"If everyone has it, nobody wants it."

They’ve done a guaranteed mount for the anniversary events for a few years

Don’t care about this particular mount or any particular specific, but yes, there’s a reason they set it up so every character doesn’t look the same.

I’m fine with everyone having it. “Everyone” had the Deathwing mount when it came out and I see a bunch of people wondering how I got it.


I agree that for an anniversary event it makes sense to make the drop 100%.

However, I think it is a little disingenuous of many here making the jump from “people want it to be low drop rate = people who don’t want others to have what they have = people that have mental problems”. While that may be the underlying reason for some, as others have pointed out there are plenty of non-mental-issue-related reasons for wanting the drop rate to be lower.

I usually see this sentiment to justify the want for something to remain exclusive, not to make something more exclusive.

Like… “I don’t want everyone to have this mount, so I want it to stay rare and exclusive.”

I have exclusive stuff that I rarely use just because it’s exclusive. I use it even less as I get more things I just feel are cool are thematic in ways I like. Sometimes my character looks like a “WoW exclusivity starter kit” just because I happen to throw things together that I like, but it’s something I laugh and poke fun at myself for usually :joy:

We will all be epic!

Blizzard has no idea what the word BALANCE means.

For 17 years, they are too fast, or too slow, too high, or too low. There is too much to do, or not enough to do.

DPS was too high, or too low. Tanks took too much damage, or not enough damage.


The drop rate is 1% or 100%


Why couldn’t they make it 50%.

I would have personally gone with 20% or so, that’s 1 in 5.

Do you know how long I farmed RUSTFEATHER?


I know this is a limited event, but 100% is just stupid.

Is that a shark with a laser beam attached to its frickin’ head?

Why do you think it’s stupid? I like it.

Then why not just send it to our mailboxes?

Having it be luck based is the problem. If it was rare because it required skill or whatnot, that would be a different story. The people who got it prior to it being made a guaranteed drop was not any more or less worthy than those who didn’t. You didn’t earn an exclusive and prized treasure because you overcame a challenge 99% of other players can’t do…you just got lucky on a behind the scenes dice roll.

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Did you not read what I wrote in the post you quoted that from?

I never understood this mindset . . . Like honestly I didn’t take so many attempts for so many years to get the valarjar stormwing or the pterrodax egg because “almost no one has these mounts huehuehue!” I did it because I wanted them . . . and now I have them . . . I see that as an absolute win.

What about the idea of “if they earned it and worked for it, then why cant i get it by doing minimal or easy content?”

I did, yes.

Let’s go through it together in search of an answer to my question.

I think they know what the word means. They do have Google, you know.

Okay. Fair enough. They surely know what balance means, but they can’t do it. Maybe it’s an impossible task. I don’t really know. Balance doesn’t really interest me and never has. It’s not really needed except in PvP. With anything else, you choose your experience and follow that path. It doesn’t all need to lead to the same place. I think that’s where they mess up with balance. They decide they want all classes to arrive at this specific benchmark of power, and then they try to design backwards to reach that place. It would be much more effective to organically build each class level-by-level through the process of playing the game and assigning relevant powers when they would first become most useful. The end power level would be unbalanced, but that’s okay, because everything feels good and balancing the end results to be compatible to one another is a relatively trivial process that could be bridged by a) the introduction of a new ability for the underpowered class, b) a simple stat tweak that kicks in at level cap, or c) the addition of equipment for the underpowered class that levels the playing field.

Often, but sometimes it’s closer to 4% or 5% for dungeon/raid mount drops. It just depends on the individual boss and mount.

Hi. :slight_smile:

They could. Why would they?

That’s fine, but why would you have done that? To waste people’s time? What’s the point?

My original question stands unanswered.

Why do you think it’s stupid?

I like it.

Ok, since you have no life I will entertain you.

(No, Mr. or Mrs. Person, I don’t LITERALLY mean you have no life, clearly you are alive and breathing, I don’t want you to go ape Shi1 and break that comment apart like you did my last one because I know because of your medication (I suspect) you break down everything that is said to you word for word and don’t understand there are different parts of speech and ways of communicating)

As I said in my post. I believe in balance.

If I showed you an ACTUAL scale, like a weight balancing scale where the 2 platforms are opposing and you had 100% on the left and 1% on the right, you would see that one side is pinned down to the ground and the other is up in the air, correct, you ok so far?

So, since I focused my topic on the word BALANCE, and that illustration is CLEARLY not BALANCED, and your goal was balance. One could say, whoever tried to balance that scale was STUPID.


Now go do something.

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I went and did something, as you suggested.

I got the pet and the toy. Thanks. :slight_smile:

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if something isn’t cool because other people have it. It wasn’t that cool to begin with. materialism is something humans really need to grow past.

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I’m respecting your opinion.

There’s your opinion. I respect that even though I don’t agree with it.

This is you failing to respect opinions that conflict with your own and rationalize they must have something lacking in their lives for having a different point of view.

That is childish and pathetic so I repeat.


This thread went ugly really fast, huh? :stuck_out_tongue:

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