If Earthen can be shaman and paladins, why not dracs?

Blizzard is. End of story

Yeah, which is why we fight n give feedback, like everything else

Waste of development time. If you want to play a Paladin or Shaman pick one of the many other classes that already have them and try again when they decide to give Dracthyr more classes

Like I said, it’s not that they can’t be those classes, it’s that there’s nothing in their lore that implies they should be those classes

The only people fighting for this is you and a few other people, most other people have said if they want a Paladin or Death Knight they will instead pick a Warrior because it’s not game breaking or something.

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You got to start somewhere right

So making all the other drac classes isn’t waste of dev time but the others are???

And don’t tell me assets because earthen just got them and they needed assets

They don’t need any extra work for those classes, lol.

Even Monk is being omitted because of it needing new animations that they aren’t willing to do.


Yep. They’ve already happened, no sense raising a stink about it now

The OP is literally how the earthen got that same “extra” work…

Oh and priests got extra work with their wing animations so that’s a lie.

Of course there is… It’s still in ptr and development.

Or should they just release the current build into live?

You don’t have a very good understanding of game development, do you?

Lol a recolor of Eternity Surge? Really, you really do grasp at straws.

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That’s not all I said…

That’s all it is, is a recolor of something that’s already there so what exactly was your point then? I mean I get you are salty there aren’t Paladins but play a race that allows Paladins.

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The point of ptr is to take player feedback and make changes as needed

Yes, I know what the ptr is for

Again … Earthen got those same assests.

Zanda trolls and kt both came out at the same time with assets for pally n shammie and even druid

N it’s not just a different color. It’s also coding …

Earthen were also in development for over a year, Dracthyr are being pushed currently and they just barely made basic stuff for them, I mean honestly you are trying to compare apples and oranges now.

Recolored move that already exists is still a recolor.

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They’ve been hinting at expanded dracs since before df launched…

But they didn’t actually do it or add the animations for all classes until more recently it wasn’t even like a month ago.

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The point is they teased it first before earthen were worked on so if anything they should both be available

Why u keep shilling???

What’s ur point … Earthen are newer and got the same assets while dracs have been hinted at expanding from the beginning

I support this!

Drac Pally wouldn’t be my first choice, but Ally especially needs some new Pally options.
Right now you can be a Human (but only one of them lol), 2 Reskins of Goat people, or 3 reskins of Dwarves.

Drac potentially wouldn’t even require more assets, just use their wings.