"If everyone has it, nobody wants it."

To be honest, I don’t give a living flip who has what, and who doesn’t.

If I get a “rare” mount and the next day I see everybody riding one, it doesn’t affect me, and I don’t care.

I like to collect mounts, and I hate the ultra-uber-rare-never-get-this-in-your-lifetime BS.

It doesn’t do me any good, it doesn’t make it any more valuable for me, etc. All I care about is A), adding a +1 to my collection, and B). using the ones that I feel look the coolest to me.

How many other people have it too has zero bearing on whether or not it looks cool to me.


Oh, for sure. This will likely have a negative impact on folks looking to run it late in the holiday.

I’ll admit that a guaranteed drop isn’t really a great solution either, but it’s a better one than playing Take 5 or something. Should’ve been something steady to work on over a small period of time with a guaranteed earning of the mount or something.

The WoW devs aren’t great at designing reward structures. They’ve been struggling for ages now. It’s either too quick to reach a goal or too tedious that it’s deterring. They swing the pendulum too far in either direction without ever trying to figure out where the middle is.

It’s much less desirable now that it’s guaranteed. Its rarity was the only thing holding it up, and it wasn’t even that uncommon.

Now it’s just another poor low def dragonhawk mount.

i don’t mind the drop rate 100% but if the case was that this could stop people from farming, i think blizzard would have done better if they would have added another mount that actually looked better like the core hound one.

honestly this mount doesn’t look that epic and even when it was hard to get i didn’t felt the need for it.

however the Akama weapon?? now that i hope it stay how it is right now because that is a good motivation for me to keep on farming.

the mount? not so much.

This is all about ego. We as human have a common ability to attach our identity to physical things. The rarer and object is that we identify with, the more unique we think we are. After all it is the purpose of Identity to not be like anyone else, so if eveyone has the same item we believe that we no longer have a separate identity.

It also comes down to a power statis as they now have something that places them above many and places them in a unique circle of those that have it.

Giving them bargaining power over individuals, and admiration and increased their social value. It all about an innate feeling that their identity must be unique… As such when they put their hands on something rare they feel closer to their uniqueness… A way for them to show the rarity of its owner through the rarity of their objects.

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I’ve never quite understood this mindset. I don’t mind if other folks have the same mount as I do. I care more about if the mount is nifty and appealing. The 17th anniversary mount in question is just not my cup of tea. I’m glad to add it to my mount tally, but it just isn’t a model I find personally appealing.


I can respect your opinion, but how pathetic you are that this is your outlook on people who’s opinion doesn’t match yours.

God forbid players take pride in having a rare item to brandish.

Grow up…


It’s ugly so let it be free.

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Yep. I had the gold for carry…gold did not leave the bank alt lol. I mean I can buy that argus light power suit mount right now from the vendor there. But…it to me its not worth 500k

I will wait to see what season 3 looks like.

i def think there’s truth to the statement.

I think people want the item, or whatever the thing is…but once everyone has it, it loses its appeal/value over time.

You see this occur with mounts all the time…kind of a sad thing to see tbh.

I think with this particular mount, it should have been a reasonable drop rate, but low…to keep the appeal every year…I would have treated it like any other seasonal mount reward (Hallow’s End, Love is in the Air, etc.).

Now they have to come up with something totally new next year in addition to keeping this dragonhawk. That or remove this dragonhawk from the game, to give it a degree of prestige…

Either way, I think it’s okay to add rare things to the game…it’s fair to the average/casual player. Since almost everything with prestige or “long term value” like a rare title or
rare mount, is almost always reserved for hardcore players.

I think having rare drops and stuff like that, spread the prestige around a bit, and make that high end collection area of the game accessible to everyone. Otherwise, really what cool stuff do new or casual players get?

Ive got some mounts that are hard to get. love rocket etc… but there are mounts in this game that ill bet nobody on these forums have including myself. Some only during a certain time mounts. Unless you have them all Or the most extremely rare cant even get from the BMAH, then really your nobody special just like the rest of us.

And when i say this i know people who have all of them i think its like almost 7,000 and the only one they are mising is the one accidently given by a GM. Couple of them on discord.

Sad part is some of those people dont even play anymore. And nobody really cares about achievements or mounts anymore.

I’ve killed Galleon between all my toons, I think 3000+ times yet, and have STILL not dropped the saddle, so, yes, it very much so is entirely based on luck (hell, I remember running Nax on two toons every week for 3mo before to try and get Armagedon sword mog and that never dropped either)

Honestly, outside of garunteed drops from enemies, I’ve only gotten I think…one mount drop and that was the green zombie yeen from one of the ‘bosses’ for the Arena WQ in Maldraxxus

I’m sorry but that’s hardly ‘respecting an opinion’.

To take pleasure in other peoples pain/misfortune isn’t exactly normal or socially acceptable behaviour. I see that, I call it for what it is. It has nothing to do with a differing opinion.

A differing opinion would be: “i like mounts based on their colours” and " well i like mounts based on their shapes"

saying “i like mounts because no one else can obtain it now and everyone is jealous of mine” isn’t healthy.

God forbid someone dare calls out the toxicity that is wrong with the WoW player base right now.


A item is not less valuable if everyone can get one unless you are an elitist.


I’m fine with everyone having the mount and toy. No big deal.

I do, however, wonder if people will still be killing Doomwalker in a week.


Dunno, as far as dragon mounts go I like my death wing one despite everyone having one. It’s supposedly a customer appreciation event, so I see nothing wrong with giving everyone a mount or pet as a thank you for playing

I’m going to disagree. Having something really rare in a videogame that you intend to “brandish”, ie hold over other players who will never be able to have this thing to make them feel bad, sounds like something you do in a videogame because people would look down on you for doing that in real life.

Not everyone will get to it right away. Some people will be trying to get the transmog although from what I’ve seen it’s unimpressive.


They should have kept the low drop rate.

Even a 1% drop rate would have been reasonable. People like me with lots of alts - and anybody who is even semi-serious about collecting mounts has lots of alts - would have gotten it anyway.

Perhaps they were hoping it would be a FOMO item that elites would cherish, and instead found it was the usual collection of mount-hunters that was going hardcore over this.

Only one person in the world could have got it this year and I still feel it’s a super low budget reward from a big company.