"If everyone has it, nobody wants it."

I don’t understand this point at all. Do you try to tell people playing Doom that “us normal people blow stuff up in real life”?

People are people whether in-game or out-of-game, with the same psychological reward structures operating similarly in both. The difference is that in-game allows for more options including things too impossible, unsafe, tedious, or boring in the real world.

Personally, I’d say someone amassing 200 vehicles in a game is having fun, while someone doing the same in the real world is more at risk of hogging resources someone else needs.

"When everyone’s Super,


-Buddy, the Avengers.

Hey, 1% drop rate traumatized lives matter, man.

Edit: fixed

It could of been a 30% drop rate and that would of given everyone a good chance. Would of loved to seen another mount for tokens but maybe next year.
I for one am never bothered by what others have. It is just all pixels and this is just a game.

Nice deflection, kiddo :wink:

I’ll say it again.


posts on a classic clown

Quick reply. Your argument is kind of garbage. Maybe spend a little more time using that burnt out thing you call a brain to craft a better response?

The last two are just ad hominem. Attack the argument, not the character.

Let me extend this to you~

I was just serving your kinda flavoring?! xo

How? I haven’t insulted someone who didn’t insult me or someone else first, so your post is objectively wrong.

And even then mine at least has a semblance of a point. I’m pointing out hypocrisy. Me being on a classic toon holds no bearing.

If your brains were dynamite you wouldn’t be able to blow your nose,dear!

You’re absolutely right. I am so wrong. Thank you for this lesson.

Happy to help.

Anyway, done reading and replying to this thread. Take care everyone.

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I’d rather everyone have, then having everyone farming it every year like another HH or Love Rocket or Brewfest mount… Thats not fun… I know some people who’ve spent the past 10 years trying for those. only to get disappointed by another year.

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Don’t feel bad about it. The mount isn’t really looking good anyway. It was a remnant mount from the BC expansion, they didn’t put any effort in it and just used one of the unused content they have. The laziest and cheapest way to release something for an anniversary event.

I really can’t understand why most people are so obsessed with the mount to be honest.

Yes, for an event like an Anniversary. The mount should’ve been guarenteed to all those who are playing. IMHO it should’ve been in with the mailbox stuff… but Blizzard trying to get more play time. :man_shrugging:

I don’t think so… forced scarcity is something Nintendo is famous for doing for some their products. I don’t think it’s something WoW / Blizzard needs to start doing. There’s enough RNG / Drop chance in this game as it is.

Why make something rare, when it very clearly doesn’t need to be in the first place?

The reason they did it in the first place? To get some players back playing, even if it was only to get the mount during the limited event. Bit them in the butt when the currently active players, said “Hey we don’t like this” rightfully so.

When it was 1% it was:

“Nobody has it, nobody wants it.”

Is this about the Classic systems they have sold? Yes and no. The demand was simply way higher than they have produced. Both the NES and SNES Classic Mini had several reruns here in Europe until they have been discontinued.

I talked to someone on day 2 who felt cheated because he got it on attempt 9 on day 1, and now that it’s a 100% drop he can’t feel superior to people who got it on a later attempt. I kid you not.

This is the toxic attitude that the “All FOMO all the time” goons are turning our playerbase into.


I don’t want the mount because I don’t like it but if your butt hurt that everyone can get it then that’s a you problem.


Because some things only provide value to the owner when its not available to the general public or even less than that. Means youre just one more in the crownd and who wants that?

No mount provides Valor.