"If everyone has it, nobody wants it."

Using your own logic. If it’s pixels, what is wrong with some people having 0.1% of some exclusive cosmetics?

There’s thousands of other options to transmog for every slot.


Games where everyone can earn everything are terrible designs. I for one enjoy having things other people can never get as it makes me feel special and better for having it. I can’t tell you how much I enjoy going around with my Magetower stuff and not see everyone else using it.

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So much this.

Take your thumbs up.

At the very least, you are being honest. I’m willing to bet there are a lot of players who think exactly like you (which points to the success of using FOMO in mobile games) but are just too scared to admit it.

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I don’t agree with your opinion.

Yikes. That’s concerning, bud.

I’m glad you enjoy your magetower stuff, but nobody cares that you have it. You’re the only one who thinks what you have matters. You having it while others don’t is a logical fallacy you have embraced, as many people have it but choose not to use it for various reasons. You could lie to yourself about 100% drop rate mounts too, because most people never use them. Just tell yourself that nobody has it but you and bask in your delusion, if that’s what you’re intent on doing anyway.

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Is no one concerned that his name is literally Evilbadguy? I feel like this is a kid’s show, and the big reveal is that he’s the endgame villain, but with that name lol Where’s Scooby?

I care that I have it and others don’t, I see that you’re upset that you can’t get things I have but cheer up bud eventually something else limited time will come along so you can be sure to snag that up before it’s gone :^)

I have everything I’ve ever wanted out of this game. :slight_smile:

The only things I want and don’t yet have are tied to covenants because I only just started doing the SL grind.

If you’re jelly over my bloodfang widow, swift spectral tiger, mighty caravan brutosaur, warlord’s deathwheel, deathwing mount, realm first achievement, BlizzCon rewards dating back to 2005, and trading card game goodies that can no longer be acquired including the ogre costume and the D.I.S.C.O. Ball, the Ethereal Soul-Trader, and the Dragon Kite pet, then I am genuinely sorry. I wish Blizzard would make them attainable again so you could have a chance to get them too. :slight_smile:

It’s not fair to you.

Sick I’m actually hyped you have all that stuff that I can’t get as that is good game design and the game should continue in this fashion, I’m glad we could agree that limited time stuff is the best design :slight_smile:


I didn’t want to redeem it but it got added automatically to my collection. It wasn’t an item i could delete without redeeming
I definitely tried to delete that abomination from my collection tab

Correct, i didn’t :smiley:

Also don’t have that

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I feel like we’re people who could disagree about anything and still hang out together and smoke.


I actually tried for one of those, figured fishing was a low-hanging fruit I could grab. So MoP launch, get out on the dock in Orgrimmar, feeling like I’m landing em at a good clip… someone got it when I still has like 20 pts to go. :cry:

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That blows. :frowning: I was shocked I got mine. It was the morning of Wrath’s midnight launch and I had just got home from GameStop and installed. I ran to Howling Fjord immediately and started casting my line. When I got the achievements, I got so many whispers my game crashed. XD

I didn’t bother trying after Cataclysm. It seemed like all the realm firsts were happening impossibly fast by then. I suspected bot involvement.

I took one look at the mount in the viewer pane and promptly called up one of my panthers to ride. Didn’t even know it was 100% drop then and didn’t really care.

I actually got one in MoP. On my alt. :expressionless:

I was a scribe playing the AH. I needed herbs. They weren’t available or uber expensive so I took my herbalism alt out running around after buying the expac a bit late on launch night.

Hit the cap doing so. I was amused.

Like upvoting your own comment with your alts? Yeh it was easy to notice. Maybe best to take your own advice :wink:

Extreme rarity and things like that should only apply to trophies. It would be different if this world boss was up every week and people could kill it whenever they wanted, like Sha of Anger, which has an incredibly low drop rate for his mount. But there’s no time limit on that. He doesn’t disappear for the other 11 months out of the year.

Given circumstances surrounding this mount, I think what Blizz chose to do is fine.

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So can we get the same treatment for the Legendary bow? At this point the raid is basically defunct so how bout some love for people who have been killing her since day 1 and get NOTHING for it?

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Us normal people get our validation in real life, not in pixels. Go touch grass, bruh.


Nope. Don’t care. I was one of many annoying people doing AV all day yesterday just for the ram because I wanted a better looking ground mount model to match my Grand Armored Wyvern. Honestly just can’t wait until I’m no longer surrounded by those ugly KSM mounts.