"If everyone has it, nobody wants it."

I’m glad I got the mount because I wanted it.

I couldn’t possibly care less what mount someone else has in game.

I’ll take any easy peazy mount to help with my green flame talon grind but rarity obviously adds to the vanity of a mount. And this one just plummeted hard.

This is completely true, but if something only drops for a couple weeks then by definition you can’t end up with “everyone has it” even if it’s 100% drop rate in that short window that it drops. Anniversary event stuff should be near-100% drop rate since it’s easy to miss by just not playing at the time

That said, I had heard the drop rate was low but I just did Doomwalker for the first time and got the mount + toy, so is it actually a low drop rate?

edit: nevermind apparently they are 100% drop rates now, I prefer rare mounts in general, but 100% drop rate is a good idea for an anniversary event imo

What does this even mean?

What exactly don’t you understand? The more rare a mount is the more coveted it is. Pretty self explanatory.

This doesn’t make any sense. Why would you feel cheated? You got the pet and the mount.


Coveted by whom? When did this happen? Who decided this was a rule? I’ve never converted anything because it’s rare. That seems like a bizarre and counter-productive standard to have. If you covet things for their rarity, you will rarely have what you covet.

Seems masochistic.

Dude… You think if everyone and their grandma drove a Lambo then it’d still be a prestigious car?
Same logic…

Are people really that invested psychologically in pixels they don’t actually own, that somebody else might also have such pixels is somehow a concern?

Sounds a lot like the same people who pretended to AFK on raid mounts in the hope of getting some validation whispers.

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Why wouldn’t it be? It’s a high-performance precision vehicle. The value of a lambo is in its engineering, not its rarity. Rarity has little appeal to sane individuals. What others have does not affect you.

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If something’s rare then you feel lucky to obtain it. If everyone has it then there’s no feeling of “wow I actually got really lucky there that’s cool”. I like having that feeling attached to mounts that are permanently available though, not something that you would miss out on if you get unlucky in a 2 week period

To sane individuals? That’s pretty drastic. If you can’t understand how something being rare accounts for it’s prestigious value then idk what to tell you. Like it’s common sense my guy.

I am glad I dont have to waste time hoping for a mount

I am still hunting those weapon transmogs.

The Illidari Dragonhawk is also the old model with old textures. The old corehound was guarenteed too and that wasnt a problem.

Incorrect. I do not feel that way and never have.

I never have that feeling anyway, no matter who has it or doesn’t. I either like the mount or I don’t.

If the feeling you describe is one shared by a significant portion of the player base, low drop rate mounts that are always around are fine. But as you said, limited time events should have an enhanced drop rate so that people who put forth the effort won’t miss out due to bad luck.

We’re not just talking about you … You’re projecting the way you feel towards everyone. News flash, majority of people corelate rarity with prestigious value

Just because you find value in participation medals doesn’t mean everyone else does.

I’ve never encountered anyone with a sensibility that rarity meant anything before, and I’m almost forty years old, but I’ve seen several people in this thread alone claiming to get some sort of positive feeling when they own something that is rare. I still argue that the feeling they are describing is masochistic in nature, but I honestly don’t know enough about people who think that way to tell you anything. The energy you guys have reminds me of Pawn Stars.

“This piece of plywood came off a famous boat 98 years ago and it was signed by someone you heard of once when you were a kid, so it’s worth money.”

I mean, okay. I’m glad you like it. It just floors me because I’ve never known anyone who thought that way unless they worked a profession that required them to.

Blizzard’s idea was to give players an incentive to once a year pay a sub fee for a small drop chance. Then not get it a nd wait till next year to do it all over again. They seen the mosaicist who will run ICC every week for small chance of getting Invincible.

If everybody hates it, nobody wants it.

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Your telling me if you found a unique antique sword from the ancient world and knew it didn’t exists anywhere else and is probably worth a fortune that you would not have a sense of pride and vanity? Come on man…

I don’t really know what to tell you other than you’re either lying to yourself or a bit weird. We’re all weird in our own ways though so no big deal!

Most people prefer something that’s rare / lucky, for no other reason that it is uncommon. That’s just human nature. There are a billion examples from advertising / marketing to back this up