"If everyone has it, nobody wants it."

It’s pixels. Once the artwork is created, the pixels are free.

That’s what I’m wondering about. Will there still be enough players killing Doomwalker in a week or two when the stragglers come around? Or are they going to log in, go to Doomwalker, and find themselves unable to complete it solo?

I mean, it probably won’t come to that, but you never know until it does.

It’s definitely not soloable. There will still be groups in the group finder, but low levels will be unable to do it without the help of high level friends.

I got some levelers if the xp is decent on kill they’d swng by and say hi.

Quick easy couple K hit of xp…sure. I mean the xp from the history quiz quest is worthy of quick swing by imo.

Google has the answers…15K for my level 45ish illidan experiment, not a waste of my time last night. I mean I could run a sub 60 leveling BG that takes 10 minutes for less xp.

Blizzard did the right thing.


You can count on the weekend warriors to pick up the slack. After that people will just start using the group finder for kills. And as Moomoose pointed out, a lot of folks will be farming the xmog pieces and even the 220 gear drops for alts.

It’ll be fine.

I was only getting 300 xp on one of my alts. Doesn’t seems like a decent XP farm.

That mount looks pretty sad tbh. Definitely a 100%

The xmog pieces are nice. It was impossible to farm doomwalker normally on retail.

Personally I don’t get it at all. If you like a mount, ride it! I saw someone else comment about this, saying about a different mount (paraphrased): “This beautiful mount they made 100% drop rate and so you never see anyone riding it, because it’s not special”… This is completely backwards. IF NO ONE RIDES IT AND SO YOU NEVER SEE IT, DOES IT MATTER IF EVERYONE HAS IT? You think it’s beautiful, then ride it and you’ll be one of the only people using it and it will be “special”. :woman_shrugging:

I will never understand people who think anything common is “worthless”. Omg, if the common unwashed masses have it, then goodness, it must be trash. This attitude of needing to be the person who haves something so you can look down on have-nots is a rotten mentality. :confused:


It’ll be pretty exclusive after the event is over tho just like that deathwing mount from a couple years ago not everyone got. And the corehound mount from the 10th anniversary I think is worth millions of gold in the BMAH now.

People care too much about what others think of them

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People like rare things because they are rare in most cases.
There are exceptions, but those are usually things that can be with everyone and therefore even if they would want it by being rare, it would not cut it.

However you gotta remember that we know Diamonds are not rare for example, and they are made scarce to make them expensive. So there has to be something to it.

And before someone comes with that crap, yes, this is true. Anyone who even spent some quality time in Angola would know in certain places they just remove a crap ton of diamonds to dig tunnels and foundations for buildings. In some places in central Africa, diamonds are so abundant some people find them and they dont even know what they are beyond “a turbid gemstone that can be found anywhere”.
However as soon as it happens, someone goes there and make it “disappear”.

It’s a collection game.


Stamps, Pokemon, Baseball cards, MTG cards. Any and all sorts of collecting.

It’s about the rares, the hard to get items. No one cares about the commons.

A collecting game with all commons is a dead collecting game. Why put in the work getting something if all everyone has to do is walk over there and pick it up. At that point it’s not even a collection game anymore.

Yeah, that snarky gaslighting must’ve sounded good when you typed it out so go off I guess

These are anniversary event items. Once a year with a 100% drop rate should be exclusive enough.

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I went to tackle Doomwalker after the reset and killed it and got the Mount and the Trophy Toy.

I was a happy camper and jumping up and down. Happy happy joy joy.

Then I found out about the change to 100% drop.

My balloon burst.

Now I feel cheated.

The opposite of my point.

Once the artwork is done, distribution cost is zero. Pixels are free.

Yes, people like to collect. People collect in real life, too. But I’ve never heard anybody in real life who collected things, even rare or unusual things, trying to make other people feel bad because they don’t have some weird rare thing.

Rarity is artificial in this game, designed to appeal to and attract a much smaller percentage of people than exist in the real world. I think it’s too bad that this encourages people to act like total jerks who think they’re superior to new players because they were at the right place at the right time.

I have every right to judge people who tell new players it’s their own fault they don’t have x because they weren’t subscribing before they ever heard of the game, or before they were born. I’ve never seen a thread about removed items where many such sanctimonious “collectors” didn’t brag about how superior it made them feel to make those new players feel like dirt.

But you do you.

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It’s an anniversary mount. If everyone participates in the event then it’s something nice to remember it by.

It’s much better than having it just appearing in your mailbox. It’s way better than a seasonal store mount.

There’s plenty of mounts that take skill to get, rep to earn, and even luck to have. As long as there’s balance throughout the game in things like this then I think that makes the game better. To me balance is what’s most important and this does that.