"If everyone has it, nobody wants it."

I think people just like to collect. Whether it’s an easy task or a more difficult one doesn’t change the objective.

I’d think people would prefer easier objectives so they can finish their collections easier

Yea if the mount is not rare its no good, same as shop mounts, no value

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i collect mounts for appearance not rarity.


You only need to look at what mounts people ride to know that the statement is generally true.

Mounts being ridden typically fit into three categories -

  1. People ride the most prestigious or rare mount they own.

  2. People ride a mount that matches their mog.

  3. People ride the new meme mount.

That’s it. The amount of players in category 1 and 3 completely overwhelm the number of players in category 2, which is to say, this idea that people are collecting mounts to find the one that fits their mog is a a rarity. People mostly either want something new or something they can show off.

You forget the mix of 1 and 2. Making a mog to match your cool new mount is half of the challenge.

(ETA: I do think it’s more common to find people who hunt mounts that match a theme rather than mog, though. People have their aesthetics, and that is what usually drives them towards one thing over the other.)

My current mog is built around that new tangled dragon mount that everyone has. :dragon_face: :dragon:

If I like something I want everyone to have it.
I love seeing everyone riding the same mount in org.


Guess I’m in a fourth category where I just fav all the ones that look cool and RNG, with a few favs (that have nothing to do with how I look on them mog wise) for direct selection on my bar.

I don’t think a lot of people do this but I’d argue it’s more or equal to the amount of “meme” mounters.

There is a very clear difference between servers. Roleplay-servers do scare regular players because they cannot just jump and wiggle around with their characters. There is some elitism in the air you cannot find on normal servers.

In short: You stand out on RP-servers if you act like on a regular server, in a bad way.

As a non-RPer who has been on the biggest NA RP realm for years, I have never experienced anything even resembling what you are talking about. And outside of people actively RPing, people use mounts exactly how he said they do, either the rarest thing they own or whatever is new. I see the same mounts whether I’m on Illidan or Moon Guard, it doesn’t change at all.


I find I only use mounts that show prestige. Mounts that drop in current raids or mounts that have been removed from the game. I also use mounts that match whatever transmog I’m using.

Additionally I avoid gargantuan mounts because I find them obnoxious when other people use them and I lead by example.

I don’t think mounts from solo farmable raids are impressive to have, it’s just luck. I say this as someone one owns most of 1% drop mounts. I never use them in favor of the ones I just mentioned. Same goes for the gold sink mounts.

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To be fair, the American scene is, as far as I can tell, not as professional as Agent Dawn-EU. You don’t have a collective of +300 people who control a faction’s complete RP this much by leaving the main hub, neither have you several websites going for your server. AD is very well known for its high standards and it reacts very badly when things go bad.

Usually it hits people who stand out, do not know how RP works or look like clowns. I never saw this before I started to RP but most of the complains have an actual truth behind it.

I’ve never been a fomo type. If I like it, I’ll get it and it doesn’t matter who has it.


I still agree with myself one year later!

I am taking the free thing!

I don’t really care how rare a mount is or isn’t. All that matters to me is that’s reasonably practical and cool looking.

For years my most often used mounts on this character were a nelf cat on land and gryphon in the air, until Legion when I got my [Dalaran Manhole Cover of Fiery Wrath] which has been my go-to mount ever since. All three are as common as water, but they look reasonably good, fit through all doorways, don’t make my character bob up and down like crazy, and don’t make obnoxious noises.

If the most rare mount in the game dropped for me but it were ugly or the size of a barn or sounded like a dying godzilla-goose it’d just sit in my mounts pane collecting dust because what good is an impractical mount?


thats what rarity is. and why rare items exist and are sought after. if everyone has it no one wants it

I want all mounts and don’t care if you all have them too :slight_smile: What you have has nothing to do with me.


I do not care how many people have something, if I like it, I like it.


If they handed out spectral tiger or tabard of flame to everyone, would you view that as a setback or an enhancement for the game?

in this instance i dont care because im not interested in those items. it can be what it wants to be

Massive setback to the game, visually.

Those things are so jank now.