riding the Obsidian Worldbreaker. Most likely because it was so easy to get. It looks pretty cool, imo.

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If something is appealing and useful to me … I don’t care How Many have it, I’ll use it.
For mounts I use the flyers with minimal movement graphics with a smooth travel feel … and quiet , no whining , groaning , barking, howling … etc.
I love the lovely mounts with floating feathers and lights , bells , whistles ,whim whams ,ding dings ,gewgaw’s and all that … when some Other Player goes past me on one . but I don’t like all the distraction while I’m traveling and doing what I need to.



Why? Because it’s a challenge mode.

They can nerf it all they want if it’s overtuned or whatever. But no nerfing just to allow those who currently playing to get something that IMO shouldn’t of been brought back in the first place.

Also before anyone else says so… no I don’t have the OG Werebear or the current obtainable Fel version.

Again, I don’t have it but I genuinely don’t care who does. My mind set is simple, it’s meant to be a challenge mode to earn a reward, so keep it a challenge mode. I don’t care about anything else in between. And even if I did have either the OG or the Fel version, my opinion would not differ.

Because tuning something = handing something to them for free. The world is binary!

False dichotomy.

This is no argument. I read postings where people spent all their money to get a single skin and they couldn’t make it.

The MT should stay online permanently.

Agree with this

You can do the bear mt in sl gear. So that’s on them spending their gold.

People keep saying they don’t see people riding the trees or worldbreakers or any hand out mounts yet I can run into both in Oribos very easily.

All you gotta do is change “no one/never” to “a few people/rarely” and you instantly aren’t typing out fabrications, that’s my forum tip for this morning :heart: