"If everyone has it, nobody wants it."

If nobody wants it because everyone has it, it was garbage and should have been better designed. Games should be fun on their own merit, not because a limited number of people have access to something. There is a space for things to be valuable based on rarity, but it shouldn’t be ONLY based on rarity, and it absolutely shouldn’t be rarity based on RNG.

Not many people have the sword from the last boss in mythic raid because it’s hard to do? Fine. Not many people have a random drop chance mount from a world boss that spawns every 10 minutes? Garbage.

This is surely a serious problem. Instead enjoying something people are conditioned in being aggressive and competitive. A mount is just a mount - and if you don’t have enough characters to give all of them a theme, you will never really need anything special for your one single character you play.

The game really needs to change its attitude, a complete overhaul from top to bottom.

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The only way a 100% drop rate would suck would be if 100% of players completed it then used that specific mount 100% of the time. Everyone riding the same exact thing would suck. Thing is, lucky for all of us, that is so not happening. It’s fine.

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No one wants to be on the same mount as everyone else. It’s not just because you’re not a special snowflake - but because it’s immersion destroying when there are 10000 frogs doing a conga line around a city. Your 15 year character feels like they’re just riding the latest patch, not a character that’s been on a 15 year journey.

The very same reason people use proto drake mounts in 2021 - They’ve been out for so long that everyone’s moved onto the next great thing, and the older mounts that everyone USED to use are once again rarities (at least, in terms of usage).

The people use culture as means for politics, earn money, and what have you, but they forget that culture is a broad term meaning “what a given group shape in their lives”.

The value in having something other people dont is not a human thing, it is a cultural thing that spreads through and by “what a given group shape in their lives”.

As a “WoW player”, the general culture is one, which might not have roots in broader or narrower groups the player belongs to. But sure many of those other cultures shape the end result that is “WoW culture”.

The same way in other games not featuring faction warfare, racial tension, or cosmic perils, people define other things as important, and WoW players “only” have a hard time understanding, so the culture of “rare is good” or “I want to be unique”, are some of the things WoW itself foster for its own ends.

Would you pay to buy a mount that one can easily earn even similar doing a task anyone can do ? No.
Would you engage in a hard and time consuming task to earn something that you could just buy for 5 bucks ? Mostly no.

With those two precepts, the ones developing the game shape the culture to be of their interest. And that really is how EVERY CULTURE is shaped.

There is an interesting phrase from before even the US existed, sure, thousands of years before it in fact:

“Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood , let alone believed, by the masses.”

This is mistakenly attributed to a Greek fellow, but it was inscribed in stone dating back the times of the rise of the first Hindus valley civilizations. As a Buddhist worth his salt, I know Pali, which shares common features with Sanscript, which will in turn show you a whole lot of nice things that are older than some make you believe. Someone interested in learning Math for example would be amazed what Sanscript knowledge can tell you about how old math concepts really are. Anyway …

Mostly, culture is used to make you value things that have no other value, or believe in things that you would not otherwise. And the 2000s on generations are more prone to believe and value things for cultural reasons more than any has ever been, even counting the Dark ages of the past.

We talking about mounts?

There is over 1000 mounts in this game. Why care? Just choose the flavor you like and use it. They all basically do the same thing.

You’re not a RPer according the server you play, normal servers lack actual immersion. But I get what you’re try to say here - nevertheless, if you want to have actual immersion… then you need to play on a RP-server where the transmogs, mounts, titles and Total RP3 profiles are on point.

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ROFLMAO Jay Leno ain’t hogging nothing you or anyone else needs.

Omg someone likes having exclusives? What a loser enjoying something they earned that was advertised as limited wahhhhhhhhhh.

Imagine unironically thinking liking exclusives in a video game is about validation ahahahahhahahahahah

What about the things no has that no one wants, like I don’t see anyone asking for the rooster mount yet it’s so rare I’ve literally never seen one, and I used to see a scarab lord occasionally back in the day.

If asking for the rooster mount to be obtainable again was something I deemed possible, I would be all over that.

Hey Blizzard, add a reskin to the store! :expressionless:

And that may be the second mount I buy from you.

Edit: It is kind of silly though. I like the spectral tigers more, but totally not worth the going price and hassle IMO.

It’s the same thinking lunatics like AOC go by and most new players on these forums. It’s literally socialism injected into the game. Everything universal, almost impossible to be unique. Sad to see the purple haired loons take over the game.

Diamonds are super common, even at gem quality, the thing is a single company essentially, controls the flow of them and did a huuuge long term set of add campaigns to push for diamond engagement rings and diamond jewelry for mothers day (and even created mothers day for this specific purpose) so they could create a false desire and drive for the thing. Honestly, diamonds are hella useful in industrial settings for cutting or polishing/burnishing stone/metal as diamond paste when ‘baked’ into the edge of wet saw blades makes them cut (through scratching) smoothly enough to put a damn near ‘sheen’ finish without any sealant on bricks

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While diamonds may be a controlled and marketed through a false premise, even within the diamond market itself, you will see people willing to pay significant premiums for exclusivity.

Why do you think people are willing to drop hundreds of thousands of dollars on a large diamond ring with perfect clarity and cut? They want to feel unique. They want something that nobody else has (in their own minds).

This attitude is bad, and they should bring removed content back.


And usually those people have so much money that buying such things doesn’t really negatively impact them. The thing with in game drops and the like in WoW that makes them different is it’s all about your time, not to mention, the only value it has is to the person who has it, that value cannot be transferred or reassigned or ‘liquidated’ in any way/shape/form, I’d love to be able to just buy the mounts I want on the AH but everything is BoP now

I collect mounts that match my characters mog and identity. It’s really got nothing to do with mount rarity.


People don’t get this but that’s the way to go with the mounts.


This exactly, like I wanted to make a ‘rough and toumble’ pandaren warrior, but like, the rough and tumble mop mount is the Mushan Beast and that thing is like, impossible to friggin’ get

Just imagine a new player that would like a pink set with that love rocket…oh wait you need an army of alts, a lot of luck and maybe years of farming . _ .