"If everyone has it, nobody wants it."

Yeah, it was a joke.

Way to totally not get that.

Maybe if there had been a punchline. 乁(ツ)ㄏ

You think I would seriously call it “froggo” if I was being serious and upset?


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Because Boomers and Gen Xers have lots of money right now. Zoomers can’t afford microtransactions for the most part, and the ones who do aren’t interested in giving billionaires more money.

It’s definitely a “boomer” mindset to want others not to have what you have.

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This literally describes a utopia.

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Why wouldn’t you? Froggo is the accepted vernacular.

I agree to an extent. I’m a really big fan of rare mounts.

But a black low-res dragonhawk is not the right mount for a 1% drop rate.

Neither is an anniversary event.

Idk if it needed to be 100% but certainly not as low as it was.

I got it on my third try before they changed it. The mount is ugly as sin, so I honestly couldn’t care less if it was rare or a guaranteed drop rate. I only did it for Akama’s blade and I got that, so I’m done.

You activated their Karen trap card! Prepare yourself. Everything you type will be overanalyzed, used against you, and eventually, you’ll somehow be a bigot. Better hire a life coach so you can spend 5 years fixing your image :stuck_out_tongue:

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you could die, you just couldnt leave other wise you had to find a whole new group and start over again.

Oops. I meant to say “release if you died”. Had 2 people in my group do that moments before Rag went down and they had to find another group.

LOL!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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That last bit came from something I read the other day :stuck_out_tongue: Celebrities really seem to have life figured out sometimes lmao

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Blizz absolutely did the right thing in this case. Already a limited time for the mount as it is, why make it such a low percentage on top of it? Anniversary events are supposed to be fun and usually change each year. At no point should an item have an asinine drop rate to go with the event because that defeats the purpose of it. In truth, I believe holiday mounts should have been like this as well from the get go. They’re not gladiator mounts where you have to go above and beyond to earn them.

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I don’t really care if people have the same mounts as me. Doesn’t change a thing. As for the Anniversary mount. It’s ugly. I was grinding for it but just to add to my mount count. It really is a get it and forget it type of item.

Common/easily obtainable mounts I still use fairly regularly:

Celestial Steed
Mystic Runesaber
Acherus Deathcharger
Archmage’s Prismatic Disc
High Priest’s Lightsworn Seeker
Highlord’s Valorous Charger
Huntmaster’s Dire Wolfhawk
Shadowblade’s Lethal Omen
Sinrunner Blanchy
Arcanist’s Manasaber
Armored Blue Dragonhawk
Blue Dragonhawk
Dark Phoenix
Golden King
Red Flying Cloud
Twilight Drake
Vulpine Familiar
Winterspring Frostsaber

Why do I value them if they are so common/easy to get? Because I like the way they look. And no matter how easy they are to get, or how many people also have them, it doesn’t diminish the enjoyment I get from having them, because what other people have or do is no concern of mine.


Rarity does not make something cool, but it can make something desirable. I am with you, I like what I like and if everyone else uses it then so be it. I think you will agree though that having something you think is cool AND is rare does feel different. Getting a rare drop feels good. I do not like that they create artificially rare things via removal from the game. I was fine with the mount from the anniversary event being rare. I am also fine with it being 100%.

Also, you can only ride one mount at a time.

Let’s say you have a PvP mount that hardly anyone has, but you also have a bloodfang widow which I have as well.

If you choose to use your bloodfang widow and not your PvP mount, then is it even relevant in that moment that you own the PvP mount? I don’t think that it is.

“I got a rare mount!” isn’t compelling at all unless that is the mount you are presently riding. If you get two rare mounts, at least one of them will always be irrelevant because it isn’t being used.

For now. Queue the dramatic music

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No, rarity doesn’t make it awesome. I have Invincible and I almost never use it. I ride the mount that goes with my overall vibe. My Shaman rides the Fossil Raptor, my warlock rides either the class-specific mount or the Shadow Horse, and my Warrior can’t settle on one but it’s generally the first Pegasus Hearthstone mount.